The Antidote for a Grumbly Heart

Do you ever find yourself grumbling to yourself about someone? Or perhaps about the housework that is never ending? Grumbling comes so naturally, doesn’t it? Our homes, our jobs, our churches, our families, even our pets… no aspect of our lives are free from the temptation to grumble.

I’ve been thinking a bit about thanksgiving and what it accomplishes in us. I read the verse from Psalm 18 this morning and it just reiterated what I’ve been thinking. This is not going to be a long post but I thought I’d share what God has been teaching me (or perhaps reminding me of what I already know…) It is especially pertinent to me because I’ve been a bit more grumbly than usual.

There are many verses in the Bible about giving thanks. God desires that we give thanks. The terms “with thanksgiving” or “giving thanks” are found throughout scripture. And, in fact, Paul tells us to give thanks in everything…And that this is the will of God. (I Thess. 5:18).

Why does God will that we give thanks in all things?

First, I think it is important to note that it doesn’t say “for all things”. It’s hard to be thankful for troubles and trials. However, in the midst of the troubles and trials, we can find things to be thankful for.

I have not studied this topic in depth but I do know that, as is always the case, giving God glory and fulfilling His will, is also what is best for us. Giving thanks changes us from the inside out.

You just cannot give thanks and grumble in the same breath. If we are thanking God for someone, it is impossible to complain about them. We can thank God for one good thing about that frustrating person—even if it is only that they are helping to mold us to look more like Christ! If I am thanking God for the ability to do laundry, for the comfortable home I have to clean, and the food I get to prepare, I just can’t complain at the same time. They are totally incompatible.

Remembering the blessing of the health we do have instead of dwelling on the aches and pains. Remembering that noisy kids are healthy kids. Remembering that if what (or who) we are complaining about would be taken away, we’d be devastated. Remembering that housework represents having a place to live, clothes to wear, and food to eat. We are so blessed to be able to drive a car, go to the store, to have a job, to attend church and games and concerts and family get-togethers. Oh, that we don’t lose sight of these blessings due to our grumbly hearts.

Thanksgiving does a work in our heart and it is thanksgiving that functions as the antidote to a grumbly heart.

Now if only I could remember that when I am feeling particularly grumbly! But we just take the next step and keep trying to be more and more like Jesus every day. Small changes do add up eventually and we find we are not the same people today that we were a year ago. So let’s be encouraged and let’s be thankful!

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