
Just do it.

For many of us, January 2 brings the opportunity for a fresh start.  Some of us have specifically set New Year’s resolutions.  But, if you are like me, those resolutions usually last about a month…if that.   So what truly brings about lasting change?  Why can even people who do not know the Lord change for the better?

Could it be that they just do it?  They just make up their mind to behave a certain way and then follow through on that decision?    When Nike came out with their logo of “Just do it” I wasn’t sure what to think. But recently, I realized the wisdom of that phrase.

Our language is so peppered with words like “try” and “maybe” and “perhaps” because we are so afraid to commit to change.   And maybe that is because we are so afraid to fail.    When we make the statement, “I will lose weight,” or “I will stay on a budget,”  it sets us up for failure.  It is much easier to say “I will try to lose weight,”  or “perhaps this is the year we will work on the budget,”.  Now, we have a way out.  A bit of a loophole that we can crawl through if it doesn’t work.

As I was thinking about this, I realized that the Bible never tells us to try to trust the Lord.  There is never a verse that says perhaps we should love the Lord with all of our heart, soul, mind, and strength.  Instead, the Bible is filled with verses of commands we are to obey.  There is no loop hole there.  Below, I have placed a few verses that I looked up as I was writing this.  I didn’t find one verse that gave me a way out of obedience.

So, how does that affect our resolutions?   I think it is because many of the resolutions we set have to do with sin issues in our lives.  Perhaps we are overweight (gluttony) or we are in debt (money is our idol) or we are wrapped up in an evil habit (spoken against in God’s Word).   So we know that these are areas that God wants us to have victory.   What are some steps we can take to assure that we succeed this year?

First:  We need to set attainable goals.  I am in the process of trying to figure out what are realistic goals for me.  If we make a resolution to run an hour a day and we are having a hard time even finding 15 minutes of extra time for exercise, we are setting ourselves up for failure.   In his book, Total Money Makeover, Dave Ramsey recommends paying off the smallest debt first, so that there will be some reward early on.  I think the same is true for setting goals.  Set one that you can actually reach.  And when that one becomes a habit, then stretch yourself a bit further.  It doesn’t have to be New Year’s Day in order to set a goal.

Second:  We need to pray and ask the Lord for His guidance as we set goals.  It is important that we make sure the goals we set are in accordance with His Word and His will for our lives.  Let’s ask Him to give us strength.  We need His help.

And  third: Once we have determined realistic and attainable goals and we have asked the Lord for guidance and strength, let’s commit each morning to doing them for just that day.  Let’s actually follow through.  We make it seem so hard.  But it’s not hard.  It just takes commitment.   We just need to do it.

Here’s to 2012 and attainable goals!


Proverbs 3: 5-6  Trust in the LORD with all your heart, And lean not on your own understanding; 6 In all your ways acknowledge Him,  And He shall direct[a] your paths. 

Mark 12:30  And you shall love the LORD your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind, and with all your strength.’ This is the first commandment.

Philippians 4:8 Finally, brethren, whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there isany virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy—meditate on these things.

Colossians 3: 12-13  Therefore, as the elect of God, holy and beloved, put on tender mercies, kindness, humility, meekness, longsuffering; 13 bearing with one another, and forgiving one another, if anyone has a complaint against another; even as Christ forgave you, so you also must do. 

James 1: 2-3  My brethren, count it all joy when you fall into various trials, 3 knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience. 

James 4: 7-8  Therefore submit to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you. 8 Draw near to God and He will draw near to you. Cleanse your hands, you sinners; and purify your hearts, you double-minded. 

Representing the King

In my last post I gave some ways to make 2012 a great year.   They were ideas from across the spectrum of life.  Since that post, I have had some more ideas.  But only one that I think is important enough to add to my list.  And here it is:

Remember who your Father is.

Can you remember when you were a child and you first became aware of the fact that when you did something wrong, you not only made yourself look bad, but you made your parents look bad, too?   As you grew into a teenager, you became very aware that your actions said something about your parents.  You might not have cared what your actions were saying about your parents…but a message was being given.  You see, while we were still living with our parents, we were, in effect, representing their household.

Now let’s think a moment about our relationship with God.  If he is our Heavenly Father, what do our actions say about Him?  He is All-Powerful and All-Knowing.  He is King of Kings.  If we are saved by grace, through the blood of Jesus Christ, we are children of this King.  We, in essence, belong to the household of God.  Our words and actions–if we call ourselves “Christians”–say something about God, our Heavenly Father.

So what message are we giving?  Do our actions speak highly of the one Who saved me by His grace, showing deep love and respect?  Or are my actions rebellious and seeking for ways to rationalize activities that are clearly spoken against in God’s Word, with no inclination or care towards what He thinks?

Going back to my original illustration, we can see this principle clearly at work in real life.  Which teenager represents his parents well?  Which teenager shows through his actions that he loves and respects his parents?  The rebellious teen who makes unwise choices or the obedient teen who makes wise choices?  Of course, the obedient teen best represents his parents and what they stand for.

In a perfect world, all parents are worthy of being represented.  But, here on earth, that is not the case.   Parents aren’t perfect and life gets messy.  However, we do not have the same issue when it comes to our Heavenly Father.  God loves us perfectly.  Any rebellion or foolishness or sin on our part doesn’t stem from anything He said or did.

And so as we head into 2012, let’s remember who our Father is.  In every little thing we say.  In every little thing we do.  Let’s remember that we are a child  of the King of kings!  We are His representatives here on earth.  Let’s represent Him well this coming year.

I wish you a very Happy New Year!

25 Ways to Make 2012 a Great Year

As we anticipate the new year, we often make lofty resolutions or set impossible goals.  But sometimes small, thoughtful actions can reap wonderful rewards.  Here are a few simple ideas on how to make next year a great one:

1.  Smile.  A lot.

2.  Ask someone a question about their life.  Be genuinely interested.

3.  Don’t waste time or energy thinking about things you can’t change.

4.  So everyone has a bad day.  Find perspective and choose joy.

5.  Study God’s Word.  Simply reading it isn’t enough.

6.  Open your mind to a different type of music.  Try classical, jazz, or hymns.

7.  Try something new and interesting this year.  How about painting, photography, ice skating, gardening, camping, baking, running, or learning to play an instrument?  The ideas are endless.  And, for goodness’ sake, stop telling yourself you are too old to try something new!

8.  Read a book that goes beyond boy meets girl.  Read something that will deepen your understanding of humanity.

9.  Find ways to serve others.  Don’t waste your time, energy, or money trying to impress them.

10. Turn the TV off.  Only turn it on if you know specifically what you are going to watch.  Make a rule never to turn it on while your family is sharing a meal together.

11. When someone says something hurtful, don’t defend yourself.  Just walk away.

12. Listen to someone’s point before jumping in with your own opinion.

13. Make a budget and stick to it.

14. Only eat when you are hungry.

15. Pick one area you would like to see changed in your life and pray about it daily.  Watch God work.  He may change the circumstances or He may change your attitude.

16. Don’t try to change people.  Instead inspire them.

17. Stop hedging and tell the truth.

18. Visit a museum and take the time to read the displays and increase your knowledge of the world around you.

19. Appreciate the ordinary moments. Life can change in a heartbeat.

20. Train your mind to gloss over real (or imagined) offenses of the past, whether they happened 5 years ago or 5 minutes ago.  Grudges aren’t beneficial to anyone.

21.  Develop a relationship with an elderly person.  We can learn so much from their experiences.  Don’t be so arrogant to think  they couldn’t possibly understand you or your predicament.  Life hasn’t changed that much.

22.  Remember that every choice has a consequence.

23. Think before you talk.

24. Think before you act.

25. While you are thinking, ask yourself these questions:  Will this glorify God?  Will it encourage someone? Is it necessary? What will be the consequences of these words or this action?

As I was writing this list, I realized that there are some changes that I would really like to implement.  However, it almost feels impossible to make a permanent change.  But perhaps, instead of seeing the looming, overwhelming need for a permanent change, we just think about the next 24 hours?  Which of these can we work on today?  And then do the same thing again tomorrow.  Before you know it, a year has gone by and we have changed.

Can you think of other ideas I should have added to this list?   I would love to have your input on other changes we can all make that would make 2012 a great year – for ourselves and, more importantly, for those around us.

So what really happened the night before Christmas?

‘Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the stable
The real Christmas, mind you…this isn’t a fable
The young couple had traveled from far, far away
They had spent hours traveling all the long day

The innkeeper smiled and then shook his head
“No, I don’t have a room, I’m sorry,” he said
“But, listen, I do have a stable out back–
Please make yourself comfortable among the haystacks.”

The young man heart’s sunk; this wasn’t ideal
He thought of his wife–how would she feel?
The baby was coming, she was already in labor
Would she mind terribly to have beasts as her neighbors?

But then she spoke softly to him on that night
“It’s a soft place to lay down, far out of sight.”
He sighed and then turned to the man at the door
“We’ll take it,” he said and then turned to implore-

“Can you show us the way? Is it just right out back?
My wife needs to lay down, that is a fact.”
The innkeeper directed a young servant boy
To show them the way, amidst all the noise

For people had come from far and from near
To register for taxes on this night so clear
And Bethlehem rang with the noise of the crowd
As young Joseph and Mary followed the boy down

Down to the stable, so small and so dim
The animals moved restlessly, causing a din
Inside they found a stall filled with hay
A comfortable place for Mary to lay

And right there it was, a manger so small
They carefully placed it right by the wall
Joseph wiped it all down with a rag that he found
And carefully lay a soft covering all ’round

And then came the most difficult night
Either had experienced in all of their life
For a baby boy was born on that night
And it wasn’t painless or without fright

For whenever a baby in this world is born
There is pain and discomfort before the morn
This has been part of the process since time began
When sin came into the world through the choice of a man

But as Mary lay there in the dim light
In fields near the town, an angel interrupted the night!
The shepherds looked up and what did they see?
A sight so incredible, they wanted to flee

This angel told them where to go
To see the Savior born in a manner so low
And then, much to their surprise
A Heavenly Host filled all the sky!

“Glory to God in the Highest” they sang
Their beautiful voices, through the whole sky, they rang
And when it was over, the shepherds looked all around
And knew they just had to start into town

And when they arrived at that stable so small
They heard a small cry, there–in that stall
And as they walked over towards that place in the barn
They saw smiling Mary, a small babe in her arms

And so it was on that first Christmas night
That Jesus was born to make all things right
For this was not just any old birth
For Jesus brought hope and joy to the earth!

And many years later he would die on a cross
To save you and me, when all was thought lost
And, so that is truly the Christmas story
Let’s celebrate Jesus, in all of His glory!

The law of imperfection



The other night we had the blessing of going to our daughter’s Christmas Concert at school.  She was only in two numbers during the whole two hours, so we had kind of psyched ourselves up to get through the evening.  When we arrived, we found some good friends to sit by and proceeded to move to our chairs.  Except when we went to sit down, we found ourselves bumping elbows and hips.  The seats were so closely put together that it was almost impossible to sit comfortably.

I started to complain almost immediately.  “Who set up these chairs?  What were they thinking?”  I tried in vain to wiggle my chair to the left and then to the right.  It was so uncomfortable.  I turned my head to the end of the row.  Could we possibly inch the chairs to the left or right?  Nope.  No chance.  They would obviously be out of line with the rest of the rows and there was not an inch of space between any of them.  I sat back and resigned myself to sitting diagonally on my seat to get through what was going to be a very long evening.  My husband (whom I nicknamed “MacGyver” a long time ago)  came up with a great solution.  We folded up an unused chair.  Aahhh.  Space to sit comfortably.  We adjusted our chairs and actually enjoyed the rest of the evening, which was filled with the songs of Christmas.

But as I pondered on my reaction, I realized something.  I complained when the chairs weren’t set up correctly, but I wouldn’t have even thought about the chairs if they would have been set up in a comfortable way.  I would never have entered the row and exclaimed how lovely it was that the chairs were positioned so comfortably.  We could just have easily solved that problem (i.e. fold up an extra chair) without my unnecessary complaining.  Are complaining and negative words necessary for solving an uncomfortable or difficult dilemma?

So why this human tendency to focus on imperfection?  Why do we so often notice the bad stuff but tend to ignore the good stuff?  Why do we feel the need to complain and criticize when something doesn’t suit us?  Why don’t we notice how wonderful something is?  Why don’t we appreciate when something goes as planned?

We find this law at play in our company.  We have several hundred customers we service regularly.  I bet you can guess who we hear from most often. Yep- you guessed it!  The ones who are dissatisfied.  We are always so very thankful for those customers who take the time to write a note thanking us or to pick up the phone and call just to tell us how pleased they are with the work we did for them.   What a blessing to us and to the employees who did the work.

Let’s take this thought and apply it to our homes, shall we?  When was the last time we thanked our husband or wife for doing something good- or even something very routine- that we expected them to do?  On the other hand, when is the last time we scolded, criticized, or even yelled at that same person for doing something we didn’t like?  Play the same scenario out in your head with your children, your friends, your parents, your pastor, and your co-workers.  You see, it is applicable in almost every area we find ourselves in.

Sure, sometimes the negative has to be addressed.  I am not talking about the unhealthy choice of ignoring serious problems.   What I am referring to are the things we say that just do not need to be said.  It’s the unnecessary comment I made about the chairs.  It’s the negative comments we make about our favorite sports team, our children’s schools, the restaurant, or the store where we shop.  It includes the unkind comments we make to our close friend about someone’s hair…or clothes…or choice of dog…or how they use their money.  Unless it is a biblical issue and against a commandment we find there, does it really matter?

The Christmas season is upon us.  What a great time to encourage others and set a good example with our language.  Let’s edify one another with our words and comments as we gather together for Christmas celebrations.

Proverbs 10: 19 In the multitude of words sin is not lacking, but he who restrains his lips is wise. 

Colossians 4:6 Let your speech always be with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you ought to answer each one.

Proverbs 25:11 A word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in settings of silver.

Scheduled for Surgery

The young doctor picked up the scalpel to make his first cut.  His hand shook over the patient’s abdomen.  Within the middle-aged woman’s body there was a tumor the size of an orange raging a war against her.  It was destroying her life.  The doctor just stood there, shaking.  Sweat from his brow ran down his face.  He looked at the nurse by his side and finally spoke his thoughts, “I just can’t do it.  I will hurt her.  She might have scars.  She might be mad at me.  Let’s just send her back to her room.”

A joke, right?  What surgeon in his right mind would send a patient from the operating room because he was worried about hurting or scarring him or her?  What honorable physician would be worried that his patient might be angry with him?  And, yet, when God tries to “operate” on us, we raise our fists and shout, “why, God?  How could you do this to me?  I don’t deserve this!”

Somehow I think we keep forgetting that God is our Creator.  He knows everything.  I often don’t understand why He has allowed something….whether it be in my life or someone else’s.  Many times life appears to be very unfair.  But God sees our hearts.  He sees where we are diseased and broken.  Just as the surgeon wields his instrument, cutting and stitching  in ways we could never understand, to improve our physical health, so our Heavenly Father cuts away and stitches to improve our spiritual health.

That trial that we are finding hard to bear may be what it will take to topple an idol held firmly in the wrong place within our heart.  Or perhaps it may work on our deadly habits of selfishness or greed.  Possibly the trial will even change the direction we are headed in life.   Any pain or scars that results from the surgery will be well worth it, because God knows best.   How He must shake His head with sadness when we cry out in arrogant anger, thinking with our finite minds that we know best.

James 2:2-4 says: My brethren, count it all joy when you fall into various trials, 3 knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience. 4 But let patience have its perfect work, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing.

We are to count it joy when we face a trial because it changes us…it perfects us.  This is so much easier to write than it is to do.  I realize this.  But if we are going to obey God’s Word, then we have no choice but to submit to His will and joyfully trust that He knows best.

So if we know we are scheduled for spiritual surgery–and we all are, we just don’t know when–how can we prepare?  It is a known fact that physical surgery goes so much better if we are healthy and in good physical shape.  Recovery time is considerably shorter, as well.  Might I suggest that spiritual surgery may be similar?  We will be much better prepared for spiritual surgery if we are in God’s Word daily, living a life of prayer and thankfulness.  We will especially be better prepared if we are practicing joy in the little cuts and bruises of life.

If we are believers, we are scheduled for spiritual surgery.  We don’t know when.  We don’t know how invasive.  But we are scheduled.

What IS that smell?!

I noticed it on Thursday.  Something smelled wrong and it was definitely coming from the laundry room.  I knew we had 10 puppies in the garage, just beyond the laundry room door, that did not give off the most pleasant aroma…but this smelled different.  As the day wore on the smell got stronger.   I started washing everything in sight.  I emptied the trash.  I opened up the windows.  I looked behind the washer and dryer.  I looked in the closet.  But I could not figure out what was causing this terrible stench.  As the evening wore on we all commented on it…and then we would forget about it…until we had to go near the laundry room.

However, upon my nose being assailed with an even worse odor–if that was even possible–on Friday morning, I realized that this smell was not going to vanish on its own.  I started to panic a little because we were having a large Christmas gathering at our house that night.  What was I going to do?  I was going to have to solve this mystery…and sooner rather than later.  So I did what I often do in these circumstances: I asked my husband to help me when he came to the house for a few minutes from the office.

Within a matter of minutes he found the culprit.  When we were making room in the freezer for our recently acquired venison, someone had put a bag of chicken on top of the freezer and forgot about it.  Boy, did that thing smell!  It was put there on Wednesday morning and by Friday it smelled like the chicken had actually died right there on the freezer and was laying in the hot sun.  We quickly discarded the offensive chicken and then I went about trying to remove all remnants of that terrible odor from my house.

There seems to be a spiritual parallel here, doesn’t there?  If there is a bad odor surrounding me, then something is causing it.  Let me give a few examples.  If I am angry, there may be a deeper issue of selfishness at work.  If I tend to yell a lot, there may be a deeper issue of  lack of self-control.  If I brag about my accomplishments and boast about my kids, there may be pride in my heart.  If I arrogantly express that no one is going to tell me what to do, then there is probably a root of rebellion at work.  If I entertain myself with the things God hates, then I am lacking discernment.  If I am sweet and kind on Sunday, but not so nice the rest of the week, then I am a hypocrite.

Anger…indulgence…pride…rebellion…a lack of discernment…hypocrisy…they all give off a bad odor.  They are not the fragrance of Christ.  Paul talks a little about this in 2 Corinthians 2:14-16.  He says:

Now thanks be to God who always leads us in triumph in Christ, and through us diffuses the fragrance of His knowledge in every place. 15 For we are to God the fragrance of Christ among those who are being saved and among those who are perishing. 16 To the one we are the aroma of death, leading to death, and to the other the aroma of life leading to life. And who is sufficient for these things? 

If our fragrance is from Christ, then those who are being saved will find our fragrance refreshing and wonderful.  But those whose hearts are hardened will not like our fragrance.  It will irritate them.  We will be the aroma of death.

I think it is pretty clear that not only are we to dig out the roots of sin in our lives that give off a bad odor but we are to conduct ourselves in such a manner that we will give off the fragrance of Christ.  A rather inadequate analogy would be that it is like the difference between being around a person who has just come from digging in a manure pile and a person who has just freshly showered and has applied a sweet-smelling perfume.

This incident has made me think about what sin is in my life…and what aroma I am giving off?  Not only to those who do not know me all that well, but also to those who know me really well…my family.  What about you?  What do you smell like?



What’s It Like to Be Married to Me?

The title of this book caught my eye as I perused Amazon.  I can’t even remember what I was looking for…but it wasn’t a book on marriage.  But that title…it was a sermon in and of itself.  And I found myself really contemplating it.  What is it truly like for my husband to be married to me?  I have spent so many thoughts on what it is like to be married to him that I forgot the other side of the equation.

As I read Colossians 3 this morning, and then the similar passage in Ephesians 5, I realized something.  Oh, it was not a new thought to me, but God brought it to my attention this morning once again.   You want to hear my big insight?  Here it is:  I can only control me.  I can only control my actions, my thoughts, my words, my reactions, my heart, my mind, my body.  I am the only one who can control me and I am incapable of controlling anyone else.  This especially hits home in a marriage.

Whether my husband treats me wonderfully or badly…I still have a responsibility to respond in a way that pleases the Lord.  Whether my husband gets me roses or a vacuum for Valentine’s Day….I still have a responsibility to respond in a way that pleases the Lord.  Whether my husband gives me a back rub or a bag of laundry…I still have a responsibility to respond in a way that pleases the Lord.  You get the idea.

What is it like to be married to me?  I am not sure it is all that it should be.  In fact, I am sure it could be a much better experience for my dear husband.   May I continue to ask that question throughout the rest of my marriage.   It is my hope to be a blessing to my husband.  Sometimes we get so caught up in the busyness of life we forget to love and respect our husbands the way God instructs us in His Word.

And we could actually take a similar question and apply it to almost any of our relationships:

What’s it like to be my child?

What is it like to work with me at the office?

What is it like to be my parent? my sibling? my friend?

What is it like to go to church with me?

What if I was my neighbor?

What if I was on a committee with me?

If we find ourselves in a difficult relationship that is full of hurt and anger or just a stilted, uncomfortable relationship, perhaps this is a good place to start.  Let’s “put the shoe on the other foot”.  Let’s think about how we present ourselves–what kind of tone we use, our body language, our facial expressions. Let’s think for a moment what we may have said, how we may have acted or reacted, the expression or lack of expression that may have been hurtful or unkind.

I think, so often–at least in my life–I spend most of my time thinking about how the other person did something, said something, hurt me, etc.  instead of the reverse question.  Because, after all, it is much easier to think about the faults of others than my own faults.

And so, God continues to use His Word to teach me.   And sometimes He uses wise authors who, even by the title of their book, can speak to me.  I haven’t read the book yet (see link below) but I did buy it.  Because you are never too old to work on your marriage!

Strength Will Rise When I Wait?

Are you sure, Lord?  Strength will rise as we wait upon the Lord, wait upon the Lord, we will wait upon the Lord.  As we sang this song in church yesterday, I thought about that phrase.  Wait a second…my strength doesn’t “rise” when I am waiting on the Lord.  It usually decreases.  I wonder if that phrase is even biblical?  So right there in church (sorry, Pastor Dan!) I started looking to find the scripture that  backed that phrase up.  As I read a few of the verses that contained the word “wait” I came across several rich passages but most had to do with being comforted by the Lord.  I didn’t read anything about my strength rising.  And then I remembered that verse in Isaiah.  Where was that again?  Chapter 40 or was it 41?  I flipped the pages through Isaiah looking for it.   There it was.  Chapter 40, verse 31:

 But those who wait on the LORD
Shall renew their strength;
They shall mount up with wings like eagles,
They shall run and not be weary,
They shall walk and not faint.

While we wait our strength will be renewed.  Our strength will rise…grow stronger…as we wait.  And I thought about some of the situations in my life where waiting is my only option.   And I knew that waiting usually depleted my strength.  It didn’t make it grow stronger.  And then I had to ask myself this question:  if scripture tells me that waiting will make me grow stronger, why was I growing weaker?

As I pondered this question, I realized the answer: I grow weaker when I am waiting if I am relying on my own strength.  I am small and finite and things look impossible to me.  But God is big and infinite and all-knowing. All things are possible with God.  He is our hope…our strong deliverer, just like the song goes on to say.  In fact, as I took the time to read through the lyrics (see below) after I got home, I realized that the entire song was based on that verse in Isaiah.

But there wasn’t anything in that verse to indicate that waiting would be easy…or fun.  In my world, I am “happier” if I can do something to solve a problem and many of my conversations with the Lord have gone something like this: “Lord, please just show me the path to take, and then I’ll do it, Lord. Please show me how I can solve the problem and I promise I will work hard to do that.”    But guess what?  If we solve the problem, then we get the glory.  It is only when I acknowledge that I can’t possibly solve this problem and, in prayer and with faith and patience, submit the impossible to my Heavenly Father that I can get a glimpse of His glory.

Some of us wait and wait and wait.  We have wayward children…or broken relationships…or a situation at work…or an illness…and they are seemingly unending.  And we grow discouraged.  And we grow weaker.  Waiting is not for the faint of heart.  Waiting is hard.   But after we have done all we can do…after we have given 110% to solve a problem…or read every good book there is to read about God’s will…and there is still a question mark hanging over our heads…then, instead of throwing our hands up in the air, we need to turn it over to the Lord.  And as we wait, trusting in a God who is so much bigger than us, our strength will be renewed, not because of anything we will do…but because He will give us strength.

Everlasting God

Strength will rise as we wait upon the Lord
We will wait upon the Lord
We will wait upon the Lord

Our God, You reign forever
Our hope, our Strong Deliverer
You are the everlasting God
The everlasting God
You do not faint
You won’t grow weary

You’re the defender of the weak
You comfort those in need
You lift us up on wings like eagles
You won’t grow weary

O, to be like a crossing guard

Each morning I pass by a busy intersection near our local middle school.   And every morning, I see the same lady faithfully directing traffic and protecting children.  She stands with confidence and is dressed appropriately for the conditions, whether there is sunshine, rain, wind, or the dangerous fog.   She is observant and always on her guard because any lapse of judgment would put the children she protects in great peril.   And, given it is middle school children she directs, I can imagine that the “thank yous” are few and far between.  She has also probably put up with a couple of obscene gestures and angry drivers, as well.   But she keeps doing her job.  Because she is dedicated to that job and takes it seriously.

We Christians could learn a lesson or two from her–

1. We should know what our job is and do it with confidence.    God’s Word tells us the “job” description of a true believer in Jesus Christ.  We should know what that is and then go about it with confidence.  There is such an emphasis on tolerance in this culture, that many of us, while being and  looking like true believers in our hearts and homes, are not so confident out in the middle of the intersection.  We raise a half-hearted hand to direct traffic and to “kind of” tell them to slow down, but we are afraid to say, “Stop!  Do you know where you are spending eternity?”

2. We should stand strong in all types of weather.  It is hard to do our job when tough times come.  And tough times are not just the big stuff, like job change, death, or divorce.  Sometimes tough times can be a long week of being unable to sleep at night.  Or they may come with a child who is simply downright difficult.  For some, it is related to children leaving the home or perhaps intrusive in-laws.  We all have different weather conditions we face.  But I think it is safe to say, we all experience different types of weather.  Just like the crossing guard shows up and does her job, no matter what the weather, so we, too, should be standing strong with Jesus, no matter what the weather.

3.  We should be dressed appropriately.  Ephesians 6: 10-20 gives a vivid description of the armor of a Christian.  Paul describes how we should be covered from our heads to our toes.  And, yet, so many of us are missing a piece of armor.  Perhaps it is Truth that is to be girded around our waist, or maybe the Breastplate of Righteousness.  It could even be the Shield of Faith.  But no matter what it is, when we are missing our armor, we become very vulnerable to our enemy.   Any chink in our armor becomes a target, where we can be attacked and destroyed.  We need to make sure we have on the whole armor of God, as Paul teaches us in this passage.

4.  Apathy puts our children in peril.  If the crossing guard was not paying close attention to what she was doing, the children would be in great danger.  If she stood on the corner lazily smoking a cigarette, the intersection would become a difficult and very hazardous place for the children she has pledged to protect.  Why is it any less important for us as we guard the hearts and minds of our children?  We can never let our guards down.  We can never stop striving to discern, protect, and make decisions that please the Lord within our families.  There is no time this is tested more than when you have teenagers.  Oh, the many times I have been tempted to throw my hands up in the air and shout, “I am tired!  Do what you want!  I don’t care!”  At those moments, it is my husband who tells me, “we have to care!  We cannot grow tired!”  How thankful I am for his perseverance.  It is critical to have this perseverance when raising children.  To not have it is to put their souls in great danger.  We need to parent with a purpose.  We are responsible for these children God has entrusted to us.  We can never grow apathetic or lazy in this duty!

5.  We can’t care what people think.  As most of us have already learned, there is very little thanks that comes for standing what is right.  More often, we are attacked.  But if we are standing on God and what His Word says, then we can stand with courage and confidence.  What would happen if that crossing guard walked dejectedly out of the intersection every time an angry driver made an obscene gesture?  And, yet, so many of us walk dejectedly away when we are criticized or someone disagrees with us.  While we are to be at peace with all men to the best of our ability (Romans 12:18), we are never instructed to compromise.  So, while we need to go about standing for truth with love and grace, it is important that we stand.   Not saying anything when God’s Word is being compromised is sinful.  We can never afford to back down when Truth is attacked.  May we stand strong even when the heat of the fire starts to burn us!

As Christians, we have been called to be salt and light.  God gives us everything we need to know in His Word.  May we be like that crossing guard, standing in all types of weather, dressed appropriately, and always persevering.  May we give little heed to those who criticize us unjustly.  And may we hear “well done, good and faithful servant,” when we meet God face to face.

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