
Have a question, thought, or comment but don’t want everyone to read it?  I would love to hear from you! I used to have a contact form here, but it came to my attention that it wasn’t working. Sooo…why don’t you just email me at leslie {at} growing4life {dot} net.

By the way, be sure to replace the word {at} with the @ symbol and the word {dot} with an actual dot. Have to type it that way to avoid the e-mail spammers. Not trying to confuse anyone! :)




23 thoughts on “Contact”

  1. This is excellent and many will empathize with this. But I have hope for you! I had a situation just like this maybe 20 years ago and this last year we have begun to bond again! God knows all about it!

    1. Thank you for that word of encouragement! I am just so thankful for a faithful God — and a faithful husband, too. He was so good to me as I walked through that dark valley.

  2. How can you even bear to leave comments on Tony Jones’ blog!? I get depressed first reading what he writes and then reading the comments of all his little disciples. G-D bless you for being a light and witness for Truth on that blog.

    1. Ahhh…I can hardly bear it, truthfully. I ended up there by a fluke but after reading that post, I just couldn’t NOT say something. I can hardly believe that Christianity has come to that. Wow. Thanks for commenting!

  3. 1 John 1:7 If, we walk in the light, as HE is in the Light, we have fellowship, one with another, and the Blood of Jesus Christ, cleanses us from all unrighteousness. We live by Faith in Jesus Christ, who paid the Price for ALL our SIN.

  4. Kristle Jefcoat

    I was reading your response to 12 reasons why Millennials are over church and I was troubled by a comment you made in the third paragraph about how you are not a Millennial and haven’t been one in a long time. I don’t think you understand what a Millennial is. Millennial is not a term that merely means “teenager” or “young adult” but specifically refers to the generation born between approximately 1981-1997, which means if you were born before 1981, you were never a Millennial, even in your youth. It’s important to understand this because when the conversation regarding Millennials is not just about adults vs teenagers but the attitudes and culture of the GenX generation (which you is what you are a part of) and the Millennials.

    1. Yep, you make a good point. However, all of us over 30 were 20-something at some time in our lives and we all know that people are people. We all–throughout history–have similar struggles and joys as we navigate life’s stages. This was the point I was trying to make, although you are correct for sure, in that I did not use the correct vernacular.

  5. Hi my name is Sue and I have been reading the Bible and learning, but I am not saved yet, so I got a question for you…My husband is saved but I am not yet, my husbands father thinks my husband should leave me cause he is saved and I am not..I am not doing sinfull things, and I do want to continue and hoping I get saved. He is telling his son that a Christion can not live with someone thats not saved, so I really need know thoughts on this…I think in Gods eyes be a sin leave a marriage of 25 yrs…

    1. Hello, Susan. I think that I Corinthians 7 answers your question very clearly. There Paul tells Christians with unbelieving spouses to remain in their marriages if the unbelieving spouse is willing. You mentioned that you aren’t doing sinful things–which I am assuming means you aren’t an alcoholic or sleeping around–things of that nature. But I do want to clarify that we all do sinful things. This understanding is truly the first step to understanding our need for a Savior. Salvation isn’t about “hoping” or a feeling. It’s about recognizing our sinful state and that we are powerless to please God on our own. And then understanding that Jesus Christ is our only Hope and Redeemer. The One who has taken our sin on Himself so that we can be reconciled to the Almighty God. Oh, there’s more to it, of course, and the Christian life isn’t one that is easy. But I do hope, dear Susan, that you will study the Word and come to understand the Gospel sooner rather than later. You just never know what a day holds! Thanks for your question. Please feel free to email me at leslie{at} growing4life {dot} net if you’d like to talk more :)

    1. Yes, I do! You should receive them automatically when you subscribe to the blog. If you don’t, email me at leslie {at} and I’ll get them to you :)

  6. Dear Leslie, I stumbled across your blog via a Google search this morning. I was trying to figure out who had said the quote “One of the most troubling problems within the church today is the unwavering loyalty to a “Christian” personality, rather than to Christ and His Word.” Low and behold, I learned through your blog it was Mike Gendron, whom I have listened to often! This led me to read through your doctoral statements, which I have now copied in full and pasted in my iPhone notes in case I ever need to share exactly what I believe with someone. I am so blessed to have found your writings. It’s as if I’m reading my own thoughts. Would love to know if you ever drive through Lawrence, Kansas. I’d love for my wife to meet you and to have coffee with you and your husband.

    1. Thank you for your encouraging words! I am not near Kansas but if you send me an email to leslie@growing4life {dot} net I will put it in a file to save so that I can contact you if we ever get out that way ???

  7. I stumbled across your blog featuring your daughter Jess’s critique of _The Chosen_ while doing research on the series (which I dislike intensely for its often-blatant misrepresentation of Christ, at-least-borderline blasphemies, and numerous egregious inaccuracies). I’m a Bible-school teacher and a dedicated Bible student, and I’m extremely discouraged by much of what I see in today’s Church. I believe that we are greatly in need of more intellectual rigor and proper discernment.

    1. You are surely not alone in that belief. I, too, am so discouraged by this. It is almost unbelievable how far the mainstream church has moved from the Bible and how far that has taken them down the paths of mysticism, pragmatism, ecumenism, etc, etc. It’s astounding, truly.

  8. Gerredina KOVAC

    I’ve been looking into Bill Johnson and his shenanigans and found your article from March 19, 2021 in which you say there will be a second article in the following week, but I am unable to locate it. Can you please help me,

    1. You know, I have had that post on their for three years and no one has ever asked me that question! I am so very glad you asked it. I actually found the second part my daughter had written and added it to the original post. If you go back to that post, you will find the second part there.

  9. Just stumbled across your website yesterday. After church I came home and googled “why don’t people dress up for church.” I appreciated your article. Dressing up for church sets the occasion and day apart for me in a tangible way.

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