Bible Study Resources


Nobody ever outgrows Scripture; the Book widens and deepens with our years. ~Charles Spurgeon

I have found this quote by Spurgeon to be SO true. The problem in our modern era isn’t the Word of God being old-fashioned or irrelevant. The problem is that we don’t know it. Oh, we think we know it–especially those of us who have been brought up in the church. But until you really give time and effort to studying the Bible, you will not truly know what wonderful truths its pages hold.

In fact, many of the supposedly “gray” areas which we so laboriously struggle through become so very clear if we just take the time to study God’s Word.

But once we do commit to studying the Bible we can run into a pretty serious problem: In this crazy, modern world we live in, it is sometimes really difficult to know just what Bible Study resources we can count on to be truly biblical. The amount of wolves in sheeps’ clothing and the sheer number of twists and turns on the traditional interpretation of scripture (i.e. false teaching) is absolutely frightening. How do we know who we can trust as we study God’s Word??

It is with this in mind that I present this page. Here I am going to provide you with Bible Study resources that I have used or that have been recommended to me by my brother, an uncompromising pastor who esteems the Word of God very highly. Occasionally, I will also recommend things by other men of God that I trust. And please feel free to e-mail me your recommendations. I would be very interested in knowing what has helped you in your own study of the Bible.  I will continue to add resources here as I use them or hear about them–


Most Helpful Book In My Opinion

Commentaries for Biblical ExpositorsCommentaries by Jim Rosscup

Whenever I ask my brother (the pastor) for solid biblical resources, he tells me to get this book. This has been going on for a couple of years now and I finally did so (Aug 2014). Wow! What a helpful resource. As I have studied the books of the Bible, I have struggled to know which commentaries are biblical and true to the original text. Dr. Rosscup has taken the time to review many different commentaries and has broken down his list to include each book of the Bible. I finally have a resource to use to find good commentaries when I am teaching a Bible Study or doing my own personal studying of the Bible. I highly recommend purchasing this book!

Helpful Websites

Grace to You Sermons (Indexed by Books of the Bible)

PRECEPT Ministries (Inductive Bible Studies)



(The last two sites listed are filled with an abundance of Bible Study helps, including commentaries, sermons, and dictionaries. You will need to be a Berean to determine which resources are biblical and which aren’t.)


Books (To Help You Get Started)

How to Study the Bible by R.A. Torrey (Don’t miss this one!)

Basic Bible Interpretation by Roy B. Zuck

How to Study the Bible by John MacArthur

How to Study Your Bible by Kay Arthur, David Arthur, and Pete DeLacy


Books (Theology and Hermeneutics)

Biblical Doctrine: A Systematic Summary of Bible Truth by John MacArthur and Richard Mayhue

Summary of Christian Doctrine by Louis Berkhof

Basic Bible Interpretation by Roy Zuck

The Greatness of the Kingdom by Alva J. McClain


Books (Whole Bible)

The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge by R.A. Torrey

Zondervan Pictorial Encyclopedia of the Bible, Vols. 1-5

Matthew Henry’s Concise Commentary on the Whole Bible (Super Value Series)

The MacArthur Study Bible, NKJV (ESV and NASB are great versions, too!)

The New Strong’s Expanded Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible

Smith’s Bible Dictionary

Spurgeon Commentary Series


Books (Old Testament)

Still to come!


Books (New Testament)

Commentaries on the New Testament by John MacArthur

Expository Thoughts on the Gospels by J.C. Ryle

Commentary on Galatians by Martin Luther

Romans: The Gospel of God’s Grace by Alva McClain

I & II Corinthians by H.A. Ironside

Luke: The Gospel of the Son of Man by Paul Benware

Luke by Leon Morris


Books (Prophecy)

Revelation of Jesus Christ: A Commentary by John Walvoord

A Commentary on Revelation: The Grand Finale by Charles Feinberg

Because the Time is Near by John MacArthur

The Rapture and Beyond by John Whitcomb



PLEASE NOTE: These books and commentaries are not inspired by God. They are written by men (and women) who are sinful human beings. As always, be a Berean and test everything you read against scripture.

ALSO PLEASE NOTE: These links will take you to Amazon for review but you can often save some money by buying them used from AbeBooks. I have purchased almost all of my Bible Study books from this site at a fraction of the cost. I get no referral payment from either of these sites and give them to you for your convenience only.

8 thoughts on “Bible Study Resources”

  1. Pingback: While the Sun Shines - Growing 4 Life

  2. As I study the bible I always put myself in front of the picture and have the scripture reflect on my life and my question to myself is always: I am indeed follow Gods word for my life. I used google to bring a little more understanding in regards to word structures and meaning. Understanding is an important part of studying the bible for which reason I always ask the Holy Spirit to reveal to me HIS will and purpose for my life. Obviously all specifics are written in the bible but you always looking to do something extra (that is your humanity). God does not need anything from us. We need all from him. To HIM be the glory and honor. You have brother here in Charlotte North Carolina

    1. Wonderful! Yes, what you write is SO true– we do have a human tendency to think we can DO something to be right with God, but we CAN’T. Thanks so much for your encouragement. So glad to have you visit. Hope you will be back :)

  3. My husband is a pastor and has used .Thru The Bible with J. Vernon McGee Commentaries and they are a great help in studying the Bible.

  4. Pingback: Here's a Novel Idea - Growing 4 Life

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