“Wordless” Christianity

Jesus told us the way would be narrow (Matthew 7:13-14), but this is starting to take on new meaning, isn’t it? If we don’t look past the surface then the Christian road looks pretty wide. There are still so many all over the world that go to a “Christian” church every Sunday and that claim to have a relationship with God. But when we start to scratch away at that bright exterior, what we find underneath is ugly.

While claiming to have a relationship with God, these “Christians” have divorced themselves from the Word of God.

What does this mean? It means that they are biblically illiterate, they do not live their lives according to the Word, and they do not hold the Word has their authority for their “Christian” life.

Their feelings, their desires, their dreams have that place and their “Christianity” is there to help them achieve their dreams and to escape pain.

Wordless Christianity is not Christianity. Let’s be clear on that, shall we? Christianity that is not based on the Bible is not Christianity. It’s just another false religion that has hi-jacked the name.

The Bible has been the anchor of Christianity since its inception. In other words, always. And, yet, more and more increasingly, we find ourselves defending the Bible in our conversations with…

…other Christians.

What is wrong with this picture?

And we find ourselves vastly discouraged and–if we are honest–left wondering if we have missed something. Maybe we are the ones who are wrong?

Until we go back to the Bible and recognize that not only does it re-confirm what we believe but that every thing taking place fits right into God’s timeline for the last days in an incredible and awe-inspiring kind of way.

Wordless Christianity is like a cancer. It is infiltrating and consuming even the most conservative of churches. And as it does so, we find that there is really no place for those who still hold to the Word. Churches that aren’t based on the Bible do not want pesky little congregants that keep reminding them that they have left the straight and narrow. And so, eventually, this person ends up doing one of two things. They shut up or they leave.

If you are in a good church where the Bible is still upheld as the authority and your pastor preaches the hard truths from scripture along with the pleasant ones, consider yourself blessed.

But many–maybe even many of you reading this–are struggling to find a solid church. It is such a sad situation.

As this wordless Christianity takes over we find it also affecting the Christian culture. When you unhook Christianity from the Bible then anything goes. And, suddenly, it is okay to do just about anything and still call yourself a Christian. The only verse that most seem to know is Matthew 7:1 “Judge not” and this is used completely out of context on a regular basis. If you mention anything as a sin–anything at all– you are judgmental. And this is the greatest and gravest sin of all (according to the Christian culture).

So what to do?

There is nothing really to do but to hang on for dear life to God’s Word. Is is our only anchor. Our churches, our favorite celebrity preachers, our favorite singers, our families, our friends may fail us. They may lead us away from the Word. We must stay in the Word, knowing it by studying it so that we can give a proper defense of biblical Christianity (I Peter 3:15) and so that we can discern truth from error (Acts 17:11; I Thessalonians 5:21).

Historical Christianity has always viewed the Bible as sufficient, as its authority, as its very lifeblood. Since the first book of the Bible was written, it has served as an authoritative source of comfort, strength, guidance, correction, rebuke, and growth. It has always been recognized as a special book unlike any others.

Satan recognizes the power that is in this Book and so this gives us a greater understanding of his monumental effort to detach Christians and Christianity from the Holy Bible. And he’s done a spectacular job, hasn’t he? It would seem fairly clear that this battle has been won–at least in America.

So how do we respond?

I believe we must encourage others to study and know the Bible. Nothing is more important. In a culture where most people simply watch video clips or mindless TV, this is a challenge. In a culture where books that are geared to the individual’s fixing specific problems and helping them achieve their dreams are the best sellers, this is a challenge.

But let us remember–the battle is the Lord’s and, one by one, He calls those who are His (John 6:44). May we be used by God to aid and encourage the few who seek to find the Truth and join us on the narrow way.


5 thoughts on ““Wordless” Christianity”

  1. Amen and Amen. (I shared this with my husband who is a pastor and this is his response which I agree with completely.)You are either in my church or one of the few like it. I teach this three times a week. My congregation knows the difference from ear ticklers weak and sloppy word versus rightly dividing the Word. The Bible proclaims truths that are all found only in God’s word – a called pastor and eager listeners.

  2. Hi Leslie, Thank you for sharing your thoughts on this subject. I would like to know, though, simply because I am not familiar with the conference being held at Baylor University or the speakers, what makes the teachers false? I searched the site but was unable to find anything about the doctrines or beliefs upheld by that particular seminary; I’m also not sure that would answer my question about the conference anyway. Thanks so much if you can let me know.


    1. Hi Rachel— Beth Moore has been recognized as a false teacher for quite awhile now. (If you’d like links for specific errors, please email me and I’ll email you some) Tony Evans also promotes doctrinal error that is pretty serious. Baylor itself is normalizing homosexuality. All around, it’s not a good conference for any speaker dedicated to the truth to be part of. Hope that helps.

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