Happy Thanksgiving in 2020!

I don’t think I have ever written a post on Thanksgiving Day before. However, we have never had quite a year like 2020 before, either, so perhaps today warrants a special post.

As I sat thinking this morning of so many things to be grateful for, one thing especially came to mind. While this has always been important, I believe it has risen greatly in importance, at least for me.

One of the greatest gifts of the Christian faith is the genuine love and fellowship between fellow believers. I remember long ago being seated at a meal with a couple who were complete strangers to my husband and me. They hailed from Brooklyn and had immigrated there from Nigeria. We were both from Pennsylvania Dutch stock and had little by way of life experience. By the looks of things, we had nothing in common at all. But we shortly found out that they, too, were believers, and, after that, conversation flowed so sweetly and so freely. It happened so many years ago now, but it is such a wonderful memory.

I am sharing this today because I have come to appreciate so many of you and the encouragement and fellowship I have with you as fellow believers. I believe the current situation is drawing Christians together in a way we’ve never experienced before and that is something for which we can truly be grateful!

Some of us will never meet until heaven and yet we have met in this life through this unusual thing never experienced before in all of history called the internet. Perhaps this is of God’s mercy, where—at least for now—true believers can find one another.

Some of you are really alone. You find little support for your Christian faith in your family or churches (sadly). I hope that Growing4Life gives you some much needed support and Christian fellowship that is so needed during this confusing and chaotic time.

By the looks of things, it seems that life is not going to get easier. But God is so good and He will supply our needs. And He provides the small mercies we need along the way, including like-minded friends who encourage us and offer support.

God bless you today as you celebrate Thanksgiving! This is but a small taste of the celebration we will experience when we are in heaven with our Savior! There will be no worries about a virus there. No concern about calories. Family strife and division will be a thing of the past, to be experienced no more.

So let’s cling to Christ together, my friends. He has never left us down before and we can know with certainty that He never, ever will. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

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