What a Song Can Do

I was sitting in the Doctor’s office when the song came on.  I find it amazing how a song can transport you back in time in an instant.   Suddenly, in my mind, I was back in college.  They were wonderful, care-free days that were filled with major trials–at least that is what I thought at the time.  Now, looking back, I realize that “major trials” hadn’t even begun.

As I listened to that song, tears welled up in my eyes.  They were there because I was so thankful for where God has brought me in 25 years.  And they were there because it had all happened so fast.

Reflecting back, I contemplated those wonderful days. I had attended a Christian college that hired professors that cared about their students.  I had made life-long friends there.  I had found my husband there.  I had discovered the wonder of the Bible there.  I had learned how to share my room and my stuff with a roommate…which was a good thing to learn with marriage on the horizon!

Sure, it wasn’t perfect– in so many ways.  There were difficult days.  But now, all of these years later, I could see how God had used all of those moments to change me…and, in a lot of ways, to grow me up.

And it makes me think about now.  I know in my heart that 25 years from now, I will probably hear a song and I will reflect back to these days.  Days of busyness and teenagers and twenty-somethings.  Days of discussions and digging into scripture for answers.  Days filled with unanswered questions.

And I realize that each stage of life comes with blessings and trials.  Thankfully, if we are believers, our trials are cushioned by God’s faithfulness.  In fact, when life looks impossible and the way seems darkest, is when we often see God work in amazing ways.  Sometimes through changing our circumstances, but most often by changing our hearts.  God is so good.

As the song came to a close, my heart was sad that I would never be able to re-live those carefree days.  But my head knew that what is ahead of me is so much greater.  And, most importantly, I realized that I needed to be thankful for right now.


2 thoughts on “What a Song Can Do”

  1. Thank you for posting this! It reminds me of the Sara Groves song “Painting Pictures of Egypt.” There’s a line in the song that says:
    The future feels so hard, and I want to go back,
    But the places that used to fit me cannot hold the things I’ve learned
    Those roads were closed off to me while my back was turned.

    I remember the last time I heard the song and it hit me like a punch in the face. I was in the process of graduating from Bible school, and feeling the pain of leaving all the new friends I’d made, leaving the safe cocoon of a wonderful environment of Bible school. But if I had never graduated, I would never have gotten married, never enjoyed the blessings of married life, etc.
    God bless you for your wisdom!

    1. I have never heard that song, but is sounds very appropriate! I am going to try to find it on itunes. You make an excellent point – how many blessings would we miss out on if life never changed? Thanks so much for commenting.

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