We Just Can’t Do It All

Last week I eyed my little seedlings sadly. I knew that I would have to thin them out in order for them to grow. That always makes me sad because it means choosing just one and ending the lives of the others.

I know they are just plants and they have no feelings and this is the way of life, but—for whatever reason—I always find this difficult.

But I knew that if any of them were going to have a chance at survival it had to be done. And so I grabbed by tiny yarn scissors and surveyed my seedlings. I picked the healthiest plant that resided closest to the center of the little jiffy pot and then either cut off or pulled the rest from around it.

If I would leave them there they would have all struggled together to get whatever water and nutrients were available and there’s only enough for one plant.

I will have to do the same thing when it’s time to garden outside. As anyone who gardens knows—we must thin our seedlings if we are going to grow healthy plants.

Perhaps this is something to remember for ourselves, as well. It is hard to have a productive, spiritually healthy life when we are trying to keep too many plates spinning in the air. We just don’t have the resources to do everything well.

I remember there was a point when I was a young mom that I had to acknowledge this. I was super involved at church, I was homeschooling my children, and I was doing all the bookwork for our landscaping company. I ended up doing nothing well and I finally had to admit that something had to go.

That was a really hard moment because I truly loved everything that I was doing and didn’t want to stop any of them. But, finally, I evaluated my priorities and I knew I had to cut something out.

My priorities had to be first my husband and my children and so I chose one or two things at church to stay involved in and I pulled out of the rest. I know now that this was the right thing to do; that that was just a short season (too short!) of my life and not a permanent way of living.

I can’t say I never got to that point again of trying to keep “too many plates spinning”, but I do recognize more quickly now the need to evaluate my priorities when life feels overwhelming.

Of course, there are some stages in life that are simply overwhelming, just by their very nature. In these times we find that our priorities outweigh our resources. And so we pray to the Lord for strength to get through because there are no changes that can be made. Thankfully, these times generally do not last forever.

Another piece of this, too, is that we can sometimes prioritize things that aren’t really priorities. That is a such a temptation for us all. Especially since the world tells us we can have it all.

But that’s simply not true.

We cannot have it all and we cannot do it all and something will truly suffer if we try to. It is important that we thoughtfully make choices about our time, rather than saying yes to every opportunity that comes along.

Paul gives us some counsel about this—

See then that ye walk circumspectly, not as fools, but as wise, Redeeming the time, because the days are evil. (Ephesians 5:15-16)

Walking “circumspectly” means to walk in a careful and prudent way; to walk in such a way that wisely considers the ramifications of our choices.

It is so very easy to just fall into a busy way of life. We believe this is right and good. But is it?

It’s probably also important to add here: Determining our priorities must be determined by God’s priorities. What are His priorities for us? This is where we must begin. This is not about what we want but what He wants; and it’s not about what will make us feel happy or “fulfilled” but it’s instead about doing our Father’s will. What does He call us to do with our time?

If we do not have time for prayer and Bible study, we are too busy and we need to carefully examine our priorities. It’s not easy but it can be done, both for God’s glory and for our own personal peace.

May we all choose to walk circumspectly as we pray for wisdom to choose what is the BEST among the many good things we choose from each day.

A Different Perspective on Trials

In a few days, one of my grandbabies will be having minor surgery. His mama called me yesterday and shared that, as she has been reading through Deuteronomy, she was struck by the comparison that is made between earthly parents with their children and God’s relationship with His children. (Hebrews 12 also expresses this idea very clearly.)

As she contemplates this surgery, she realized that she can’t make her son understand that this is both necessary and in his best interest. He is a baby and there is no possible way he can understand that the pain he must endure is for his own good. It is hurting her, for she hates to see one she loves so much suffer in any way. She wishes she could spare him but she cannot. She knows she needs to choose what is best for him in the long-term, despite her own feelings.

She will walk with him through the upcoming days, loving him and meeting his needs but he must go through the surgery. She loves him too much not to do what is best for him.

What a wonderful comparison as we consider our own trials. God will do what is best for us and we must walk through whatever is our lot in life. But He will not forsake us. He will walk with us and He will meet our needs as we walk through the trial.

So easy to write but so hard to live, right?

We can be like spoiled children, petulantly demanding relief from the pain. And, yet, just as my grandson cannot understand why he must go through his upcoming surgery because his mama is older and wiser than he, so we, too, cannot understand God’s purposes and reasons for our own sufferings.

God, in His infinite wisdom, knows what is best. He is infinitely higher and greater than we are. I think there is a fundamental lack of understanding of the great gulf that lies between God and man.

God is Creator. Man is created.

God knows all and has unlimited knowledge. Man knows so little and is so very limited.

God is unchanging. Man changes his mind all the time.

God is omnipotent over all. Man has power over just about nothing.

When we demand to know and shake our fist at God because of what we are going through, we are demonstrating a fundamental lack of understanding about who God is and who we are.

Now, let me add here that I do think it’s our natural response. It is so hard to think outside our own pain and hurt. It takes time to journey through a trial and end up with right and biblical thinking. And it takes some longer than others.

(Parenthetically, we must consider this same understanding about who God is and who we are in light of the doctrines we don’t understand or simply do not like. Sometimes, things we read in scripture do not seem loving or fair to our finite minds; we don’t like them; and so many simply reject them. And, yet if these things are clearly in scripture we cannot—we must not—reject God’s clear Word. Here again, we must surrender our pride and bow our knee to God and accept what He says without the need to understand.)

The key is to take the journey we are given and not land in a mire of pride and bitterness because we feel like we got a “raw deal”.

Life is hard. But, for God’s redeemed children, one day it will not be hard. Instead, it will be glorious.

Someone reminded me yesterday that God didn’t say “if” the Israelites reached the Promised Land, He said “when”. They then went on to remind me that it is the same for us. As we walk through this life, Heaven isn’t an “if”, it is a “when”.

Colossians 3:1-2 reminds us that we must keep our minds on things above and not on things below as we journey through this life. Having this perspective will strengthen us with God’s truth as we suffer through the mundane, daily troubles as well as the life-altering, overwhelming trials…and every trial in between.

As we travel the path that God has us on today, I hope this will be an encouragement to you. I can’t understand what you are going through today. But scripture teaches us that God not only knows exactly how you feel but it also teaches that He loves you and He has allowed what is in your life for your good and His purposes (Romans 8:28). He will not forsake you but has promised to be with you every step of the way.

This is what His Word says and this is what has been experienced by thousands—millions—of believers before us. May we all keep trusting that our Heavenly Father knows best as we experience His tender mercies and loving care through it all as we journey in this life.

The Idol that Blinds

We all have idols. You. Me. Your friend at church. Your neighbor. Your parents. Your kids. All of us.

Most of the time we do not really think about this. I’d say a majority of the time we aren’t even aware of these idols.

But they change everything.

What is an idol?

The best definition of an idol for a believer is that it is something that takes the place of God in our hearts; it’s something that becomes more important than God to us.

There are many idols. Things we may have not ever considered as idols: Children, family, friends, personal health and fitness, education, reputation, science (so-called), love for the things of this world, popularity, money, pride, celebrities, professionals (therapists, counselors, life coaches, etc.)

A couple of weeks ago I wrote about the importance of biblical interpretation. I mentioned I would write a second post as to why I believe people are being so loosey-goosey with their approach to scripture. I’ve been reflecting on this much over the past month or so. Before I even wrote the first post.

I think this is the answer: Idols.

Let me give a few examples—

—A parent says they believe in the historical interpretation of the Word of God and teaches their child this very thing. But this child grows up to choose a different lifestyle. A lifestyle that the Bible clearly deems as sinful. At this point, the parent has a choice to make. Will they continue to stand on their belief in the historical understanding of scripture or will they believe that all Christians throughout history got the whole thing all wrong and go with a “new”, liberal, twisted interpretation of these clear scriptural passages?

Many parents have decided to go with the thing that is less painful (i.e. it isn’t sin and it doesn’t matter) rather than to believe the truth as it is stated in God’s Word. With a little twisting here and there by a celebrity pastor or author, combined with the belief that there can be more than one interpretation and that none of us can really know, well, you can see where it can land you.

This person’s idol is their child. And they have clearly chosen which is most important to them in this scenario.

—Worldly Science declares a lot of things about this world. Things that go clearly against the Word of God. But to believe differently than what the world believes in this area is to be viewed as unintellectual and even stupid. And so many will try to combine the truth of God’s Word with what the world teaches. Or they will just believe what the world teaches, ignoring clear scriptures that say something completely different.

This person’s idol is science.

—A person wants to live like the world. They want to watch what the world watches; listen to what the world listens to; dress like the world dresses; and talk like the world talks. But, in order to do this, one must reject the traditional understanding of worldliness. And so this “you can interpret the Bible in any old way” comes in handy, yes? Suddenly, “remove obscene talk from your mouth” doesn’t mean foul language but it can mean something totally unrelated. Modesty can be talked around; filthy entertainment is “never spoken of” in scripture, etc etc. This person loves the world and wants what they want and will twist scripture in whatever way they want.

This person’s idol is the things of this world.

—A person is struggling to find their way in life. For whatever reason. Something has them upset and they decide to seek counsel. And so they find a “Christian” Counselor. This counselor, as most of them do, tries to marry modern psychology with the Bible by taking verses out of context and twisting scripture. But because these two things cannot be combined, as they are at complete odds with one another, this counselor leads them away from the Bible and towards worldly thinking. At this point, if the person stays with that counselor, they are idolizing their counselor or perhaps the wisdom of the world. They are, in essence, saying they believe this counselor and their worldly ideas will help them more than God’s Word.

This person’s idol is a professional.

There are so many more examples we could list. It seems there are as many idols as there are people.

But I guess what I’ve been mostly thinking about is this: What is MY idol?

I am not immune from this approach to scripture. What do I hold so dear that it colors my interpretation of scripture? What verses do I conveniently ignore because I don’t want to obey them.

What are the things that “ruffle my feathers” when they come up in a discussion about the Bible and what it teaches, simply because I am unwilling to relinquish my grip on it or to move towards change?

Mark Twain once said this: “It ain’t the parts of the Bible that I can’t understand that bother me, it’s the parts that I do understand.”

I don’t believe Twain was a Christian, but he puts into words the plain old truth of the matter for us all, doesn’t he?

Because, at the end of the day, we can understand so much. But we don’t always like what we read in the Bible. And we certainly don’t always want to obey what it says.

And so to claim that interpretation is up for grabs and that the Bible can be interpreted any old way really works for us. It releases us from the obedience God calls for. Because we all get to decide what we need to obey. What you need to obey may not be what I need to obey.

It sounds so silly. And that’s because it is. And yet this is the “intellectual” thinking that is out there. Man thinks he can determine what is true for HIM. There are no absolutes.

We saw this kind of thinking coming years ago—no absolute truth— and now this has even weaved its way into the way church-goers think—even those who would consider themselves “evangelical Christians”.

Idols blind us so fully that we can’t even see that we have relinquished the absolute truth of scripture so that we can keep our hold on our precious idol.

I believe the first step to change is prayer. Let’s pray that God will show us what we are idolizing over and above Him and His Word. Let’s pray for humility and a willingness to SEE. Yes, it’s a painful process but spiritual growth often is painful. May we not let that stop us.

Oh, that we may cast aside our idols and believe scripture for what it simply says.

No, this is NOT easy to do. But it is So VERY CRITICAL. It always has been but perhaps never more so than in the midst of this confusing, chaotic “Christianity” we find ourselves living in.

Shifting the Culture

I grew up in the era of The Waltons. And, in fact, ended up living near the real “Walton’s Mountain” in Virginia for a short period of my life as Earl Hamner, the creator of the show, was from a town near where we lived. His series about his growing up years that took place there in the 1930s was quite popular back in the 70s. The Waltons was viewed as a wholesome show the whole family could watch together. And I guess, overall, it was that.

Last night I came into our bedroom to find my husband watching an old episode of The Waltons to wind down a bit before sleeping. On the TV was Grandma helping her grandson, John Boy, learn how to preach. He had been asked to fill in for the preacher and was quite nervous about it. Grandma was pounding her fist and taking the hellfire and brimstone passages and speaking them in a loud, angry voice. Of course, you can imagine how Hollywood handled that. And you would be right.

In the next scene, John Boy is on a mountain and his Grandpa comes up to him and starts talking about how Grandma has her own style of religion but he worships God in “his own fashion”. He and God have an “understanding.” As he continued to talk about his god, it was quite easy to tell he wasn’t talking about the One True God of the Bible. He not only worshipped in his own fashion but he worshiped a god he had fashioned on his own.

In the final scene we watched, we find John Boy in his room at his desk, surrounded by several big books, presumably commentaries. He is frustrated about this sermon he is supposed to preach. His father walks in and gives him counsel: “Just stop listening to everyone around you and put those books away and look inside you. What do you want?”

As we turned it off, John Boy was listening to his father and doing just that.

I found that fifteen minutes rather fascinating. For it was a foretelling of what most professing Christians would believe fifty years later.

Most professing Christians ignore or even despise sermons that speak the plain truth of the Word—particularly the unpleasant truths, such as sin and hell (like they ignored/wrote off Grandma Walton).

They fashion an idol of their own making that suits their own desires and call it “God” (like Grandpa Walton shared). But this isn’t God. The Bible is either true or it isn’t. And if the Bible is true, then God has quite a bit to say about Himself and we’d better pay attention.

And most professing Christians these days—even preachers— look in their own hearts for ideas and to other men for counsel without any consideration for what the Bible has to say at all (like John Boy).

Fifty-plus years ago, Hollywood was already spewing out garbage about God and His Word. And we ignored it. We rationalized it away. We just thought it was a nice show “except for…”.

If we look back, we can see this dynamic with a number of TV shows. They very deliberately shift the beliefs and morality of the culture.

The Waltons normalized not only a wrong view of the Word but also normalized women as the spiritual leaders of the household instead of men; The Cosby Show normalized career-oriented moms (purporting the lie that you can have it all and nothing will suffer); Three’s Company normalized adults living together outside of marriage and opened the door for homosexuality; Murphy Brown normalized babies out of wedlock; Love Boat normalized infidelity; Star Wars normalized new age philosophy, and Lord of the Rings, Narnia, and Harry Potter normalized witchcraft and sorcery.

There are so many other examples. All these years later, these things aren’t only accepted by the world, many of them are even accepted by many Christians.

It’s actually pretty amazing how Hollywood has wormed its way into our homes and minds through that box that sits in our family rooms.

I am not saying don’t watch TV. That’s between you and the Lord. I still watch some. But perhaps we need to pay closer attention to what is being suggested to our brains through this medium. We like to turn off our brains when we watch TV but I am realizing more and more that we just can’t do this. Entertainment (even if it’s labeled “Christian”) is never just entertainment and we need to be vigilant and watchful, understanding that entertainment is one of Satan’s greatest tools in shifting a culture a specific direction.

I was planning to write the sequel to last week’s post this week, but I’ll try to do that next week. This was fresh in my mind and seemed more important for this week.

Oh, that we may remember that we have an enemy that seeks to devour us and he will use all methods and means to do so. Let us be sober and vigilant…even when—perhaps especially when—we are watching TV.

Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour. (I Peter 5:8)

Which Eagles?

If I were to write you a letter and include the sentence “I went to town with Jack to watch the Eagles,” you’d have to have the context to understand that sentence. What town? Which Jack?Which Eagles?

There’s a lot that could be construed to be something totally different than what I mean. I could call Philadelphia “town” and have gone with my friend, Jack, to watch an Eagles football game. I could have gone to a town across the way to see local Golden Eagles with my grandson, Jack.

But knowledge about me along with sentences above and below the original sentence—as well as the entire letter and even previous letters from me—will give you the knowledge and the context you need so that you will rightly comprehend that I went to my hometown with my bird-watcher nephew, Jack, to see the Bald Eagles that have been hanging around in the park.

This is what I meant when I wrote the sentence and this is what you will be able to understand if you take to the time to know me and to read all the letters that I send to you.

I know it’s a silly example, but we wouldn’t ever dream of interpreting anyone’s letter without considering the intent of what they mean. We would never just come up with something we “think it means” and call it a day.

I, as the author of the letter, intended a specific thing with the sentence that I wrote. No reader has the right to make an assumption about what they believe I meant. Instead, the right and very natural thing to do is to keep reading to understand my intent.

This is called authorial intent and it’s a really big deal when it comes to interpreting scripture.

You see, so many these days want to tell you that scripture can mean anything you want it to. Verses can be ripped out of context and turned into false doctrines (and we’ve talked about this before) but I think there is something far more dangerous to those of us who want to sincerely follow Christ.

While we wouldn’t think of falling for some errant doctrine that is clearly not biblical, many are starting to wonder if there is just one interpretation for any given Bible passage.

I remember a conversation I had with someone a while back and it surrounded a small group of friends who were talking about whether or not the Bible has just one interpretation. Most of the group believed that it does not; instead, they believed that there are various interpretations and that we can choose to interpret it as we would want. The group was made up of conservative, Bible-believing Christians. This wrong thinking is weaving its way into the church like a cancer.

Just as any letter or sentence that you write will have specific intent, so does the letter written to us by God.

Our job is not to just interpret it willy-nilly but to take time to understand the context; to grasp the meaning of the Author in its historical-grammatical-literal sense.

There are many attacks on scripture these days. Authority, inerrancy, and inspiration have been denied and ignored by many. But, for those of us who would still wholly claim to believe in these things, I believe the most dangerous attack is this idea that there is more than one interpretation and we can choose which one we want to believe.

I have been giving a great deal of thought to why this is happening and, more specifically, why this way to approach scripture appeals to people. I’ll probably write about that next week.

But, in the meantime, I hope this will help us all to remember that we have no right to decide what the Divine Author meant when He wrote the Bible through His Holy Spirit moving in men (2 Peter 1:21). I hope this will remind us of our life-long duty to go about reading the entire letter (Book of the Bible) and the rest of the letters (the Bible) to discern what the Author intended about any passage we may come across.

God gave us His Word as a gift. And that gift is inerrant and inspired and serves as our authority. But so much of understanding the Truth and having our lives changed by that Truth hinges on interpreting God’s letter correctly. May we be dedicated to understanding and dividing it rightly (2 Timothy 2:15).

The Light

The other day, as I was walking through my house, a burst of sunlight revealed what would not ordinarily be revealed on the hallway floor, which was mostly dog hair. In normal light, unless I choose not to vacuum for several days, you cannot see the bits of dog hair along the wall. But when a burst of sunlight hits it, every bit of hair and every speck of dust reveals itself to anyone who has eyes to see.

It’s kind of disturbing because I want my house to be clean. I am not a neat freak (I wish I was more of one) but I don’t want to have a dirty house. But the sunlight reveals dirt I don’t even know is there.

Light is an interesting thing because it has several different functions.

Light reveals. It reveals the truth about any situation. It exposes the darkness and shows the reality of things as they are.

Light awakes. When the sun comes up, we naturally awake. When it’s dark we sleep. It is how God designed our bodies to work.

Light guides. If we are on a dark path in the woods at night, a flashlight or lantern guides our steps.

It is interesting to me how many references there are to light in scripture. As we keep these functions above in mind, let’s take a look at some of them.

For thou wilt light my candle:
the LORD my God will enlighten my darkness.
(Psalm 18:28)

I form the light, and create darkness:
I make peace, and create evil:
I the LORD do all these things.
(Isaiah 45:7)

He revealeth the deep and secret things: he knoweth what is in the darkness, and the light dwelleth with him. (Daniel 2:22)

—The Lord is the source of ALL light; He is the source of ANY light. He is what fills the darkness of our world with light. He is the only source of true light.

Thy word is a lamp unto my feet,
and a light unto my path.
(Psalm 119:105)

The entrance of thy words giveth light;
it giveth understanding unto the simple.
(Psalm 119:130)

But the path of the just is as the shining light, that shineth more and more unto the perfect day. (Proverbs 4:18)

—God’s Word gives us the light we need in order to take our next step and to discern truth from lies.

The people that walked in darkness have seen a great light:
they that dwell in the land of the shadow of death, upon them hath the light shined.
(Isaiah 9:2)

Then spake Jesus again unto them, saying, I am the light of the world: he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life. (John 8:12)

–JESUS is the light of the world.

And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil. For every one that doeth evil hateth the light, neither cometh to the light, lest his deeds should be reproved. But he that doeth truth cometh to the light, that his deeds may be made manifest, that they are wrought in God. (John 3:16-20)

–In our flesh, we hate the light. It exposes our sin and our love for the world. It shows the depravity of our hearts and it shows our pride. The TRUE JESUS of the Bible reveals who we really are (as opposed to the fake “nice guy” Jesus who doesn’t care a wit about sin and worldliness in your life and is there to just help you along and fix your problems.)

Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil;
that put darkness for light, and light for darkness;
that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!
(Isaiah 5:20)

And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light. (2 Corinthians 11:14)

–We can be deceived in regards to the light. Satan masquerades as light, when he is really darkness. And great groups of people can call something light that is NOT light. I am not sure there is any more important point in this post than this. We can be deceived. Satan will use the name of Jesus and he will use biblical terms to give the appearance of “light”. Popular opinion may call something “light” that is NOT light. We must refer back to the verses that remind us that our only litmus test for determining what is actually light is the Word of God.

Ye are the salt of the earth: but if the salt have lost his savour, wherewith shall it be salted? it is thenceforth good for nothing, but to be cast out, and to be trodden under foot of men. Ye are the light of the world. A city that is set on an hill cannot be hid. Neither do men light a candle, and put it under a bushel, but on a candlestick; and it giveth light unto all that are in the house. (Matthew 5:13-15)

The night is far spent, the day is at hand: let us therefore cast off the works of darkness, and let us put on the armour of light. (Romans 13:12)

–We are the light of the world through our relationship with Jesus Christ. We put a bushel over our light by living sinful, worldly lives that look just like everyone else around us. Our light will shine so brightly when we cast off the works of darkness and put on the armor of light. We can find out more about our armor of light in Ephesians 6:10-20.

Okay, so that’s just a bit about LIGHT in scripture. I feel like this is a bit disconnected because there’s so much more that could be written about the light from scripture. But, for the sake of length, I will stop here.

Now, let me tell you why this particular subject has been on my heart…

I am noticing a disinterest in the LIGHT. It’s as if the light only matters if it goes with what is wanted or desired. So if a current narrative or popular philosophy suits a professing Christian’s fancy, they will turn from the light of the Word without nary a blink. If the psychological gobbledygook or the therapist’s worldly explanation makes them feel less guilty and more validated, the true Light is rejected. If a certain political candidate or a certain lifestyle or a favorite preacher or author shows itself to be filthy (false, wrong) when looked at through the Light of the Word, the Light is conveniently and simply IGNORED.

The Jesus of the Bible (our Savior!) is the LIGHT and God’s Word is the LIGHT. And our attitude about this wonderful LIGHT, given to us as a precious gift, is very telling. While we can grow defensive or be naive or waiver for a while, we cannot stay there and still call ourselves a Christian. The Word is what God has given us as a light to navigate this world of darkness. If we don’t care a bit about the Word of God, we must ask ourselves if we are really saved?

At this point in time, I know I am “preaching to the choir”. If you are here, you most likely know all this. And if you don’t agree, you will simply unsubscribe and that will be the end of that.

But, at the end of the day, it is so unimportant what I write or say or what my opinion is. It just doesn’t matter. The ONLY thing that matters is our opinion regarding the LIGHT of this world, as revealed in scripture.

May we wear the armor of light, so that we can be lights in this world for Christ. May we recognize that there is false light and that just because someone says it is “light” does not mean it IS light. And may we recognize that the only way to live in the light is through God’s Word, which has been given to us specifically for this purpose.

May we long to live in the LIGHT, no matter the cost.

As Unto the Lord and Not to Men

I was looking up another passage this morning when a couple of other verses caught my eye. The verses were in Ephesians six, where Paul talks to servants about how they should treat their earthly masters (vs. 5-8). As I read it, I thought about how much more so this should describe our service for God. Paul also gives similar encouragement to his readers at the end of Colossians, chapter three (vs. 22-24).

You will note the verses above are from this third chapter of Colossians. I remember coming across these verses as a young woman and they have had a profound impact on me as I’ve struggled through apathy, discouragement, and disappointment through the years. They remind me that it matters how I do the work that God has given me to do—whether it be at home, here on the blog, or in the landscaping company that we own. Our attitudes, our work ethic, our motives…they matter to God. They also remind me that I am God’s servant and it is His pleasure I seek.

Do you, like me, sometimes get caught up in pleasing people rather than in pleasing God?

It is so wonderful when we can do both—please God while we please people. That’s why being loving and nice is such an easy thing to do—it makes everyone happy. God and people love when we do nice things to others. That’s an easy way to please our Heavenly Father.

But if we want to follow God and His Word with our whole hearts, then we realize that sometimes pleasing our Heavenly Father won’t always feel so good. And it certainly won’t always make others happy.

We have to do hard things and stand up for unpopular truths. We have to speak light to people who love darkness. We have to do something that we know is right when the people around us do not understand.

It is in these moments that we must remember that it is God we are seeking to please. If we can remember this (these verses are a good reminder!) then we will be much more apt to do what is right, whether we please others or we don’t.

The interesting component to this whole conversation is that when we are pleasing people, we are often doing it for selfish reasons. We don’t speak the truth in love to someone because we just don’t want the hassle. And we don’t want to be labeled a troublemaker. We go somewhere we shouldn’t go or do something we know is wrong because we don’t want the ridicule and antagonism. We go along with the crowd because…well, it’s just easier.

Oh, that we may all grow in this area of pleasing God over pleasing others and over pleasing self. We will never do this perfectly but we are, hopefully, growing just a bit more in this area with each passing year.

Changed Lives: Lisa

I am not sure how long ago I met my dear friend, Lisa. I remember hearing about this recovering drug addict that was attending my church but I never really had opportunity to talk with her. And then one year, she began to attend the Bible Study I held in my home. She came with another friend from our church. And thus began a wonderful friendship.

It seems quite fitting that I share Lisa’s story this week, as on Saturday it will be ten years since she repented of her sins and turned to Christ as her Savior. It has been awesome to watch her grow and change. Her thirst for biblical truth is a wonderful example for any believer who comes in contact with her. She loves the Word and wants to live by it.

We come from two totally different backgrounds and, yet, in the Lord, we have become the dearest of friends. She reminds me of the reality of all that I write and talk about in regards to scripture. She brings a fresh joy and vibrancy to our Bible Study, especially for those of us who grew up in Christian homes and never experienced a radical life change. God really DOES change lives. And, sometimes, in a radical way!

I know that there are some of you out there who have children who are caught up in drug addiction. You feel so hopeless, like things will never change. I hope that this shines just a bit of light into the darkness you are experiencing. Truly, with God, nothing is impossible. As Lisa shows so clearly with her testimony. SO without further ado, here is Lisa’s testimony, a testimony she has had the opportunity to share with recovering addicts on many occasions. May God be praised!

I was born in Williamsport, PA, held by my birth mother, then my birth father, and immediately taken away to be put into the system of adoption. I wasn’t adopted until I was almost two because I was born with a rash all over my body and poor motor skills which was a concern for those searching for their perfect baby. But God knew and He gave me a very loving, caring parents who thought I could do no wrong. Something I realize now was not so good. Although their unconditional love did show me what it felt like to be loved so very very deeply. This now, in turn, helps me understand God’s love for me.

Growing up as a child was happy. Playing outside with my brother and the five boys next door until supper time and going to the pool every beautiful summer day with my mom all seemed perfect. But as far as church, I only recall Easter bonnets and candle lighting at Christmas. My parents never really talked about God or explained anything about Him. My dad was a Mason and my mom involved in the Easter Star, so only now do I realize why.

In junior high I met a friend and every day after school we went to her house where her parents smoked. We, thinking we were cool, went into their ashtrays and lighted the leftover cigarettes, which gave me a little buzz. This was the beginning of my interest for a bigger high leading to my path into drug use.

I was a drug addict for 38 long years. I started with weed and hash which led me to cocaine, then meth, and any pills I could find. I drank to get drunk for years, I smoked crack for some of the later years. At one point my gas stove was my source of heat during the cold winter months. With drug use comes the total dishonoring of my body. The choice of men left me used and abused often. My nose has been broken, my wrist fractured, I’ve been spit on, and shoved, and used way too many times for me to even want to remember. It was so dark and I was so sad that I hung by head so low that I needed a back brace to hold my shoulders back to try to pull my head up.

I remember actually praying to God to change me–help me! How long was this going to continue? But if this was God reaching for me, I was too deep into addiction to recognize it. I turned my back and fell even deeper. On two occasions, I mixed two lethal drugs together, almost dying. I was found naked in a fetal position in the corner of my house. Once driving, I was fading in and out. I opened my eyes in the middle of a 360, veering off the road, and stopping within inches of a tree. God had plans for me.

I’ve been in handcuffs countless times and finally sentenced to six months in jail for “intent to deliver”, which makes me a felon forever. I went to church in there, promising if I got through this, I was done. I feel it was God reaching for me, never giving up, trying again and again. Yet within one week of my release, I turned away from His open arms and back into my wayward wants into the dark world of addiction yet again.

Just when I thought it couldn’t get any worse, I held my dad as he took his last breath of life. For the next year, I slipped further and further into addiction and depression. I continued with many pills and found my way to other unspeakable methods of getting high, staying up for days on end until finally, I overdosed! My nephew found me with no other option than to call 911. I do not remember the paramedics slicing up through my clothing to paddle me to bring be back, nor do I remember the ride to the hospital. The first thing I do remember is coming to and the nurses asking me my birth date and name. I had no answer because I had no idea who I was. This was it: I had hit bottom. Yet God was not done with me, He had plans for me!!

I went home and knew I wanted no more of this life. I had called for rehab but the upfront costs of $42,000 just wasn’t doable for me because I wasted $40,000 of the money my father had left me. I thought to myself, I cannot do this on my own. I am going to ask God, the only One I somehow knew could help me.

I had a friend who I worked with who attended a local Bible church. About a year earlier, I let him talk me into attending, but at that point, I wasn’t ready. I went back to him and told him I’m ready to change my path in life. I said I would try this church thing. So one particular Sunday I went and let me tell you, I cried and cried, feeling as if the pastor was talking directly to me. The songs, as well, were relating directly to my life and I was like, wow, what is happening??

The next two weeks my friend would text me, checking on me, asking if I was saved. Oh yes, I believe in God, for sure! He said, no, are you saved? Oh, yes, I was baptized as a baby, I have a picture if you’d like to see it! No, he said again, are you SAVED? I said, well, then no, because I have no idea what you are talking about!

The very next Sunday, at the end of the sermon, the pastor asked for anyone who wanted to accept Jesus as their Savior to come up to the front of the sanctuary, but I was too afraid. So afterwards, I went to him and said I wasn’t saved and needed to talk to him. That very same day, January 25, 2015, I went to his office along with his wife and accepted Christ as my Savior. The following Sunday the pastor said if anyone is sure and confident of their choice, they should come up front and I’m thinking, “hmmmm?” Since he preached about hell that day, I just about ran up front and proved to myself and the public that I meant business.

It hasn’t been easy, I relapsed twice during the next four months but I continued to come to church and plug myself into any Bible study and prayer meetings available. The congregation caught wind of my story and began embracing and encouraging me, as well. God was not going to let go of me this time because now the Holy Spirit was living in me. I didn’t completely understand what that meant, but I knew I was different. I quit swearing and smoking, something I never thought possible.

But with God ALL things are possible (Matthew 19:26).

I have since been baptized, telling my story to over 300 people. It has been, and continues to be, almost unreal at times. God has pulled back my shoulders and lifted my head up as I continue to seek Him. I no longer need that back brace anymore. He continues to perform miracles in my life. I trust the Lord with all my heart. I do not lean on my own understanding. I acknowledge Him in all I do. And He has made straight my paths. (Proverbs 3:4-6).

A recent picture of Lisa

(Find the rest of the inspiring Changed Lives series here.)

Who’s the Boss?

Last night, I saw a reel where a man was asking couples he saw on the street: “What is the secret to a long and happy marriage?” He interviewed three couples and each man gave basically the same answer: Listen to your wife; what she says goes.

This is actually how many couples make marriage work. The wife leads and the husband follows like a puppy dog. Yes, dear. Whatever you say, dear.

But what does God have to say about marriage? Does God care who leads? When I was younger, there was a lot of biblical teaching on this subject. I am unsure that this is still the case in most churches.

As always, our first step is to go to the Word. What does it say in the Bible about marriage? Ephesians 5:22-25 is one place we can go to to see God’s opinion about marriage and what it should look like–

Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as unto the Lord. For the husband is the head of the wife, even as Christ is the head of the church: and he is the saviour of the body. Therefore as the church is subject unto Christ, so let the wives be to their own husbands in every thing. Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it.

I think one of the reasons the church stopped talking about this is because women stopped wanting to hear it. Worldly feminist ideals took root in the hearts of those claiming to love Christ and a disdain and antagonism for this pattern of marriage was a result.

It is rare to hear someone clearly state the truth about marriage anymore: God designed the husband to lead and the woman to joyfully submit to his loving leadership.

Do we see potential issues with this design when carried out by sinners? Of course. Many men do not lovingly lead. They are harsh and unkind and prideful. But that, too, is not God’s design. The husband is sinning if he leads in this manner. And many women do not submit. They want control. They want to be the one who makes the decisions.

I am currently reading through Genesis and this book has many examples of wives usurping their husband’s leadership roles, husbands allowing this, and the two of them together leading their families into the consequences of this departure from God’s design.

Sarai (Sarah) is one example (Genesis 16). She told her husband to lie with her handmaiden so that she could have a child. Abram (Abraham) should have stood up against his wife’s trying to manipulate their future and do God’s job but instead he said, “yes, dear”, and the rest is history. This is an extreme example, as we continue to see the ramifications of his lack of leadership in that decision still today.

I do not know why God designed things the way He did, but I know that God’s way is always best. The husband is responsible before God for his family. I think that is a big responsibility and, frankly, I am glad it is not mine, as a woman. But most men relegate this responsibility to their wives. Sometimes wives don’t even want it. Especially in regards to children.

Another thing that has really challenged the family is the worldly philosophy that our children are the boss. And so we see toddlers telling their parents what they will or will not do. We see kids making demands and running the show. This, too, is a great aberration of God’s design for the family.

Teaching our children to obey and respect us, as their God-given authority, is what will lay the groundwork for their obedience to and respect for God as they grow into adulthood. If we allow rebellion and disobedience when they are two, we can’t expect they are going to just somehow become respectful and obedient as they grow older.

The husband is the leader, the wife is his valuable partner, and the children are a blessing from the Lord and we are to teach them according to scripture. God has such a wonderful plan for families it we’d but follow it.

How important it is that we recognize God’s design for the family and do our best, as genuine believers, to live by it.

Of course, let’s be honest… this is not always easy. Personality can make this a real challenge. Some men aren’t natural leaders and they need to really work at this. Some women are born leaders and so they naturally want to take charge. And some children have extremely strong wills and they can make teaching obedience and submission to authority more than a little challenging!

But, through it all, we need to remember God’s ideal and keep working towards it. We will never do it perfectly (if you’ve learned the secret of how to do this perfectly please let me know!! lol!) but we must keep working at it, no matter what the circumstances or what our personalities.

And there’s no end to this, right? As we get older and move into our empty nest and senior years, the temptation can be to grow lazy in how we live out our faith in the everyday grind. We settle into “what always was”, rather than trying to continue to grow in the area of marriage.

This plays into how we raise our children, as well. We have to do what is best for them, which won’t always feel very good at all. But if we parent by our feelings, we are loving ourselves more than we are loving our children. Such a tough truth.

Let’s be honest, shall we? Satan would like nothing more then to destroy marriages and families, for he knows that a healthy family is the building block of a healthy society. More importantly, I believe he realizes that broken homes and moving away from God’s pattern leads to many issues that keep Christians distracted and depressed and in despair, which keeps them from building God’s Kingdom.

We can clearly see that Satan has experienced spectacular success in destroying the family unit.

While we can’t control society as a whole, we can do what we can to have a biblical marriage and family in our own home. God’s way is best. He didn’t give these “rules” to make our lives miserable. He gave these guidelines because He knows what will actually bring about a happy marriage and successful kids. We obey God because it is right and we don’t follow His guidelines for our own worldly gain but…amazingly, what is best for God is best for us! We are so blessed when we obey God’s commands and follow His will.

I know what I have written here is not the most popular perspective on the topic of marriage and family these days. But popularity isn’t our goal, is it? As a redeemed child of God, our question is: How do I live my life to please God? And we find that answer, little by little, as we search the scriptures. May we all continue, no matter how old we are, to seek after God and desire to please Him in all areas of our lives.

Dressed Death is Still Death

There is a phrase used three times in the New Testament that we give little thought to these days. It is the phrase “born again”. Instead we’d rather talk about “accepting Jesus” or “say a prayer”. But what is this phrase?

This idea of being born again means we have new life! Our old heart of stone is turned to flesh (Ezekiel 36:26) and we are a new creature in Christ; old things are passed away, behold all things become new (2 Corinthians 5:17).

But if we are honest, there is something called “cultural Christianity” and it is without any power at all. And, in fact, this false religion inoculates people against true, biblical Christianity and deceives them into believing they have that golden ticket to heaven and can go on living however they want.

I.W. Charlton puts it like this—

“There is a strong tendency to look upon the Atonement of Christ as possessing some quality by virtue of which God can excuse and overlook sin in the Christian, a readiness to look upon sinning as the inevitable accompaniment of human nature ‘until death do us part,’ and to look upon Christianity as a substitute for rather than a cause of personal holiness of life.”

Oh, how true this is! How many do we know who claim to be a “Christian” and yet show no interest in holy living or pleasing the Lord. Instead, they create a god of their own devices, a god who is all love and no judgement. A god who has provided a way for them to continue on in their sin and their worldliness. The only thing this god requires is that you love others and be a nice person.

That is NOT the God of the Bible.

I am currently reading a book by Amy Carmichael called “Things as They Are”. In this book she shares the very real challenges of being a missionary in the late 1800s/early 1900s India. They are countless and they are beyond difficult. I had no idea.

But the one chapter I did not expect to read was about the nominal Christians of the country. Apparently there was a group of nominal “Christians” but they weren’t alive in Christ.

They had no interest in Jesus Christ or His commands. They were content to live in their deception. They were always nice and polite. And totally disinterested in the truth.

Amy writes this about this group of people in India—

I have told you how much we need your help for the work among the heathen; but often we feel we need it almost as much for the work among the Christians. Over and over again it is told, but still it is hardly understood, that the Christians need to be converted; that the vast majority are not converted; that statistics may mislead, and do not stand for Eternity work; that many a pastor, catechist, teacher, has a name to live, but is dead; that the Church is very dead as a whole—thank God for every exception. We do not say this thoughtlessly; the words are a grief to write. We humble ourselves that it is so, and take to ourselves the blame. It is true that the corpse of the dead Church is dressed, just as it is at home, only here it is even more dressed; and because the spirit of the land is intensely religious, its grave-clothes are vestments. But dressed death is still death.

Dressed death is still death. People can use all the right words and phrases; they can be the nicest people in the world; they can serve in their churches and communities; but dressed death is still death.

I read her words and I realized she is describing the American church. And that this isn’t a new problem. There has been this lie in the church for a long, long time. This lie that I can be as worldly as I want; that I can continue in my sin…and, this, because God loves me and forgives me.

The scripture passages about forsaking our sin and the world are conveniently ignored. The passages about denying ourselves and taking up our cross in order to be a true follower of Christ are ignored. They want a one-sided, selfish religion where God gives everything.

But this isn’t true Christianity. When God changes us, He gives us a new heart and He changes our desires. We no longer want to sin or to love the world. And we begin our journey in turning away from these things. Some do this slowly and others change seemingly overnight, but all who have been truly redeemed love God and His Word and, deep down, we desire to obey Him—even if we don’t always “feel like it”.

I, along with Amy, do not write these things thoughtlessly. I write them with much grief. But I also write them because they are true. And if it leads just one of you to have a hard conversation with someone about their soul or to start praying fervently for someone who claims Christ but has no fruit, then I know it will have not been in vain.

While we can’t judge the salvation of another person, God plainly gives us, in His Word, the description of a true follower of Christ. If someone does not match that description in any way, then we have reason to pray for them and to have those hard conversations born out of our deep love for someone. And that none of us enjoy.

I know Amy took a lot of grief for writing the truth about the mission field. And, in fact, she talks in the book how the people didn’t want to hear the truth of the mission field but just wanted all the happy stories. And yet Amy had the courage to write the truth because it was the truth.

This love for happy, positive stories has grown until people can hardly bear to read anything negative. And, in fact, those who dare to speak the negative are demonized.

And, yet, the truth is still the truth. Dressed death is still death.

Life is made up of wonderful truths and hard truths. The Bible is filled with wonderful truths and also hard truths. May we have the courage to speak both. And, in so doing, may God use our lives for His honor and glory.

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