Who is your hero?

There seems to be something wrong with a nation that makes people who can throw a ball or say a line on a screen their heroes.  If you look around, you will find heroes right in your own family.  Or in your church.  Or at the soccer game.  Because the true heroes in this life are the ones who give up personal gain to serve others.

It is my children’s teacher who patiently and lovingly cares for his ailing wife.  It is the elderly man who continues to work enthusiastically for the Lord with a smile on his face, even though his body is wearing out.  It is the Doctor that actually treats you like you are a person instead of a number.  It is the person who endures tragedy and then takes action…to work tirelessly on getting a law passed…to speak to teenagers about drunk driving…to share a testimony of how God used this in their life.

Unfortunately–and I do mean unfortunately—  I had the chance to see one of today’s hottest stars perform a song on the TV screen the other week.  After 2 seconds, we hit the fast forward button but even that did not keep our eyes from seeing the disturbing performance.  The outfits (or lack of)…the sensual movements…the whole thing was…well, I am struggling to find words to express how offensive it was.

And, yet…this is who our kids are idolizing?!?  Oftentimes, these are the people WE are idolizing?  What is wrong with us?

I have heard someone say that we should encourage our kids to be producers instead of consumers.  I wonder if this dynamic isn’t part of what is going on?  If our kids (and ourselves, for that matter) only consume life then it is natural that our heroes will become people who we watch sing a song…kick a ball…swing a club…say a line in a fictional story…drive a car around a track.

But, if instead we become producers, then our heroes are going to be those who are also producing, whatever your field of interest.   Whether it be the surgeon who has come up with a new method, the woman who started a home for orphans, the guy who started Wal-mart (that is actually a great story!), or the preacher who preaches the truth unwaveringly.

And, lest someone misunderstands, let me assure you that I do believe that acting, singing, and playing sports are all legitimate professions…I just don’t think their participants should be idolized.  After all, how are they making this world better  by what they are doing?   Of course, some do take their platform and money and use it for great good.   But, oftentimes, this is not the reason they have become someone’s idol.

And, while we are thinking about who our heroes are, perhaps we should think about another thing…are YOU anybody’s hero?  Does anyone aspire to be like you?   Should anyone aspire to be like you??

As I write, I can think of several ladies at my church who set a great example for me.   They are woman who are in their 70s and 80s and are actively serving the Lord.   They shed a ray of sunlight wherever they go.  They minister in whatever way they are physically able.  They are pleasant, with a kind word often on their lips.  Such a contrast to the complaining and selfish people of this age we so often run into.

And I wonder…when I am that age, will anyone look to me as a great example?  Or will I be one of those selfish, complaining types?  And, if I am going to be someone’s hero, then I had better start developing that now.  Because it won’t just appear by some miracle later on.  And, for that matter,  I am getting older quickly…are younger women who are watching me right now encouraged or discouraged to follow my example when they analyze my words and actions?

So…two questions to think about today–  1) Who are my heroes?  and  2)  Am I worthy to be anybody’s hero?

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