A Few Thoughts from Ephesians

This post is a bit different than my usual style. It’s simply a bit of commentary on my read-through of Ephesians this morning.

We are in the book of Ephesians this month in the Growing4Life Bible Reading Challenge and I don’t want to miss an opportunity to invite you to join us. Anytime is a great time to join this challenge. Click here for more information.

I want to encourage you to be in the Word and to see just how incredibly powerful and applicable it is to our lives. So many who call themselves Christians never read or study the Bible. It is my hope to change that one person at a time.

With that in mind, I wanted to share something here that I wrote on the Bible Challenge Facebook group page this morning—

This morning I took some time to read through the entire book of Ephesians. It is a truly awesome book, full of wonderful encouragement regarding our position in Christ, as well as thorough instruction on how to live the Christian life. There are a few things that really struck me—

First, I couldn’t help but notice how similar much of this is to what Paul wrote to the saints at Colossae. Paul was extremely consistent in both doctrine and application.

Second, I was reminded of how little I truly understand God, His power, and all that He has done for me. How little I understand His sovereignty and His might. A true understanding of these things would dissipate so many of the fears and frustrations we have.

Third—and wow!—He plans to pour out the exceeding riches of His grace on His own in the ages to come (2:7). Makes you wonder just how awesome our future is!

Fourth, anyone who reads the book of Ephesians cannot possibly come away with the idea that salvation can be without fruit or without change. A truly saved person is a new person. The book of Ephesians couldn’t be more clear about this.

Fifth, we are given clear instruction how to make a marriage and a family work. I don’t think it is any coincidence that marriages and families are failing at record rates when you compare modern families to the instructions given in Ephesians 5 and 6.

And, sixth and finally, our enemies are not people. They are spiritual and they are demonic. The people we view as our enemies are working as Satan’s emissaries and desperately need the Lord. They are so deceived and utterly lost.


So so much in Ephesians. Would love to spend the entire year here! Have a great day!

4 thoughts on “A Few Thoughts from Ephesians”

    1. I have mentioned it in various posts but haven’t written a post dedicated to this topic. I will consider this. What would you like to see an article on that topic to cover specifically?

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