
You probably heard that Tom Bosley (Happy Days), Dixie Carter (Designing Women), and Rue McLanahan (Golden Girls) died in 2010.  You may have even heard about Dennis Hopper (Speed, Hoosiers), Leslie Nielsen and Peter Graves (Airplane),  and Merlin Olsen (Little House on the Prairie). But did you know that the creator of “spaghettios”, Donald Goerke, died?  So did Miep Gies, the Dutch woman who protected Anne Frank.   Andy Irons, the three time world champion surfer, died at age 32.   Alexander McQueen, creative director of Gucci, died at age 40.   Sports greats Robin Roberts (Phillies), Sparky Anderson (Reds & Tigers), and Don Meredith (Cowboys) also passed away in 2010.    That is a short list from World magazine’s (January 1, 2011 issue) article entitled “Departures”.

You may say “So what?  What do I care?”  You may not be familiar with most of them.  (As I get older, I realize that I become more and more familiar with the names of those who have died).   But each of these people accomplished something of enough importance to be listed in World magazine.   For many, it was simply acting in a television show or movie.  For others, it was a political accomplishment.  There was also there the world’s oldest twitterer (a lady named Ivy Bean who died at the age of 104) and the scientist, Thomas Peebles, who isolated the measles virus, which led to the development of the vaccine.

And yet, many of us have never even heard of most of these people.  Most of the names I was familiar with were the names of actors.  The people who had accomplished something of value to this world were unknown to me.  And, so it is in this life.  Most things of value, while they might bring one a small amount of fame in certain circles, do not bring great notice to most of the world.  Do you know the names of the scientists working feverishly to develop a cure for cancer?  Are you familiar with the names of the people who invented the first computer…the dishwasher……the space shuttle…the internet?  Unless you are an avid reader or have great interest in any of these specific areas, you are probably unfamiliar with most of these people.

What about the people who accomplish great things for God?  Do we know who they are?  Sure, we have all heard of Martin Luther, David Livingstone, Hudson Taylor.  But what about the missionaries who reached out to the natives in Irian Jaya?  Or the natives in Peru?  Who started Voice of the Martyrs, the ministry that reaches out to imprisoned believers?  Who braved the Iron Curtain and smuggled Bibles to those who couldn’t get them?  Who is doing that currently in countries that have out-lawed God’s Word?  We don’t know, do we?

Ironically, as I was writing this, my husband told me about the attack on Gabrielle Giffords, congresswoman, and the 6 people who died in that attack.  Jan 8, 2011.  Outside a grocery store in Tucson.  Part of that group was a 9 year old girl, the young granddaughter of Dallas Green, the old Philadelphia Phillies manager.

So…what is my point?  We are all going to die.   Most of us will die without doing anything of enough value to be mentioned in World magazine.  Most of us will not die in a tragic shooting that is broadcast around the world.  But we all will die.  We will all leave some kind of legacy.  It will probably not be a legacy that brings on accolades of men.  It will probably not be a legacy that will cause someone to write an article about you in Wikipedia.  But we will all leave a legacy.  What will be your legacy?  What will be my legacy?

I want my legacy to be that of a godly woman who lived with honesty, kindness, and integrity.  Someone that her children could model themselves after.  Someone who was a blessing to her church family, her extended family, her friends, and her community.  I want to be known as someone who embraced every opportunity to share the Good News of Jesus Christ.   Because, quite truthfully, the chances are slim to none that I will ever have a blog that is read by thousands of people.  Or that I will be a famous musician.  I will never have the platform to talk to millions via television about Jesus.

But I do have opportunities every day to be a blessing to those around me.  I have opportunities every day to share with others about Jesus.  What are we doing with our lives that is of eternal value?  What are we doing to make life better for those around us?  What will be our legacy?

I will leave you with the following hymn:

Verse 1
You may build great cathedrals large or small,
you can build skyscrapers grand and tall,
you may conquer all the failures of the past,
but only what you do for Christ will last.

Remember only what You do for Christ will last.
Remember only what you do for Christ will last,
only what you do for Him will be counted at the end;
only what you do for Christ will last.

Verse 2
You may seek earthly power and fame,
the world might be impressed by your great name,
soon the glories of this life will all be past,
but only what you do for Christ will last.

Verse 3
Though your armies may control each hemisphere,
and your orbits out in space cause men to cheer,
your scientific knowledge may be vast,
but only what you do for Christ will last.

Verse 4
Though your song and prayers are heard and praised by man,
they’ve no meaning unless you’ve been born again,
sinner, heed these words, don’t let this harvest pass,
for only what you do for Christ will last.


Ignoring Inconvenient Truths

We all do it, don’t we?  Ignore something because it is just…easier.  At least, it is temporarily easier.  Here are a few I can think of:

–If I discipline and communicate with my child on a consistent basis, they will become a responsible adult.

–If I confront this person in love, we will be able to continue in a friendship full of love and grace.

–If I eat things that are good for me, I will stay at a healthy weight and feel so much better.

–If I study God’s Word, He will use that study powerfully in my life to grow me as a believer.

–If  spend carefully and wisely, I will be financially secure and be able to give with generosity later on.

Of course, there are exceptions to everything.  But,  like Proverbs 22:6 (Train up a child in the way he should go, And when he is old he will not depart from it) is a guideline for life…a golden nugget of wisdom, so the above statements are guidelines…patterns for us to follow.  But we are awfully good at ignoring them, aren’t we?

And we all struggle with different things.  I, for one, struggle with the whole food thing.  Which I think I have mentioned here before!  But I did learn a lesson the hard way this past month.  I threw my whole eating plan to the wind and filled my body with junk on a pretty consistent basis.  I was not careful of my sugar intake and felt too busy (operative word is FELT) to care about how many fruits and vegetables I ate.  And, do you know what?  I paid for it dearly.  I felt so sick the whole month of December.  Like I was operating at 50% power.  Until, on December 30, I got incredibly sick…sicker than I have ever been as an adult.  No one else in my house got sick.  Just me.  And it has made me wonder…did ignoring the TRUTH that my body needs good food to eat and cannot handle all of that sugar so weaken my immune system, that I had no way to fight back?

You may think that had nothing to do with it.  But I will never let my guard down like that again.  I will always be much more diligent, no matter what the time of year.  That way, if I do get sick, I will know it is not due to my lack of self-discipline and my unwise way of eating.

You may not struggle with eating.  You may religiously eat your vegetables and fruits.   Sugar may not even appeal to you (could you tell me how you got to that point??!)  But, I would encourage you to check other areas of your life that you may be ignoring an “inconvenient truth”…perhaps you know that your teenager is disobedient in the music they listen to…or the friends they hang out with.   You know that no good can come of that behavior.  But it is easier just to ignore it.  Because you are tired of the battle.

Or maybe you are a spender.  You go to the store and the beautiful merchandise calls your name.  When you are swiping a credit card, it is so easy to forget that you will have to pay for that later.  You ignore the truth that you will eventually have to pay for that item.

Or perhaps you are really struggling with a sin in your life.  Or you have a decision to make.  Or perhaps you need to forgive someone.   God gives us the wisdom for life in His Word.  And, yet, we ignore it.  We would much rather “discuss it”  or read the latest bestseller on how to help ourselves.

Or perhaps there is someone who has sinned against you or offended you deeply…they may not even know it.   And instead of talking it through with that person, you have made the choice to just ignore it.  Which is fine, if you are truly letting it roll off of your back.  But, instead, many of us dwell on it, until anything that person does becomes irritating to us.  They cannot even open their mouths without annoying us.   We are ignoring the truth that loving confrontation  heals relationships.

Romans 2: 5-11  says “But in accordance with your hardness and your impenitent heart you are treasuring up for yourself wrath in the day of wrath and revelation of the righteous judgment of God, 6 who “will render to each one according to his deeds”:[a] 7 eternal life to those who by patient continuance in doing good seek for glory, honor, and immortality; 8 but to those who are self-seeking and do not obey the truth, but obey unrighteousness—indignation and wrath, 9 tribulation and anguish, on every soul of man who does evil, of the Jew first and also of the Greek; 10 but glory, honor, and peace to everyone who works what is good, to the Jew first and also to the Greek. 11 For there is no partiality with God.” (emphasis mine)

We have a responsibility to pay attention to the truth in every area of our lives.  Not just the convenient ones.  Not just the doctrinal ones.  But every area.   It is my prayer that I will never let my guard down again.  That I will never again ignore any truth.  But, given my very unhealthy past month, it would appear I have a lot yet to learn!

The Book of Psalm abounds with verses about truth.   In conclusion, I will leave you with a few–

Psalm 51:6 Behold, You desire truth in the inward parts,And in the hidden part You will make me to know wisdom.

Psalm 86:15 But You, O Lord, are a God full of compassion, and gracious,Longsuffering and abundant in mercy and truth.

Psalm 91:4 He shall cover you with His feathers,And under His wings you shall take refuge; His truth shall be your shield and buckler.

Psalm 119:30 I have chosen the way of truth;Your judgments I have laid before me.

Psalm 119:151 You are near, O LORD,And all Your commandments are truth.

Psalm 119:160 The entirety of Your word is truth,And every one of Your righteous judgments endures forever.



So what if you never grew old?

Finding the “Fountain of Youth” has been the topic of many stories over the years.   But think about what would happen if you really could find a spring that would keep you from growing older when you drank from it…truly think about the ramifications of that.    You would never see another wrinkle.  Your body would stay young and strong and healthy.  You wouldn’t lose your hair.  You would be able to run as fast 1000 years from now as you can right now.  You could accomplish all of your dreams because you wouldn’t have a lifetime…you would have until the world ends.  You could try all kinds of dangerous things because you would never die.  Sounds good, doesn’t it?  But what about the other ramifications?   Not everyone could (or would want to) drink from the spring.   The majority of the world would be moving on, while you were staying the same.  You would watch classmates and family members grow older and die.  You would see generations come and go.  And yet there you would be.  Stuck.  You would never mature more than you are right at that moment.  For all the days left on this earth.

You see, this push for youth…the pressure to stay looking and acting young…it all sounds nice, doesn’t it?  But would you REALLY want it?  What would be the point?   I wouldn’t want to stay young while all those around me grew old.   Can you imagine?  You would be stuck in high school…or with toddlers…or with teenagers…forever.  Because your kids would never grow up…if you gave them some water.  Or if you didn’t, they would grow up and you would become younger than them.    You would watch others around you suffer.  Perhaps even you would suffer.  But you would never die.   Does this sound appealing?

Yes, growing old saddens us.   So does change.  But what if it wasn’t there?   What if people never changed?  It is part of life.  It is not always a pleasant part of life…but we need it.

You see, I am at a part of my life where I find myself increasingly nostalgic.  My kids are growing up so quickly.  I miss the days of cuddling babies, toddlers full of wonder, and elementary children full of energy and fun.  But, when I stop and think…would I want to go back?  No, I wouldn’t.  I love my teenagers.  And I enjoy them, too.  And one day, when my teenagers are all adults…well, then I will enjoy that time of my life, too.   As much as I hate change, I wouldn’t want things to stay the same.  Would you?

As I come to a close, I feel I would be remiss if I didn’t mention my excitement about my future, however!  A future which Jesus has promised in the Bible to those who truly believe in Him.  Scripture promises me a place where I will live forever.   I will live forever along with all of the inhabitants of that place.  But it will be a place of perfection.  A place of love, joy, and peace.  A place where no one will get sick.  No one will cry.  (Revelations 21:4) Jesus has promised this place for His followers.  Those who have repented of their sins (Mark 1:15), accepted God’s gift of salvation by faith alone (Ephesians 2:8), and have shown the fruit of that decision by denying themselves, taking up their crosses, and following Him (Luke 9:23, Mark 8:34). I hope as you ponder your own mortality, you know without a shadow of a doubt where you will spend eternity.  If you don’t know where you will spend eternity, please take the time to search the scriptures.   Ask God to open your eyes.  And I will be praying for you, my friend.


The Bible

What could possibly be the  best New Year’s resolution?  Lose 20 pounds?  Save “x” amount of money?  I think the best resolution you can possibly have is to take your Bible off the shelf and start reading it.   I came across this sermon of Spurgeon’s.  It is entitled “The Bible” and was written in 1855.  It seems that ours is not the only culture that placed novel-reading ahead of Bible-reading.  Or business ahead of holiness.  Sure, today we could insert a few more things that take precedence over our Christian walk.  I found this quite an indictment.  Don’t read it if you don’t want to feel convicted.  I am only sharing a bit of it here with you.  The rest can be found at the link at the end of this post.

Our last point is: The treatment which the poor Bible receives in this world; it is accounted a strange thing. What does that mean—the Bible accounted a strange thing? In the first place, it means that it is very strange to some people, because they never read it. I remember reading, on one occasion, the sacred story of David and Goliath, and there was a person present, positively grown up to years of maturity, who said to me, “Dear me! what an interesting story; what book is that in?” And I recollect a person once coming to me in private; I spoke to her about her soul, she told me how deeply she felt, how she had a desire t serve God, but she found another law in her members. I turned to a passage in Romans, and read to her, “The good that I would I do not; and the evil which I would not that I do!” She said, “Is that in the Bible? I did not know it.” I did not blame her, because she had no interest in the Bible till then; but I did not wonder that there could be found persons who knew nothing about such a passage. Ah! you know more about your ledgers than your Bible; you know more about your day-books than what God has written; many of you will read a novel from beginning to end, and what have you got? A mouthful of froth when you have done. But you cannot read the Bible; that solid, lasting, substantial, and satisfying food goes uneaten, locked up in the cupboard of neglect; while anything that man writes, a catch of the day, is greedily devoured. “I have written to him the great things of my law, but they were counted as a strange thing.” Ye have never read it. I bring the broad charge against you. Perhaps, ye say, I ought not to charge you with any such thing. I always think it better to have a worse opinion of you than too good an one. I charge you with this: you do not read your Bibles. Some of you have never read it through. I know I speak what your heart must say is honest truth. You are not Bible readers. You say you have the Bible in your houses; do I think you are such heathens as not to have a Bible? But when did you read it last? How do you know that your spectacles, which you have lost, have not been there for the last three years? Many people have not turned over its pages for a long time, and God might say unto them, “I have written unto you the great things of my law, but they have been accounted unto you a strange thing.”
    Others there be who read the Bible; but when they read it, they say it is so horribly dry. That young man over there says it is a “bore;” that is the words he uses. He says, “My mother says to me, when you go up to town, read a chapter every day. Well, I thought I would please her, and I said I would. I am sure I wish I had not. I did not read a chapter yesterday, or the day before. We were so busy, I could not help it.” You do not love the Bible, do you? “No, there is nothing in it which is interesting.” Ah, I thought so. But a little while ago I could not see anything in it. Do you know why? Blind men cannot see, can they? But when the Spirit touches the scales of the eyes, they fall off; and when he puts eye-salves on, the Bible becomes precious. I remember a minister who went to see an old lady, and he thought he would give her some precious promises out of the word of God. Turning to one, he saw written in the margin “P.,” and he asked, “What does this mean?” “That means precious, sir.” Further down, he saw “T. and P.,” and he asked what the letters meant. “That,” she said, “means tried and proved, for I have tried and proved it.” If you have tried God’s word and proved it—if it is precious to your soul. then you are Christians; but those persons who despise the Bible, have “neither part nor lot in the matter.” If it is dry to you, you will be dry at last in hell. If you do not esteem it as better than your necessary food, there is no hope for you; for you lack the greatest evidence of your Christianity.

    I have done. Let us go home and practice what we have heard. I have heard of a woman, who, when she was asked what she remembered of the minister’s sermon, said, “I don’t recollect anything of it. It was about short weights and bad measures, and I didn’t recollect anything but to go home and burn the bushel.” So, if you will remember to go home and burn the bushel, if you will recollect to go home and read your Bibles, I shall have said enough. And may God, in his infinite mercy, when you read your Bibles, pour into your souls the illuminating rays of the Sun of Righteousness, by the agency of the ever-adorable Spirit; then you will read to your profit and to your soul’s salvation.

In a Heartbeat

I can’t help but remember that last year at this time my uncle was rushed to the hospital after a tragic accident.  By the end of January, he was with the Lord.  I know of another woman who lost her battle with cancer this year.   And several others who are fighting the battle of their lives against the “C” enemy.   This time each year, I can’t help but look around me and thank the Lord for granting me another year to spend with my family and friends that are still here on earth.  Because life can change.  In a heartbeat.

I think we so often get caught up in the things that irritate us about those we love.   Or maybe we focus on the political or spiritual disagreements we have with others.  But, if  we stop and think for just a moment…we realize that if that person wasn’t with us next year, we would miss them dreadfully.  We need to remember to be thankful for the people in our lives.   Because life can change.  In a heartbeat.

Instead, we so often let things fester.    Ephesians 4:26 says not to let the sun go down upon your wrath.  How many of us obey that command from scripture and never go to bed angry?   How many of us would rather hold on to our pride than heal a relationship?   Or how many of us speak before thinking and say something unkind, not thinking of the hurt we are inflicting?   Why do we make such a big deal out of the little things?  What if that person was no longer here?  Think of how ridiculous you would feel about holding such stupid grudges.

You see, we only live once.  And life is too short to hold grudges and have broken relationships.  The holidays are a time for family.  And lots of times families are the ones who irritate us the most.  But I encourage you to let the annoying things roll right off of your back– don’t hang onto them.  Yes, this can sometimes be hard to do.  But as you practice it more and more it will become easier.  Instead, turn your thoughts towards the good things.  The love that you have.  What you have in common.  The way that person has been a blessing to you.  Because life is short.  And life changes.  In a heartbeat.

Psalm 104:14-16   As for man, his days are like grass; As a flower of the field, so he flourishes. For the wind passes over it, and it is gone, And its place remembers it no more.

A Christmas Poem

Long, long ago

In a faraway land

to the humans below

the Father reached out His hand

A baby was born

God’s only Son

In humble surroundings

yes, here was the One

The Messiah, the Savior

The plan was in motion

To provide a way of salvation

Most people hadn’t a notion

For He was quietly born

that night long ago

The angels pronounced it

To the shepherds below

And God placed a star

far up in the sky

The wisemen, they followed

Did they truly know why?

Long, long ago

Jesus came to the earth

And the world was never the same

After His holy birth

Your kid won’t die if they don’t get a guinea pig.

Christmas week.  A wonderful time of food, family get-togethers, church activities, and...”Christmas Lists”.  Have you felt the pressure?  The pressure to try and do everything possible to give our kids their hearts’ desire at Christmastime?  We love our children.  It seems a natural outpouring of our love to give our kids what they want for Christmas.  But sometimes, they just do not need the newest, latest gadget.  Or sometimes you can’t afford what they want.

Well, I am here to tell you that they will survive!   Is that good news or what??  (I hope you hear the sarcasm in my voice as I write this!)  I know you already know this.  It just seemed like a good week to mention this in case you forgot…

A few months ago, one of my daughters desired a guinea pig with all of her heart.  She spent HOURS researching guinea pig cages and guinea pig food and anything else that had to do with guinea pigs.  She pestered me for about two weeks straight to let her have a guinea pig.  We have owned rabbits, fish, cats, and birds at various times in our household during the last 20 years.   We currently have two dogs.   I do not feel the need to have more pets at this point in my life.   But she would not leave me alone.  She pleaded.   She cried.  She begged.   I finally came up with what I thought was a pretty ingenious idea.   I told this daughter that if she could keep her room clean for a whole month, we would re-visit the idea of the guinea pig.   I had a pretty good idea that one of two things would happen.  She would A) either forget about the guinea pig or B) grow tired of trying to keep her room clean.

And guess what?  I was right on both counts.  I haven’t heard anything further about a guinea pig for a long time.  She made a decision that a guinea pig just wasn’t worth the work involved.

Sometimes our kids’ make it sound like they NEED to have the latest gadget…or that toy they saw on the commercial…or, in our case, the pet that their cousin has.  And sometimes we can find ourselves believing them.  But my little experiment showed me that, not only do they not need it, but that most kids will forget all about it eventually.

Isn’t parenting fun??

Taking a minute to focus

As humans, we tend to put our focus on the negative things.  The things that are going wrong.  The things we can complain about.  And, yes, lots of things have gotten worse in the years since I was a kid.  But let’s think a moment about some of the things that have improved.

How about TV?  Before you think I am one brick short of a full load, let me explain.  When I was growing up, we had about…let me think…4 channels to watch on TV.  Maybe 5.    There were no DVDs (or even videos) and no DVRs.  If we watched TV, we watched a show that was on one of the main networks:  ABC, NBC, CBS, and PBS.  That was IT.  Now most of us have more options than we know what to do with.  Yes, there are lots of options that aren’t good…but there are also lots of options that are educational and inoffensive.  I know that some of you believe that TV is a big waste of time, and I would tend to agree with you.  But, if people are going to watch TV (and they are!), at least there are some good choices out there.

Let’s take a minute to look at movies.  Yes, movies, as a general rule, continue to push more and more limits and grow more and more offensive.  But try watching a PG movie from the 80s.  I sat down to watch a popular movie from the 80s with my kids.  I was appalled.  I didn’t remember that language!  At least now we have the PG-13 rating.  The PG films of 2010 are much cleaner to watch than the PG films of the 80s.  And what about the Christian film companies?  We have some really talented Christians putting out some great films.   We also have some great channels (Hallmark and Gospel Music Channel to name two) putting out great, family-oriented films with nary an offensive word or deed in them.  Wise creators, directors, and producers who know that beautiful, real stories can be told without all of the offensive language, inappropriate conduct, and abhorrent violence that is Hollywood’s trademark.

Let’s turn our thoughts toward the home.  We know the divorce rate has increased.  More kids are growing up without dads.  But let’s think a moment about how the culture has changed for the better.  I can think of two right off of the top of my head.  First, dads are expected to be more involved in the lives of their kids.  Some of this is the result of so many moms working outside the home.  But I love that dads are now in the hospital room with their wives when babies are born.   I love that dads are helping kids with homework.  And dads are picking up kids from soccer.  Kids need to know that their dads love them.  And I believe this culture encourages dads to be involved more in their kids lives and to express that love in ways beyond simply providing for their family’s material needs.

Second, there was a time when a woman was ridiculed for not going to work outside the home.  A time when it was believed that she was wasting her talents if she was going to choose to stay at home and take care of her family.  But the culture has shifted dramatically since those days.  Doctors, lawyers, and even actresses, are taking breaks from work to spend time raising their precious children.  It is viewed as a wonderful, worthwhile option now.   What a change since the days where it was believed that if you stayed at home, you were lazy and unmotivated (nothing could be further from the truth, of course!)

Let’s turn our thoughts towards education now.  How about the homeschooling movement?  We have the option to keep our children home to educate them.  Not only do we have the option, but if we do decide to homeschool, we have all sorts of wonderful services, dvds, curricula, and classes to assist us.  Homeschool co-ops can be found in almost every part of the country.  Homeschool kids have opportunities to participate in public school sports and concerts.  What a difference from the pioneering homeschoolers of yesteryear.  They were viewed as abnormal (at best) and basically did all of their teaching from scratch, maybe with the help of a cast-off textbook or two.

We have also seen some positive changes in options for our graduating seniors.  Yes, the colleges and universities are teaching many things that go against God’s Word.  Yes, many of the kids attend university to party and have a good time.  But, again, let’s think about some of the alternatives for kids these days.  When I was a kid, you went to college or you worked.  Those were our options.  Now, you can attend a community college, you can go to school on-line…you can even go on an “around the world” missions trip.   We have lots more freedom to choose what we will do after high school and lots less judgment about those choices.

And, finally, I would be remiss, if I did not mention the positive way the internet has affected us.  Yes, it has brought a horrific rise to the pornography industry.  Yes, it has made bullying take on a new light.  But it has also called businesses to a higher standard (who doesn’t check out reviews of hotels, appliances, and books on-line?) and it helps watch-dog companies that would rip people off.   It has put us in touch with our far-flung family members in a way that was unimaginable even a decade ago.  It has allowed us to have contact with missionaries in remote areas.  And, the glory of it all, is that it doesn’t cost that much (have you heard of Skype??)  Gone are the days of letter-writing and expensive, long-distance phone calls.

Of course, I could write at length about cell phones (helping us to keep our kids safe), ipods (making podcasts available to us that help us in our spiritual growth), and DVRs (eradicating the need to watch the inane and endless commercials) but I won’t, because this is long enough.

I guess I just wanted to make the point, that while many aspects of this world are getting worse, there are some things that have improved.  Let’s not spend all of our time focused on the bad things.  Let’s live a life thankful for the good things and yet always doing our part in eliminating the bad.

Matthew 5:16

Titus 2

Important Truths


If we say we are a Christian and believe that God’s Word is inspired and infallible (For the word of God is living and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the division of soul and spirit, and of joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.  Hebrews 4:12) then there are some of truths that we need to face.

I have just finished reading Nancy Leigh DeMoss’s book Lies Women Believe.  But wait! Before you say “I am not a woman so this doesn’t affect me”, listen to a few of these truths that she brings to light that affect every Christian, no matter if you are a man or woman, young or old–

1.  God is good (Psalm 119:68) . This is so easy to believe when the sun is shining and everything is going our way. But when the clouds come and life is hard, this is still true. It is so important to remember this at all times.

2. My past does not have to plague me (I Corinthians 6: 9-11). We are new creatures. We are not a victim of our “yesterday”. Yes, we need to suffer with the consequences of some of our choices. But the good news is that we can make good choices today. We can live for Jesus today. We can react and respond in a way that pleases God. We can’t go back and change how we were treated as a child or make a different decision. But we can choose to forgive today. We can make the right choice today.

“The Truth is that our past-our upbringing, the ways we have been wronged, and the ways we have wronged others-these things do not have to be hindrances.  In fact, by God’s grace, they can actually become stepping stones to greater victory and fruitfulness.” p. 258

3. I can do anything God asks of me, through the power of the Holy Spirit (I Thessalonians 5:23-24). As Nancy puts it on p. 259 There is no one we cannot forgive. There is no one we cannot love. We can give thanks in all things. We can be content in every circumstance. Those are pretty convicting words, aren’t they? Because it means that if I am struggling with any of those things, it has been my choice to struggle. I have chosen not to forgive. I have chosen to live a life of complaining, instead of the better way of gratitude.  God has provided the Holy Spirit to comfort and strengthen us. Why are we struggling so hard to live on our own power?

4. I will reap what I sow (Galatians 6:7-8). In this day of “instant everything”, we have a hard time thinking past the present moment. We fail to reflect on what consequences the choices we make today will have on our lives– and on the lives of those we love–tomorrow, or a week from now, or 5 years from now. Sometimes we focus on only the big “life” choices (who we marry, our careers, etc), but every choice we make–from failing to eat correctly to what entertainment we choose to spend our time on to the friends we choose to hang with–all have consequences.

5. The pathway to true joy is to relinquish control (I Peter 5:7) Oh, this is a tough one.  Especially for mothers! But how true. We can only control one thing. Ourselves. We can control our responses and reactions. We can control what we say and what we think. But we need to put the rest into God’s hands and rest in Him. Sometimes I find myself relinquishing control of the same situation multiple times a day. For some reason, I keep going back and picking up the burden!

6. Personal holiness is more important than temporal happiness (Ephesians 5:26-27).  This certainly flies in the face of a culture that says personal fulfillment is the ultimate goal, doesn’t it? My happiness is not all that important. God wants to mold and shape me into the likeness of His son. As I grow older, I should be more like Jesus. Does this mean I will be happy? Not necessarily by the world’s standards, although I will have more of the real joy and peace that comes when we follow Christ whole-heartedly. Happiness-that feeling that is so temporal and relies on shallow, external circumstances– is over-rated, anyway.

Those are just a few of the truths that challenged me when reading Nancy’s book. I know most of you will never read the book and so, I thought it might be helpful and challenging to highlight a few of these truths.

The other day, one of my kids asked me how I know this Christian stuff is real. And, while I don’t espouse relying on experience to prove my faith, it is amazing how, as we get older, we have seen God work in our hearts and lives, so that we can’t help but remember the marvelous ways He has worked through many of the truths listed above and dramatically brought about forgiveness in our hearts, or changed our thought processes, so that we knew that it was not us but the Holy Spirit working through us. God IS real. I feel humbled and blessed to be part of His family.


My Personal Battle

I am at war.  With food.  This battle has raged for most of my adult life but has taken on extra intensity as I have approached middle age.   TVs, movies, magazines, and websites are filled with gorgeous, shapely women who are without an extra pound of fat anywhere on their bodies.   We are bombarded by articles and commercials on how to lose weight.  There is an unspoken rule in our culture that to be beautiful you must be thin.   This time of year we are bombarded with a variety of mixed message because food plays such an important role in our holiday celebrations.  We see tons of TV shows and articles with recipes and directions for making delicious, high calorie food and then are told how not to eat it.

In the recent years, there has been much more of an emphasis on healthy living versus dieting, and I think that is a great trend.  Because, after all, isn’t that so much more important?  Can we truly live our best if we are out of breath when we climb the stairs?  Or if we have to spend our money on medications that treat diseases we could avoid by being at a healthy weight?

So what does the scripture say about food?  Are cookies and cake evil?  Are we commanded to spend an inordinate amount of time on working out and eating right?  What is the balance?  I found a few verses and I want to be very careful not to take them out of context.  But I think there are a few basic principles we can glean from these verses:

1.)  Overeating is sinful.  To eat more than we need is not only unhealthy but it is sinful.  When we eat more than our bodies require, we are gluttons.  I only give one example below, but God uses drunkards and gluttons in the same sentence more than once in Proverbs.  I don’t know about you, but I find this very convicting.  Often is the time I have reached for that extra cookie or snack when I wasn’t the least bit hungry.  That is a sin??  I believe the Bible says it is.

Do not mix with winebibbers, or with gluttonous eaters of meat; For the drunkard and the glutton will come to poverty, and drowsiness will clothe a man with rags. (Proverbs 23:20-21)

2)   There are not “good” foods or “bad” foods.  I know this will be a huge source of contention with some of you who read this.  But, I think there are several scripture passages that confirm this.  It is not so much about what we eat, as it is about how much we eat of it.   Now, to clarify, there is an over-consumption of highly processed, high-sugar, refined products in our culture that render little, if any, nutritional benefits.  Perhaps if there are any foods that could be labeled “bad”, it would be these.  Partaking of these occasionally is not going to ruin your health.  Partaking of these on a daily basis will.  We are required to be good stewards of our body.  We need to take responsibility and not live in default mode.  We need to eat a variety of all kinds of food.  And, yes, contrary to what may be popular belief, God did create sugar cane.  And He knew that a woman somewhere in history would create a pie…cookies…cake.   These things aren’t wrong in and of themselves.  It is in the over-consumption of them that we move into the realm of sin.

But food does not commend us to God; for neither if we eat are we the better, nor if we do not eat are we the worse. (I Corinthians 8:8)

3)  The battle I wage with food distracts me from my spiritual walk.  When I focus too much on food–which is shown when I am gluttonous and spend an inordinate amount of time thinking about what I will eat OR when I count every single calorie and obsess about everything I put in my mouth and spend hours working out– I am not able to focus on the things that really matter.  The bottom line is that God put food on this earth to sustain us and for us to enjoy in the proper balance.  When that balance is tipped one way or the other, I move into an area where it distracts me from my true purpose on this earth.

Then He said to His disciples, “Therefore I say to you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat; nor about the body, what you will put on. Life is more than food, and the body is more than clothing. (Luke 12:22-23)

This battle has raged on inside my head for many years.  Most women (and men, too) naturally gain some weight around their middles during middle age.  Is this sinful?  Or is this how God created our bodies to be?  I don’t really know the answer to this.  I do know, however, that I have a responsibility to keep my body in tip-top shape to the best of my ability…not so I can meet worldly standards, but so I can maximize the amount of time I have on the earth to glorify God and spread the Gospel.   But I have to admit…I look forward to not having to worry about it in Heaven!  While here on earth, I know I will always find food a source of temptation.   But I also know that in this weakness, God can show HIS strength.

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