Who Is Jesus, According to…? (A Study of Religions)

At this page you will find a series that evaluates by the light of scripture religions that use the name of Jesus. There are many and we are being encouraged to unify with them. It is so important that we understand what these religions believe so that we understand the biblical reasons that we simply cannot unify with them, according to scripture. I hope the series will be a blessing to sincere believers who want to live according to the Word, no matter the cost.


Who is Jesus, According to…? (Introduction) Please be sure to read this first! It has important and foundational information.

Who Is Jesus, According to…? (Before We Begin)Important key points to keep in mind as we move forward in our study.

Who is Jesus, According to the Bible?It’s critical that we actually know what the Bible teaches before we begin our study, so you will find a brief overview of what scripture tells us about Jesus at this page, highlighting many important truths for our consideration.

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