The Benefits of Living in the Fog

This morning, as I came downstairs and looked out the window, I saw a lovey mist covering the land. It was almost ethereal in its beauty so I grabbed my phone and took the photo above.

Fog may look pretty on a fall morning, but it is always a bit dangerous. It limits our view as it encompasses us all about with its gloomy, gray shroud.

Of course, some fog is thicker than others. And, unfortunately, the fog we are currently living in and which surrounds us on all sides is neither ethereal or lovely. It’s murky. It’s uncomfortable. It’s disconcerting. It’s frustrating. And it’s getting old.

Are you–like me– so so weary of all of the conflict, the division, the lies, the censoring, the chaos, the injustice, the uncertainty?

We have been telling ourselves to “trust the Lord; God’s got this; don’t complain; remember it could be so much worse” all year long.

And all of that is true. And extremely important.

But sometimes it’s just discouraging, isn’t it?

No matter where you live in the world, your world has been changed. This fog is not limited to America and its unsettled, corrupt election. As countries start to lock down again, riots continue across all the world, and governments enforce more and more tyrannical laws, we are all facing what seem to be insurmountable issues and never-ending chaos.

This week I was reminded that, while we may be discouraged and overwhelmed by all that is happening, all of this uncertainty and confusion can be used for good in the lives of those who love the Lord (Romans 8:28).

Notice I didn’t say it would be comfortable or pain-free. But I do think it will yield good results, if we but just turn our eyes to God and His Word. If we but keep an eternal perspective rather than a temporal one.

How can this dark fog that surrounds us change us for the better? How is it already changing us?

First, this has given us opportunity to examine ourselves. Just how strong is my faith? Do I really believe what I have said I believe? Why am I responding with anger, sadness, anxiety?

Second, it gives us opportunity to trust God like never before. Most of us have been pretty self-sufficient. We aren’t used to unsolvable problems that influence many aspects of our lives and have no end in sight. We have no choice but to yield our will to God’s. We are forced to admit that we can’t see and to trust that God will walk with us through the thick fog.

Third, we actually get to experience God walking with us through the fog. I am currently reading the biography of a missionary who was in China during the communist takeover and I am delighted and amazed at the way God filled them with peace and protected them in times much scarier than what we are facing currently. These testimonies are encouraging and remind us that God will walk with us, no matter what lies ahead. It doesn’t mean that we won’t face hard and difficult times nor that we will be spared deep pain. But God will be with us, no matter how dark this world gets.

Fourth, this has been a good lesson in remembering what’s important. I have talked to so many who have reorganized their priorities this year. I’ve done it myself. Suddenly, the things that were gobbling up so much of our time just don’t seem near as important as before.

Fifth, this is teaching us to redeem our time. Many of us find ourselves wondering how long we will have certain privileges and opportunities. The chief of which is going to church and sharing the Gospel. As we see the censorship of both mainstream and social media, we recognize that, without a miracle, our time for openly sharing our faith is probably drawing to a close. As we contemplate this, it should be compelling us to courageously share our faith with the lost around us.


And so the fog isn’t all bad, is it? Sure, it’s not much fun but God is going to use it in the lives of His children to grow them. He’s going to grow us in faith, in courage, and in holiness. And, for that, we can be forever grateful.


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