America 2016


America the Beautiful? Or America the Broken? Perhaps on this patriotic holiday–July 4–in the year 2016, it is a little bit of both.

My pastor said something in church that summarizes exactly how I feel about my country. He shared the mix of emotions he felt as he listened to our country’s anthem the other day. What used to fill him with pride to be living in such a great country, now also brings shame. He expressed the feelings of so many of us perfectly.

I love my country. And even now, amidst the increasing lawlessness and evil, I still love my country. I am also heartbroken and ashamed of where we are headed. The grace of God that has been so wonderfully shed on this country throughout its history is now being withdrawn. If our eyes are open to truth, this is something we cannot deny.

Wildfires, tornadoes, and floods are happening in record numbers across this nation. Shootings and other crimes–once a real rarity–are now becoming a part of daily living. While all of this certainly has happened in the world for all time, it is becoming more and more frequent as we leave absolute values behind us and have declared that man can do what is right in his own eyes. Of course, we know from the book of Judges in God’s Word that this is a recipe for disaster if there ever was one. And I believe we are seeing this truth play out right before our own eyes. Sometimes I am filled with such sadness and despair over the state of our nation.

To many of us, it looks as if the American Dream is dying a slow and very painful death.

I find this July 4 so bittersweet. As I already said– I still love my country. I am filled with such gratitude that I can still freely go to church and hold Bible studies. I am thankful that I can go to the store feeling reasonably safe. We are blessed that we can travel on roads without fear of being kidnapped or murdered. On this day, most of us have enough to eat, a home with running water and electricity, and a car–material blessings that the majority of the world does not have. We still have it SO GOOD in this nation, even with the downward spiral we are currently in.

Will it change? I have my doubts. But I do know it can change. With God, anything is possible. But while we wait and watch, let us not grow weary of doing good and standing for truth. Let us remember that our safety and security should never be found in a country or its government, anyway. God alone is our hope. He alone is our solid ground.

I had a little free time over the weekend and decided to put a little video together. Please keep in mind that I am quite an amateur at making videos. I am sure that this is no technical masterpiece. But, for some reason I cannot explain, this idea came to me and it seemed the best way to express what I am feeling about our nation on July 4, 2016. I hope you enjoy it–


4 thoughts on “America 2016”

  1. Leslie, Your post today for the 4th of July and the beautiful video you made were excellent..I was so touched by the photos you choose for the video and the music playing tied in so beautifully! I would have thought you were a professional that did this for a was done so well! I always look forward reading what you write, making me think, and grow in my walk with the Lord. Have a wonderful 4th of July..God Bless America!

  2. Good morning, Leslie! I just enjoyed your is very appropriate and meaningful. I have been living abroad for just short of 3 years (due to my husband’s work). I wonder often to what we’ll be returning to in December. Who will be our next President for one…I am learning to trust in the Lord more and know that He is sovereign. I need to pray for our country more and ask God for His forgiveness to help heal our land. God bless you and thank you for your heartfelt video. God bless and keep America free!

    1. Thank you! How America has changed even since you’ve been gone. But I, like you, I’m learning to trust God instead of country. Funny how I didn’t even realize how much security I had placed in my “Christianized” country.

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