Who is Jesus, According to…? A Study of Religions (Introduction)

Are all religions equal? What about all of those that use the name of Jesus? Are they all the same? Or are they different? And does it matter?

Today, I’d like to begin a new series called Who is Jesus, According to…? In this series I want to take a look at some of the religions that use the name of Jesus and find out what they actually believe about Jesus. We will then compare what they believe to what the Bible says. Our study won’t be limited to only Jesus, as I want to evaluate their other core doctrines in the light of scripture, as well.

Why is this important?

In the past several years, there has been a real effort made to unify “Christian” religions under the guise that, basically, we are all the same. As long as you “believe in Jesus”, then all is well. If we have studied prophecy at all, then we will realize that this is actually all part of a much bigger goal to eventually unify all world religions under the Antichrist, whose system will be religious at its core, and who will demand to be worshiped.

Have you ever heard the term “Ecumenism”? Or “Ecumenical”? This is the process of joining all those faiths and denominations that would call themselves “Christian” together under a false unity. The movement has had huge success, in large part due to celebrity pastors promoting it (i.e. Charles Colson sponsoring the document “Evangelicals and Catholics Together”) and the entertainment industry, which includes books, tv, movies, and (perhaps especially) music.

Just as an aside, I do want to mention here that much of this movement’s success is taking place because people do not know nor care about history. The Catholic church has never changed their heretical, works-based doctrine which brought about the Reformation so long ago. Why would and how could we just ignore those major differences? The Mormons, from their inception, never even claimed a faith that was based on the Bible, so why would we even consider unifying with them in any capacity whatsoever? A mutual desire for morality is simply not a basis for spiritual unity.

It is with this in mind, that I hope to do an honest evaluation of some of the religions that use the name of Jesus and run them through the grid of scripture. It would seem to me that, if we are being encouraged to build bridges with them, then it is important to know what they believe. I hope to do this both for you and for me, so that we more clearly understand the doctrinal differences and why true unity is impossible. I also hope that it helps us all as we discuss the danger of ecumenism with others.

I must add here that the key to all of this is believing in the authority and inerrancy of scripture. Without it, we are left oar-less and anchor-less in a ramshackle boat in the middle of a seething, churning sea. Do you understand that if we toss the Bible, then man gets to make the rules? This is what we are seeing take place all around us, and this effort to unite all religions is no exception. So please be aware that this series will be based upon the Bible alone, that being the traditional understanding of God’s Word by those who have held to biblical Christian faith throughout the centuries.

Another important thing we must understand before we begin our study is what the Bible has to say regarding any who would teach a different Gospel than what God has given us in His Word–

Now I beseech you, brethren, mark them which cause divisions and offenses contrary to the doctrine which ye have learned; and avoid them. (Romans 16:17)

Whosoever transgresseth, and abideth not in the doctrine of Christ, hath not God. He that abideth in the doctrine of Christ, he hath both the Father and the Son.If there come any unto you, and bring not this doctrine, receive him not into your house, neither bid him God speed:For he that biddeth him God speed is partaker of his evil deeds. (2 John 9-11)

We are not to “tolerate” or “unify with” any religion that would teach a different Gospel, for if we do, we are partaking with their evil deeds! This is an important point to make as this is exactly what we see happening all around us with nary a word from those we believe to be solid believers and ministries.

The Bible also tells us to examine everything, only hold fast to what is good, and abstain from even the appearance of evil–

Prove all things; hold fast that which is good. Abstain from all appearance of evil. (I Thessalonians 5:21-22)

What could be more evil than a false religion that leads people to a Christless eternity? Oh, this is not a subject to be careless and casual with. We’ve been taught that this doesn’t matter but it DOES matter. It matters so much. Oh, that we would understand the seriousness nature of joining with a religion that would preach a false gospel as we begin our study of religions.

I truly hope that the series will be a blessing to those of you who, like me, may be wondering how other religions compare to the true religion the Bible teaches. And I hope that you are interested in this because it is such a very important topic and one with which we should be familiar in these days of such religious confusion and chaos.

If you miss a post, you will find all of the posts at this page. I will add them as they are written, so that they can be easily found. If there is a specific religion you’d like me to evaluate, don’t hesitate to comment or email me and I’ll add it to my list.

So let’s get started! The first up will be Catholicism and its cousins (Greek/Russian Orthodox and Anglican).

How to Respond When We are Hurt or Offended

As we walk in this world as a believer who is committed to Jesus Christ and desires to follow Him, no matter the cost, we will inevitably be persecuted at some level. Jesus Himself said that we will be hated because the world hates Him (John 15:18-19). John reminded us of this same truth in I John 3:13: Do not be surprised if the world hates you and I Peter 2 tells us to rejoice if we suffer unjustly.

But sometimes our suffering isn’t for any good reason. Instead, it is our pride that demands revenge or keeps our heart from forgiving another person. We cry out for revenge because our pride desires it in order to be satisfied. (That ugly pride gets us into so much trouble!!!)

A few years back a friend gifted me a book called “Keeping the Heart” by John Flavel. The book itself (which I highly recommend and can be found at this link) has been changed into English that is easier to understand. It is very profound and has caused me much deep reflection.

When I read the portion that I am sharing today, I had the thought that I have not written much about these topics of revenge, vengeance, and grudge-holding. And, yet, they affect the world we live in in a profound (and quite evil) way. Even in our churches. While those who profess Christ may not exert revenge, they may surely long for it. While they may pretend that all is well, inside so many are nursing a grudge or some offense towards a Christian sibling.

I have seen this over and over again and have also experienced it. For example, years ago, I thought all was well with a woman at church. Only to find out, through her off-handed comment to a family member, that she held a longtime grudge against me for a thoughtless remark I had made. I can still remember the helplessness I felt at that moment. I hadn’t even been aware she was upset with me and I certainly had never meant what she thought I meant. It taught me to be so much more careful with my words (still learning that lesson!) and it also reminded me of how unhealthy these grudges are that Christians so often hold on to! They truly destroy families and church families.

With that in mind, I’d like to share a long portion from this book, Keeping of the Heart. I found the original manuscript in pdf form so I did copy and paste. You can find that original manuscript here. (Although I do recommend the book as it is much easier to read.) I have taken the liberty to change a few words to make it more readable. You will find those changed words in italics. I have also removed a few extra paragraphs to also increase its readability and to decrease its length.

I hope this will be a reference for you when you feel the urge to nurse a grudge or something happens to you (whether deserved or undeserved) and you feel the desire for revenge rise inside you. Flavel’s words here are most compelling and helpful. At least they were for me. I hope they are for you, too. Here’s what Flavel writes–

The seventh season calling for more than common diligence to keep the heart, is, when we receive injuries and abuses from men. Such is the depravedness and corruption of man in his collapsed state, that one man is become as a wolf or a tiger, to another. As wicked men are cruel and oppressive one to another, so they conspire together to abuse and wrong the people of God, as the same prophet complains.. “The wicked devoureth the man that is more righteous than he.” Now when we are thus abused and wronged, it is hard to keep the heart from revengeful motions: to make it meekly and quietly to commit the cause to him that judgeth righteously; to exercise no other affection but pity towards them that abuse us. Surely the spirit that is in us lusteth to revenge, but it must not be so; you have choice helps in the gospel to keep down your hearts from such sinful motions against your enemies, and to sweeten your embittered spirits.’ The seventh case then shall be this–

How a Christian may keep his heart from revengeful motions, under the greatest injuries and abuses from men. The Gospel, indeed, allows a liberty to vindicate our innocency, and assert our rights, but not to vent our corruptions, and invade God’s right. When therefore thou findest thy heart begin to be inflamed by revengeful motions, presently apply the following remedies

Remedy 1. Urge upon thy heart the severe prohibitions of revenge by the law of God. Remember that this is forbidden fruit, how pleasant and luscious soever it be to our defiled appetites. O, saith nature, revenge is sweet: O but, saith God, the effects thereof shall be bitter. How plainly hath God commanded against this flesh-pleasing sin, Prov. 20:22. “Say not I will recompense evil.” Prov. 24:29. “Say not I will do so to him as he hath done to me.” Rom. 12:17. “Recompence to no man evil for evil.” And ver. 19. “Avenge not yourselves, but rather give place to wrath.” Nay, that is not all; but Prov. 25:21. “If thine enemy hunger, feed him; if he thirst, give him drink.” The word feed him, as critics observe, signifies to feed cheerfully, and tenderly, as birds do their young ones: The scripture is a great friend to the peace and tranquillity of human society, which can never be preserved if revenge be not deposed. It was wont to be an argument urged by the Christians to prove their religion to be supernatural and pure that forbids revenge, which is so sweet to nature; and verily it is a thousand pities such an argument should be lost. Well, then, awe your hearts with the authority of God in these scriptures, and when carnal reason saith, mine enemy deserves to be hated, let conscience reply, but doth God deserve to be disobeyed? Thus and thus hath he done, and so he hath wronged me; but what hath God done that I should wrong Him? If he dare be so bold to break the peace, shall I be so wicked to break the precept? If he fears not to wrong me, shall not I fear to wrong God? O let the fear of God’s threatenings repress such sinful motions.

Remedy 2. Set before your eyes the most eminent patterns of meekness and forgiveness, that your souls may fall in love with them.
This is the way to cut off those common pleas of the flesh for revenge: As thus no man would bear such an affront: Yes, such and
such have borne as bad and worse. I shall be reckoned a coward, a fool, if I pass by this: No matter, as long as I follow the examples of the wisest and holiest of men; never did any suffer more and greater abuses from men than Christ did, and never did any carry it more peaceably and forgivingly, Isa. 53:7. “He was oppressed, and He was afflicted, yet He opened not His mouth: He was brought as a lamb to the slaughter,” This pattern of our Lord the apostle sets before you for your imitation, 1 Pet. 2:21, 22, 23. “For even hereunto are you called, because Christ also suffered for us, leaving us an example that we should follow His steps: Who when He was reviled, reviled not again; when He suffered, He threatened not, but committed Himself to Him that judgeth righteously.” To be of a meek, forgiving spirit, is Christ-like, God-like; “then shall you be the children of your Father which is in heaven; for He maketh His sun to rise upon the evil and upon the good, and sendeth rain on the just and unjust,” Matt. 5:45. How eminently also did the Spirit of Christ rest upon His apostles? Never were there such men upon earth for true excellency of spirit. None were ever abused more, or suffered their abuses better. “Being reviled (say they) we bless; being persecuted, we suffer it; being defamed, we entreat,” 1 Cor. 4:12, 13. Strive then for this excellency of spirit, which is the proper excellency of Christians; do some singular thing that others cannot do, and then you will have a testimony in their consciences.

Remedy 3. Consider well the quality of the person that hath wronged thee: either he is a redeemed man, or a wicked man, that hath done thee the injury: If he be a redeemed man, there is light and tenderness in his conscience, and that will bring him at last to a sense of the evil he hath done; however, Christ hath forgiven him greater injuries than these, and why shouldst not thou? Will Christ not upbraid him with any of those wrongs done to him, but frankly forgive them all; and wilt thou take him by the throat for some petty abuse that he hath done to thee? Or is he a wicked man? If so, truly you have more need to exercise pity, than revenge towards him, and that upon a double account: For, (1.) He is beside himself, so indeed is every unconverted sinner, Luke 15:17. Should you go into Bedlam, and there hear one rail at you, another mock you, and a third threaten you; would you say I will be revenged upon them? No, you would rather go away pitying them! Alas, poor creatures! they are out of their wits, and know not what they do. Besides, (2.) There is a day coming, if they repent not, when they will have more misery than you can find in your hearts to wish them; you need not study to revenge, God’s vengeance sleepeth not, and will shortly take place upon them, and is not that enough? Have they not an eternity of misery coming? If they repent not, this must be the portion of their cup; and if ever they do repent, they will be ready to make you reparation.

Remedy 4. Keep down thy heart by this consideration, that by revenge thou canst but satisfy a lust, but by forgiveness thou shalt
conquer a lust. Suppose by revenge thou shouldst destroy one enemy, I will shew thee how, by forgiving, thou shalt conquer three, thine own lust, the devil’s temptation, and thine enemy’s heart; and is not this a more glorious conquest? If by revenge thou overcome thine enemy, yet unhappy victory, when, by overcoming another man, thou art overcome by thine own corruption. But this way you may obtain a glorious conquest indeed. It must be a very disingenuous nature indeed, upon which meekness and forgiveness will not work; a stony heart, which this fire will not melt. To this sense is that, Prov. 25:21. “If thine enemy hunger, feed him; if he thirst, give him drink; for in so doing thou shalt heap coals of fire upon his head.” Some will have it a sin-punishing fire, but others a heart-melting fire. To be sure it will either melt his heart, or aggravate his misery.

Remedy 5. Seriously ask this question to thy heart: Have I got any good by the wrongs and injuries received, or have I not? If they have done you no good, turn the revenge upon yourselves: O that I should have such a bad heart, that can get no good out of such troubles! O that my spirit should be so unlike to Christ’s! The patience and meekness of other Christians, have turned all the injuries thrown at them into precious stones; the spirits of others have been raised in blessing God, when they have been loaded with reproaches from the world, they have bound them as an ornament to their necks. Luther has said: I could even be proud upon it, that I have a bad name among wicked men. To the same purpose Jerome said sweetly: I thank my God that I am worthy to be hated of the world. Thus their hearts were provoked by injuries to magnify God, and bless him for them; if it work contrary with me, I have cause enough to be filled with self-disgruntlement. If you have got any good by them; if the reproaches and wrongs you have received, have made you search your hearts the more, watch your ways the more narrowly; if their wronging you, has made you see how you have wronged God, then let me say for them, as Paul did himself, Pray forgive them this wrong. What! can you not find a heart to forgive one that hath been instrumental of so much good to you! That is strange! What though they meant it for evil? Yet, if God hath turned it to good, you have no more reason to rage against the instrument than he had who received a wound from his enemy which which healed the abscess which otherwise had been his death.

Remedy 6. It is of excellent use to keep the heart from revenge, to look up, and eye the first cause by which all our troubles are ordered. This will calm and meeken our spirits quickly. “The Lord hath taken away, blessed be his name,” Job 1:21.

Objection: But you will say, To turn aside the right of a man, to subvert a man in his cause, the Lord approveth not, Lam. 3:36. Answer: True: but though it fall not under His approving, yet it doth under His permitting will, and there is a great argument for quiet
submission in that; nay, He hath not only the permitting, but the ordering of all those troubles. Did we see more of an holy God, we
should shew less of a corrupt nature in such trials.

Remedy 7. Consider how you daily wrong God, and you will not be so easily inflamed with revenge against others that have wronged you. You are daily grieving, and wronging God, and yet He bears, forgives, and will not take vengeance upon you; and will you be so quick in avenging yourselves upon others? O what a sharp and terrible rebuke is that! Mat. 18:32, 33. “O thou wicked and slothful servant! I forgave thee all that debt because thou desirest me, shouldst not thou also have had compassion on thy fellow servant, even as I had pity on thee?” None should be so filled with pity, forbearance, and mercy, to such as wrong them, as those should be that have experienced the riches of mercy themselves: The mercy of God to us should melt our very hearts into mercy over others; it is impossible we can be cruel to others, except we forget how kind Christ hath been to us. Those that have found mercy, should shew mercy. If kindness cannot work, fear should. “If you forgive not men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive you your trespasses,” Mat. 6:15.

Remedy 8. Lastly, Let the consideration of the day of the Lord, which draweth nigh, withhold your hands from anticipating it by acts of revenge. Why are you so quick? Is not the Lord at hand, to avenge all His abused servants? “Be patient therefore, my brethren, unto the coming of the Lord. Behold the husbandman waits. Be ye also patient, for the coming of the Lord draws nigh: Grudge not one against another, brethren, lest ye be condemned. Behold the Judge standeth at the door,” Jam. 5:7, 8, 9. This text affords three arguments against revenge: (1.) The Lord’s near approach. (2.) The example of the husbandman’s patience. (3.) The danger we draw upon ourselves by anticipating God’s judgment; Vengeance is mine, saith the Lord; he will distribute justice more equally, and
impartially, than you can. They who believe they have a God to right them, will not so much wrong themselves, as avenge their own

Objection 1: But flesh and blood are not able to bear such abuses.
Solution: If you resolve to consult flesh and blood in such cases, and do no more but what that will enable you to do; never pretend to even be saved. Christians must do singular and supernatural things.

Objection 2: But if I put up such abuses, I shall be reckoned a fool, and every one will trample upon me.
Solution: (1) You may be reckoned so among fools, but God and good men will account it your wisdom, and the excellency of your spirits. (2.) It must be a base spirit indeed that will trample upon a meek and forgiving Christian: and thus learn to keep your hearts from revenge under all provocations.

Capturing Our Thoughts

What are you thinking about right now? At this very moment? We are all thinking all of the time. It’s not like we can’t think. The question is what are we thinking?

Have you ever stopped to consider how every sin, wrong attitude, and bad habit begins first with a single thought?

It is that point in time, when that first thought comes, that we should harness it and take control. Instead, all too often, we follow the thought off into the wilderness, where we allow it to run free and take us wherever it will. Well, at least I do. I won’t presume to speak for you!

Think with me, if you will, about the sin of worry. I guess this is rarely viewed as a sin anymore. Although, if we say we follow Christ and we take a moment to be honest with ourselves, we must recognize worry and anxiety for what they are: A blatant lack of trust in our faithful God.

But the anxiety and worry that steals our peace begins with a thought. “What if…?” or “Maybe…” and we allow our thoughts to wander, until we’ve ended up in such angst of soul that it completely crowds out any of that peace we are promised in God’s Word. Along with this often comes sickness and disease, for a constant state of worry and anxiety affects us physically.

If we had just controlled that first thought…

Or how about the sin of grudge-holding? This, too, begins with a carefully nursed thought about someone who has hurt or offended us. We think about what happened; we ignore or downplay any fault we may have had in the situation; we offer no grace or mercy but, instead, chew and gnaw on our hurt and offense until it grows into dislike and eventually ends up in cold indifference or hot hatred.

But these grudges also steal our peace. They hurt us far more than they ever hurt the person we are thinking about. Living in a state of constantly “being offended” and holding on to hurts is exceedingly unhealthy for body and soul.

Look at any sin, bad habit, or wrong attitude you struggle with and identify that first thought that gets the ball rolling. It doesn’t take long if we but take a moment for introspection. Whether it’s gluttony or treating our spouses in an unloving way; telling a “white lie” or a big “whopper”; watching something we know doesn’t please the Lord or reading a book we know full well we shouldn’t read; perhaps it’s responding to a Christian brother or sister in an unkind way or just being in a constant depressed and pessimistic state…all of these begin with one uncontrolled thought.

So what can we do? How do we take control of our thoughts? We get a bit of insight in God’s Word in the book of 2 Corinthians–

For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war after the flesh: (For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds;) Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ;   (2 Corinthians 10:3-5)

From these verses we can learn a few important things about taking our thoughts captive.

First, we must recognize that the war we fight is not carnal. It’s spiritual. We are fighting a spiritual battle. Paul reminds us of this in Ephesians 6 and tells us to put on the full armor of God so that we can stand against the wiles of the devil! We cannot expect to change our thought patterns or win any battle without our armor on. That’s a post for another day, but suffice it to say there is much to think about in that last half of Ephesians 6 if we are someone who struggles to control our thoughts.

Second, we must realize that our thoughts exalt themselves against the knowledge of God. Whether they are doubts about the biblical account of creation or they are thoughts of distrust and frustration with God’s plan for our lives, we are exalting our own thoughts against the knowledge of God and what we know about Him from His Word. We aren’t left in the dark here. He has been so kind and merciful to give us His Word, where we find out Who He is, what he’s like, and what He desires from us, as His created beings. We have all the knowledge of God that we need. We exalt our own thoughts against that knowledge when we choose to think unbiblically.

And, third, controlling our thoughts takes intention and action. We are to cast down imaginations and bring into captivity every thought. It’s not just going to happen one day. We must be proactive in identifying the troublesome thoughts and then cast them out and bring them into captivity to the obedience of Christ.

I wish I could give you a list of instructions to help you accomplish this difficult task. As always, I am working on this right along with you. I still find myself ending up in places of worry and anxiety that are absolutely crippling at times. I think we all have our different challenges and struggles. Yours may be something else. But Satan knows our weaknesses and the chinks in our armor, doesn’t he?

But we aren’t left to our own devices. We can’t miss that important phrase that says our weapons are mighty through God for pulling down strongholds. We can win these difficult “thought” battles that we fight against our flesh. But we won’t win them without God’s help.

I can tell you one thing that has helped me a lot. I mean A LOT. And that is scripture memorization. I first started out learning individual verses that had to do with anxiety a few years back when I found myself really struggling. As I would lay in my bed at night, I’d start saying these verses to myself when the fearful thoughts would come crashing into my mind. It is hard to describe the peace that would come as I intentionally chose to move my mind from my sinful thoughts to the truth of God’s Word.

I then moved to a few chapters of scripture and some longer passages. These, too, have been such a blessing. Currently, I am working on the last half of Ephesians so these verses have been on my mind. When sinful thoughts come, I try to move my mind to meditate on scripture I am working on.

It is quite amazing to me that I can even memorize at my age. I think if we give an effort God will meet us in it. And even though I can’t always say every verse perfectly, it is quite wonderful how snatches and phrases come to mind as I live my life. It truly does make a difference when God’s Word is hidden in your heart.

What also has amazed me is how much more I can meditate on God’s Word when I memorize a passage. I have never been a good one at meditating on God’s Word. Living a busy life with a long to-do list does not yield much time for meditation. But I have found with scripture memory, I can meditate on God’s Word at times that I would normally waste on futile thoughts, such as when I am in the car or when I am waiting in line somewhere and, most often, when I am laying in my bed at night before I fall off to sleep.

I encourage anyone reading this to begin memorizing scripture. Nothing will help you cast down your wild imaginations or take your sinful thoughts captive like hiding God’s Word in your heart.

Capturing our thoughts is no easy task but it is quite essential if we long to live a victorious Christian life. Because every sin begins with a thought.

God’s Impending Wrath

There are some things that are not fun to write about. Today’s topic is one of them. But my study of Revelation has led me to reflect on this subject and yesterday I felt I must dig into this both for myself and for my readers who are studying Revelation with me in the 2024 Bible Reading Challenge. As I’ve been studying, I thought it might be helpful and, yes, even encouraging to share what I have been learning with all of my readers.

I have to be downright honest and let you know right now that the last few chapters of Revelation have challenged my understanding of God and Who He is. Chapters one through five were amazing as I learned of God, His love for His people, and contemplated being in the Throne Room of God. But as I moved into chapters six and those that follow, where we begin to see God’s wrath poured down on earth, I began to struggle a bit. How could a loving God do this? This was the question that kept coming to my mind.

Of course, at the end of the day, reading a book like Revelation simply requires our faith in our God, who knows infinitely more than we do. We must submit to His will, even if it doesn’t seem “fair” to us. This is critical in any book of the Bible we read, but perhaps none more so than in our study of Revelation.

But, remembering that God’s Word is so cohesive and consistent, I sat down for a few moments to really ponder what God has to say about His wrath throughout the Bible. What I found both comforted and encouraged me. I hope it will do the same for you.

First, it is important to get some context regarding God’s justice. Why must a good God be a just God? To help us understand this, let’s think about a human judge in a court room. When someone breaks the law, it is the job of the judge to give the offender a sentence that matches their crime.

If the judge said, “Oh, you didn’t mean to murder that man? Oh, you poor thing. Just go on and go free then,” OR “Oh, you can’t afford an iPhone so you stole one? Oh, my, what a terrible life you must have, not being able to afford something so basic. You certainly don’t need a jail sentence to make your life worse,” what would we think of him?

Yes, we’d think he is a TERRIBLE judge. And it would lead to an even more TERRIBLE society. The judge’s decision to let a criminal go free would not be a loving one, it would be an irresponsible one. You see, we need justice as a framework for goodness and love. The world can’t be good or loving without it. We see this in real-time through the corruption of society and the lack of true justice in our fallen world.

God is no different. He cannot let sin go unpunished. We are all born sinners and deserving of wrath. A good and loving God cannot let the sinner go unpunished. BUT THERE IS SO MUCH MORE TO THIS STORY! Let’s take a brief walk through the Word and discover some of important truths about this subject of God’s wrath.

1. God has made a way of escape.

For God so loved the world, that He gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life. For God sent not His Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through Him might be saved. He that believeth on Him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God. (John 3:16-18)

God has provided us a way of escape from His wrath through His Son, Jesus Christ. Jesus took our punishment! He died so that we could be saved from our sins and stand righteous before God. Think about that glorious TRUTH for just a moment!

2. God clearly tells us that no one has any excuse.

For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who hold the truth in unrighteousness; Because that which may be known of God is manifest in them; for God hath shewed it unto them. For the invisible things of Him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even His eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse: Because that, when they knew God, they glorified Him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened. Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools, And changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man, and to birds, and fourfooted beasts, and creeping things. (Romans 1:18-23)

From these verses, we can see that every person has the opportunity to choose or reject God. All people who have ever lived are without excuse. Isn’t that a comforting thought? God has not just condemned man without first giving him the opportunity to escape His wrath.

3. God is longsuffering towards us and not willing that any should perish.

The Lord is not slack concerning His promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance. (2 Peter 3:9)

Why has God not poured His wrath down on this wicked world sooner? How can He watch all of the evil that takes place in this world day after day after day? It is because He is patient and He loves us. He is not willing that any should perish. But Revelation tells us that day will come. Oh, if you have not yet believed on Jesus Christ, I pray you don’t delay for the day of God’s judgment IS coming.

4. God warns us of His coming wrath.

 Behold, the day of the Lord cometh, cruel both with wrath and fierce anger, to lay the land desolate: and He shall destroy the sinners thereof out of it. (Isaiah 13:9)

 For if we sin wilfully after that we have received the knowledge of the truth, there remaineth no more sacrifice for sins, But a certain fearful looking for of judgment and fiery indignation, which shall devour the adversaries. (Hebrews 10:26-27)

God, in His lovingkindness, has warned mankind that judgment is coming. It’s all throughout the Bible. We have been warned.

So, as I read and study Revelation, I have to understand that the man who has rejected God is deserving of God’s wrath. But, God in His lovingkindness provided a Savior to cleanse us from our sins and to give us the right to stand righteous before Him–not clothed in our own righteousness (for Isaiah tells us in chapter 64, verse 6 that our good works are as filthy rags before Him) but clothed in Christ’s righteousness ALONE! And God has not only made a way to escape judgement, but He has made it possible for all people to know about this way, He has been longsuffering and patient with us, and He has warned us of what is coming if we don’t choose Christ.

One thing that keeps coming to mind as I have been studying Revelation is that these horrific judgments upon the earth and its inhabitants are temporary. But hell is not temporary.

Oh, how my study of Revelation and God’s wrath gives me more zeal to share the Gospel! How I pray it gives anyone studying with me more zeal to share the Gospel. We get so caught up wondering what people will think about us that we hesitate to share the glorious TRUTH.

Christ died for us and rose triumphant over death so that we could be saved. And this will not only save us from God’s wrath which is coming to earth but, more importantly, it will save us from God’s eternal wrath.

Oh, that we may be filled with boldness and courage to share God’s wonderful plan of salvation as we reflect on God’s impending wrath.

The Challenge of Sharing the Gospel

I have been studying Revelation this year and the reality of what is coming for the world…and for many of the people around me every day…has been setting in. I’ve become more burdened than ever for the lost as I have been studying what is going to happen in what seems to be the very near future.

But…I also find it so very difficult to know the best way to “bring up” the Gospel in every day situations. Particularly in this culture of wishy-washy American Christianity where everyone thinks they are saved.

So I decided to do something I haven’t done for awhile: Pray that God would bring me an opportunity I couldn’t miss.

I have prayed this prayer off and on through the years and God always answers it in the most amazing ways. I am quite ashamed I don’t think to pray this more often.

At any rate, God provided me with no less than three different opportunities to plant seeds for the Gospel this past week. I couldn’t miss them. It was truly incredible!

However, as I talked with the first person God “dropped in my lap”, I quickly grew discouraged. I realized at that time that for anyone to find true biblical faith in this culture of deception and lies it would truly take a miracle (but then the redemption of any person is truly a miracle, isn’t it?!) But, let’s be honest: How is anyone to figure out their way through the maze that calls itself Christianity these days? A maze that is chock-full of dead ends and false teaching?

Most people turn to one of these dead ends when they are searching. They are resting comfortably in a dead end corner of the maze, thinking they have reached truth. Why did I think that sharing the Gospel with someone who is so confused could possibly be frutiful? How can I– a simple ordinary person– “unconfuse” them? Surely God needs someone much more knowledgeable and gifted than myself to do this job. My enthusiasm to share the Gospel was dissipating rapidly in the midst of these thoughts.

And that’s when the thought came: Just point them to the Bible.

Remind them that truth is found in the Bible. Encourage them to read their Bibles.

I could do that. I might not be gifted in evangelism and the person I am talking to might be super confused. But God is bigger than all of this. And He uses His Word to open blind eyes.

For it is the Word that will tell people the truth about their souls in a way I never could–

For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart. (Hebrews 4:12)

And Isaiah reminds us that God’s Word never returns void–

So shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth: it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it. (Isaiah 55:11)

My discouragement that afternoon was replaced by a renewed enthusiasm. God doesn’t need me to share the Gospel so that someone can be saved. He can use a rock to do that. It’s not my responsibility to save someone. It’s my responsibility to plants seeds for the Gospel. Lots and lots of seeds. And I believe that I can do this most effectively by pointing people to the Bible.

And so I have been excited to plant seeds this past week. Just last night, God provided an amazing opportunity I never expected with a young man from the Philippines who was helping me through a tech issue. (Please pray for him if you think of it. His name is Joshua.)

And let me brutally honest here. I had to argue with myself a few times to bring up God to this young man. Why would I bring up the Gospel with this stranger on the other side of the world? But this thought kept coming to mind: Why wouldn’t you? I had nothing to lose and he had everything to gain.

God is slowly changing my perspective on witnessing. He is reminding me through His Word what is coming both on this earth and for eternity for those who reject Him. And He has reminded me that I need to be faithful to plant Gospel seeds when I am given the opportunity and let the rest in His hands. I have also been reminded that God answers prayer. Specifically, God is very faithful in answering the prayers for opportunities to share the Gospel. But, most importantly, I have been reminded that it is in pointing people to the Bible that people will figure out their way to biblical salvation through this crazy “Christian” landscape that looks so impossible to navigate.

There is a way for all to know the whole and wonderful truth about God’s marvelous gift of salvation. It is through the inerrant, inspired, and infallible Word of God.

Is God Really Faithful to His Promises?

Do you think God gets mad at you when you sin? Mad enough to change His mind about your salvation? Is there anything you can do to “stop being saved”?

I find it interesting that those who would answer a resounding “no” to this question would answer “yes” when it comes to Israel. A good portion of the Christian population now believes that God transferred His love for His beloved people from Israel to the Church, despite His promise of an everlasting covenant with Israel. They believe that God changed His mind.

I am so thankful for a pastor who preaches that the Church has not replaced Israel. He recently started a study in Romans 9-11 where he reminded us all what the Bible clearly teaches about this subject. Interestingly enough, God used these same chapters when I was reading through the Bible (several years ago now) to help me understand this very thing.

If you believe that the Church has replaced Israel, you are not finding it in the clear teaching of the Bible but rather in the teachings of a man who created a theology outside of scripture and then went to scripture to try to back it up. (I ask anyone who believes in Replacement Theology to do some honest searching into the hows and whys of its creation.)

I’ve been thinking of how this wrong theology is such a clear turning away from scripture as I’ve been studying Revelation. In chapter seven we read of 144,000 people from Israel’s tribes being sealed for God’s purposes. They are very specifically listed. Why would God have John write down such a specific list if it wasn’t going to happen?

Lehman Strauss writes this in his commentary on this chapter—

“The 144,000 are all Israelites; not one Gentile is among them. Those who spiritualize the Scriptures, making Israel and the Church one and confusing law and grace, rob the nation of Israel of her promised blessings and in so doing commit a serious evil.”

I agree!

But perhaps the greatest offense of Replacement Theology is its attack on the character of God. God promised Israel that His covenant was everlasting and forever. Here are a few examples from scripture of His promises to Israel–

 And the Lord said unto Abram, after that Lot was separated from him, Lift up now thine eyes, and look from the place where thou art northward, and southward, and eastward, and westward: For all the land which thou seest, to thee will I give it, and to thy seed for ever. (Genesis 13:14-15)

And I will establish my covenant between me and thee and thy seed after thee in their generations for an everlasting covenant, to be a God unto thee, and to thy seed after thee. And I will give unto thee, and to thy seed after thee, the land wherein thou art a stranger, all the land of Canaan, for an everlasting possession; and I will be their God. (Genesis 7:17-18)

And I ask you: Do we get to redefine the words “everlasting” and “forever” just because they don’t fit our man-made theology?

And just in case the words “everlasting” and “forever” aren’t enough, God gave us Psalm 89, where he specifically says: I will remain faithful even if Israel is faithless.

His seed also will I make to endure for ever, and his throne as the days of heaven. If his children forsake my law, and walk not in my judgments; If they break my statutes, and keep not my commandments; Then will I visit their transgression with the rod, and their iniquity with stripes. Nevertheless my lovingkindness will I not utterly take from him, nor suffer my faithfulness to fail. My covenant will I not break, nor alter the thing that is gone out of my lips. Once have I sworn by my holiness that I will not lie unto David. His seed shall endure for ever, and his throne as the sun before me. (Psalm 89:30-36)

If forever doesn’t mean forever and everlasting doesn’t mean everlasting; if Psalm 89 is simply a nice poem–then what does this mean for us and our salvation? Or as I once heard a pastor say: If God is through with the Jew, what does that mean for me and you?

We cannot assume that God will remain faithful to us if we believe He has turned His back on His chosen ones whom He promised never to turn His back on!

But, praise the Lord, He has NOT turned His back on Israel. Oh, the miracle of Israel! I could write pages and pages about the miracle that modern day Israel is. The fact that they have remained a distinct people group despite being dispersed throughout the world is its own miracle. The fact that they are in a land surrounded by enemies and yet still exist could only be a work of God. There are so many more reasons (and miracles) I could share. I have to agree with Lehman Strauss: To deny Israel its rightful inheritance is a serious evil. It is also very serious attack on the character of God.

God does NOT make conditional promises that are based on our behavior. We do not serve such a fickle God as One who would break His covenants with us. Oh, praise His name, He is faithful even when we are faithless!!

It is so important to mention here that Satan hates Israel. He will do all he can to persecute her; to render her obsolete; to eradicate her. I believe one of the ways he is accomplishing that today is through Replacement Theology.

When we are willing to approach scripture with a consistent hermeneutic (method of interpretation) and cast aside the ideas of man, then the Bible comes alive in its cohesiveness. It all makes so much sense!*

Now…just to be clear, I do not believe this is a salvation issue. I believe there are many earnest believers who believe in this wrong theology. And I am also aware that I have simplified some of the arguments here. However, at the end of the day, I sincerely believe that when we come to the point where we are willing to just accept what scripture says as we read it through, we must end up with a belief that God has not–nor will He ever–turn His back on Israel.

I know there are so many Christians these days who don’t believe that God has a future for Israel. You may be one of them. May I ask you to pray humbly and sincerely and ask God to show you what is true regarding this important subject? There was a time that I didn’t know what I believed nor did I care very much about it. I am so thankful that God, in His great mercy and kindness, opened my eyes to this truth and the importance of it. I pray that He does the same for you.

*If you’d like to study this subject more, may I suggest a series by my brother, Pastor Dean Good, where he goes through the Bible from the beginning to end, taking a look at how it all fits together so perfectly. It is one of my favorite series and was so helpful for me in understanding that God’s plan is incredible and perfect and no philosophy of man will thwart His purposes! You can find that series HERE. Scroll to the bottom of the page for the first sermon in the series. (There are two pages of sermons so don’t miss page one–which you will find a link to at the bottom of the page.)

Why Is There Such a Lack of Discernment?

I’ve been having a lot of conversations over the course of this past week about the lack of discernment that is exponentially growing among believers. The lack of interest in sticking to the scriptures is truly astounding, isn’t it?

It would seem that as long as the name of Jesus is used along with a few Bible verses, these TV shows and movies and books and teachers and preachers are given a golden pass to teach and promote whatever they want.

The other week I was in a church service where, as the music started, the congregation began singing the lyrics on the screen in front of them. But something didn’t seem quite right. I realized what it was when the pastor stood up and said “wait a minute”. The organist had accidentally started playing a different hymn and we were singing our lyrics to the wrong tune. We were making it work but it wasn’t right. These things happen (as a pianist, don’t I know it!!) and we all laughed as she began playing the hymn that was on the screen.

I have found myself wondering what would have happened if the pastor wouldn’t have stood up and said “wait, that’s not right.” I think we all would have just kept singing, getting more and more confused along the way.

This is such a great picture of what discernment should look like in a church. Church leaders, pastors, and teachers should be protecting their people from the wolves that are trying to make their way into the flock. They should stand up and say “Wait! That’s not biblical. That’s not the truth.” Instead, what we find in so many churches these days are few that are willing to speak up about false teaching and, in fact, many who are actually embracing these wolves and promoting them. It’s a sad, sad plight that is honestly hard to wrap one’s brain around.

But why this lack? Why are so few leaders willing to speak up? Why do people get so angry at them if they do speak up? What is going on? If we are honest, there are various reasons for this, but there is a big one that I want to mention here specifically.

I was having a conversation about this topic with my son yesterday and he said something like this: People just aren’t interested in God anymore.

I’ve been thinking about this and I think he is exactly right. They only want the nice things they read about a man named Jesus. They don’t have any interest in learning about God’s wrath and justice and His glory. They only want the nice stuff that makes their self-centered lives more pleasant. This is why a “Chosen” or “He Gets Us” Jesus has so much appeal. This is why so many of these false teachers gain such a following. They appeal to our flesh.

And this isn’t new. The Shack, Jesus Calling, and a plethora of other books and movies have laid the groundwork. Completely redefining our beliefs about God and Jesus, these books paved the way for where we find ourselves today. People are not getting their theology and understanding of God from scripture. They are turning to these bestsellers that are so close to the truth and yet so far away. Satan comes as an angel of light (2 Corinthians 11:14). He looks so good and yet He is so evil.

False teachers assure us of God’s love, grace, and mercy while never mentioning our need to repent of sin or God’s wrath, judgment, and holiness. They mention only the positives and never the negatives. It’s a one-sided religion that is woefully lacking. And, no matter the different details these false teachers give for their particular brand of religion, a religion that blatantly ignores these things so clearly found in scripture is absolutely FALSE.

But did you know that we were told in scripture that there would come a time that this would happen? Paul writes in 2 Timothy–

For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables. (2 Timothy 4:3-4)

These people who refuse to discern aren’t victims of false teaching. But, rather, false teaching is God’s judgment on them. This is an important distinction to make. If someone is unwilling to hold to the authority of God’s Word in their life because they just don’t like certain things it says; if they are unwilling to follow Truth because it is unpleasant and would rather believe the LIE that is so much more pleasant…well, then they will find no lack of people and philosophies to woo them away from both the Word and the Truth.

It keeps coming back to the same thing doesn’t it? I am sure you are weary of me saying it but it just cannot be said enough! The Bible is our only anchor in this storm of heresy and apostasy that is swirling about us at an ever-increasing rate. Read it, study it, know it. Studying it with a humble heart willing to submit and obey all it says; this, through God’s precious Holy Spirit, is that which will hold us fast. Oh, how thankful we must be for God’s Holy Bible and the Holy Spirit who teaches us through His Word. God knew a time like this would come and He has provided all we need to stand fast!

NOTE: If you are just now becoming aware of the need to discern in this Christian culture; if you are just becoming aware that Jesus is being misrepresented in the culture at large; if you are wondering about a book study or an author your church is using; then I’d like to tell you about a little book I just published called Learn to Discern. It’s a short, easy read that will get you started in learning to discern, according to scripture. You can find it here.

What Color is the Sky?

Back in the 80s, there was an artist who liked to write songs about hot topics of the culture. One of the songs he wrote was about values clarification. You may not know what this is but I guarantee it has affected every one of our lives.

Values clarification is determining what has value based on subjectivity (personal “truth”) rather than objectivity (absolute truth). So his song was about a boat in which there were four people but only three could stay in it if it was to stay afloat. Which person had the “least value” and what criteria should be used to determine this?

This push to teach students values clarification was, in my opinion, very instrumental in moving the entire culture from absolute truth to subjective truth. From “This is true because it is true” to “This is true because this is what I have decided is true”. And from “This is true for all” to “this is my personal truth”.

But truth, by its very nature, must be true or false. There is no “truth” for you and a different “truth” for me. The sky cannot be both blue and purple at the same time. But most people would not argue with someone who says the sky is purple. They are content to let someone believe this, even if they don’t agree with them. And, in fact, they believe that there can be a different answer than four to the equation 2+2. They may believe the answer is four but they do not care and, in fact, willingly accept that someone else’s “truth” may lead them to a different answer.

This attitude about absolute truth is leading many Christians right off the cliff into the morass of relativity when it comes to discernment. Instead of using the Bible to judge what is right and what is wrong (because for a believer, the Bible is our ultimate test for these things), they are using emotion and feeling and pragmatism (does it work) to determine these things. They are determining what is true subjectively rather than objectively.

Let me give you an example…

Last week, I posted something my daughter had written about “The Chosen” TV series (you can find that here). Inevitably the comments come (more for her at this juncture than for me, although I did get a couple). The general spirit of these comments is “God is using this, how can you judge something God is using?” or “This has helped me to read my Bible more, how could you say this is bad?”

These people are determining truth by their own subjective experience, rather than by scripture. They are saying something is good, simply because it helped them or is helping someone else (pragmatism).

I just have to add here that if we think God needs a show from Hollywood that attacks His divinity and adds to His Words to reach people, we have a very, very low view of our all-powerful God. I’d also recommend reading Deuteronomy 13 to be reminded of how God feels about anyone who would lead his people astray. He does not take this lightly (to say the least!!)

Another example are the many popular books that make people “feel good”. They feel loved and comforted and encouraged. A book can’t possibly be wrong if it makes me feel so good, could it?

But should our feelings be our criteria for determining what is right, according to scripture? Is this what gives something “value”?

As genuine believers, we must hold the scripture as our authority and we must use this to determine what is right and good.

I think I am probably “preaching to the choir” here, because at this point if you are still sticking around here reading this blog, you are probably already aware of the danger of this type of thinking. And so let’s spend a moment or two considering how we talk to those who profess to follow Christ and yet just can’t see this danger.

This is a conundrum, isn’t it? It is an attitude that has reached every church and even every Christian family at some level. And it feels impossible to open someone’s eyes to how they are determining truth because they believe in their hearts that they are right. And guess what? It IS impossible for us to open their eyes. But God can!

And that is our HOPE. God–and only God–can open the eyes of someone who is determining truth in the wrong way. And so we must pray diligently.

As we pray, we must do our best to set a good example in our own lives of determining truth by scripture instead of by feelings. And, if we are given opportunities to have conversations about this with other Christians, we just keep pointing people to the Word. This is all we can do.

What we must never do is get into online debates or family arguments about this. Discussions are good but quarrels are not. If the person you are trying to point to the Word to determine truth wants no part of it, it’s best to just stop talking.

This is a very, very difficult time in which to be a Christian. Us older people can remember a time when truth was...truth. But that is simply not the case any more. We see this in a myriad of ways in secular culture but it has also crept into the church under the guise of “love and unity”.

Letting false teaching run amok among believers can never be defined as LOVE. And any unity that is based on “you believe what you want and I’ll believe what I want” is not true UNITY. But, unless someone is getting their definitions for love and for unity from scripture, they will have a very different opinion than you about this. These beautiful words that have so much meaning in scripture have literally been re-defined.

Oh, that we may continue to look to scripture as our anchor and our litmus test. And, as God gives us opportunities, may we encourage other believers to do the same.

If you’d like to read more about how to discern truth from error as a believer, along with some ideas on how to share the truth with others, perhaps my new book Learn to Discern (According to Scripture) would be helpful. It is available at this link. This is just a short book that I hope will help those who desire some help in learning to discern. I hope it will be a blessing to those who read it.

Should Christians Watch “The Chosen”?

Just who is this Jesus that is so wildly popular? Who is this Jesus who “gets us”? Who is this Jesus that wants to make us happy and never calls us to repent from sin or turn from the world? Who is this Jesus that gives us our desires and would never pour down His wrath on the earth? He is certainly not the Jesus of the Bible. If we are a Christian, oh, how deeply this should concern us! Today, we are going to focus specifically on The Chosen and the false Jesus they are presenting.

A few years ago, my oldest daughter, Jess (find her on Facebook and Instagram at Anchor for the Soul), wrote about this series that had taken the Christian world by storm. A month or two ago she mentioned that she thought it might be time for an updated post. Today she posted this update. She has kindly given me permission to share what she wrote with you here on the blog. (I like to do this because all of you aren’t on Facebook or Instagram and also because sometimes, even if you are on social media, someone you’d like to share this information with isn’t.)

I hope this post is a blessing as we seek to discern if The Chosen series is something we Christians should be watching. Here is what Jess found as she researched this series a little more closely than most of us have taken the time to do–

The Chosen has been viewed over four million times and has gained an almost cult-like following since its premier in 2017. Its popularity alone should be a red flag. The Bible is pretty clear that Jesus Christ and true Christianity will be largely hated and rejected by the world. So when something about Jesus is accepted and applauded, it’s good for us to pause and ask why. Does this show glorify God? Does it accurately portray Jesus Christ and His Word? Is it something we should watch? 

I’d have to conclude that the answer to those questions is a resounding no. Here are eight reasons why: 

1. Dallas Jenkins – I’ve talked about this before, so I’m only going to touch on it. Jenkins is the producer and creative mind behind the show. He has made it clear that he believes Mormons, Catholics, and Christians “love the same Jesus” and have only a few minor theological differences. He put together a group of spiritual advisors to make sure “he gets Christ right” and that panel consists of a Mormon, a Catholic priest, and a Jewish Rabbi. Is it possible for any of those men to get Christ right? So how can we trust this show to accurately portray Jesus Christ? But God told Dallas Jenkins that this show was going to be a “definitive portrayal of my people” and that “He wouldn’t let him screw it up.” Spoiler alert: that wasn’t God speaking to him. 

2. Jonathan Roumie – Roumie is a devout Roman Catholic who plays the part of Jesus. He has a massive fan base and his influence is heavily promoted by The Chosen on social media. From his partnership with the Catholic, new age meditation app called Hallow (where you can pray the rosary with him or follow along with his guided meditations) to his deep love for the Pope to his weird practices (like laying on the grave of Lonnie Frisbee and praying to him for a sign before playing him in the Jesus Revolution movie), he’s really bad news and leading many people astray. 

3. Adding to the Bible – The writers will tell you that they’re simply using their imagination to fill in the gaps of the Biblical narrative. But is that okay? Proverbs 30:6 and Revelation 22:18-19 warn us not to add or take away from the Word of God. “Oh, but this show isn’t pretending to be Scripture or trying to replace the Bible!” And yet they are adding to the very words of Christ. Sit back and think about that for a minute. Sinful, probably even unsaved, men are adding to the very words of Christ. It’s a big deal, whether you think so or not. They’re adding man’s ideas to what God alone has communicated and therefore are distorting His Word. God told us exactly what He wanted us to know, no more and no less. 

4. Straying from the Bible – Dallas Jenkins claims to be portraying the “authentic Jesus” and insists that he stays true to what IS in Scripture while simply “filling in the gaps” with what isn’t. You would expect, then, that the show would portray any event or conversation specifically recorded in the Bible exactly the way the Bible describes it. But it doesn’t. 

Here’s just a few of the many, many examples throughout the first 3 seasons:

The show portrays the conversation between Jesus and Nicodemus that we find in John 3:1-21. But the conversation is nothing like the passage. They added some things, omitted some things, (verses 19-21, conveniently) and ultimately distorted the entire dialogue. On top of that, Jesus asks him, “What does your heart tell you?” and when Nicodemus kneels before him, Jesus stops him. (Two things we know the true Jesus never would have said or done) 

For the scenes from the Sermon on the Mount, they obviously couldn’t include the entire discourse. But their jesus didn’t even preach the sermon in the same order as it appears in Scripture. He jumped all around. I’ll give you one guess as to what portions they chose and what portions they left out. (Hint: loving your neighbor, don’t judge lest you be judged, and the golden rule made the cut while the parts about sin, judgement, and the narrow way did not) 

In Matthew 11, John the Baptist sent his disciples to ask Jesus “Are you the one who is to come, or should we expect someone else?” and Jesus’ response is recorded. The Chosen, once again, changes what is clearly written in Scripture. “Even he [John the Baptist] has questions!” is added twice, among other things. Verses 21-30 are left out entirely. 

John the Baptist is portrayed as disrespectful and headstrong. He responds to Jesus in frustration, “You appear not to be ready to get into specifics about a lot of things!” Then he marches to tell Herod off against Jesus’ advice with a spiteful “My followers will love it!” But John said he was unworthy even to untie the strap of Jesus’ sandal (John 1:27) and that “He [Jesus] must increase, but I must decrease.” (John 3:30) John the Baptist would never have disrespected Jesus Christ nor made a contest of his followers vs the followers of Jesus. It’s all so absurd. 

The writers changed the order and manner in which the disciples were called. Mary Magdalene is called as the first disciple. Jesus sets up an interview with Judas Iscariot. Again, it’s something so clearly recorded in Scripture, so why deviate from it? 

In the show, Jesus was arrested and let go prior to his arrest at the Mount of Olives. But we know this couldn’t be true. Jesus escaped arrest every time because “His hour had not yet come” and was only arrested once, right before his crucifixion. 

I could give you many more examples of this. Even if you rationalize filling in the gaps of the Biblical narrative to create a story, there is no literally no excuse for taking creative license and changing what is made abundantly clear in Scripture.

5. Undermining the divinity of Christ – For the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus asks for “help” from Matthew on what he should say. Jesus nervously rehearses well-known passages. One article says that the show reveals to us that “Jesus’ moments of powerful teaching were not, as we assume, simply an overflow of his own divine genius, but were rather the fruit of the collaboration of his entire team of disciples.” That’s heresy right there. In one scene, Mary tells Jesus that she’s proud of him, and he says “maybe wait to say that until after I’m done, in case I mess up in front of such a big crowd.” Jesus confessed to being nervous about performing miracles. This is a really big deal, you guys. They are very purposefully undermining the divinity of Jesus Christ as God. He never would have messed up. He never would have needed help coming up with what to say. He never would have needed to rehearse anything.

6. Undermining the inspiration of Scripture  – Throughout the series, disciples like John and Matthew interview people and run around jotting everything down in their notepads. These notes will later become their supposed Biblical books. And so the Bible is portrayed as a common book comprised of hearsay. But we know that “Holy men of God spoke as they were moved by the holy ghost”. We know that they were eyewitness accounts according to John 1:1-3 and 2 Peter 1:16. The show even attributes John 21:25 to Mary Magdalene and not John himself. She says the line to him and he says “that’s good, I’m going to use that.” It’s a subtle deconstruction of inspiration that turns the Bible into hearsay and fable rather than inspired truth. 

7. Downplaying repentance – You would think that the call to repentance would take center stage since Jesus Himself said He came to call sinners to repentance. In the first three seasons, you might hear the word repentance three or four times and even then without conviction or elaboration. When their jesus quotes Luke 4:32, he says “I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners…”, conveniently leaving out “to repentance.” The disciples sinful lifestyles – addictions, drinking, fighting, gambling, bad attitudes – are overdone. It’s not that the disciples would never have sinned, but I think they would have repented and been seeking to please God. The magnitude of sin and the need to repent and turn from that sin is diminished and largely ignored. 

8. The ecumenical agenda – At the end of the day, this show is just being used to set the stage for the antichrist. The world will think that the antichrist IS Jesus Christ. All religions will unite around him. Catholics, Mormons, “Christians”, and everyone in between. This jesus will look a whole lot like this jesus of The Chosen. Accepting and loving. He won’t call people to repentance but to unity. And he sure won’t care about “minor theological differences” or the infallibility of Scripture. Everything this show is doing is very purposeful. Tearing down walls between religions? Check. Undermining the divinity of Jesus Christ so He’s more human than God (just like the Mormon jesus)? Check. Making Scripture appear fallible and uninspired? Check. If you can subtly convince people of those three things, you’ve destroyed Christianity. And that’s what this show is doing. 

Do some people watch the show and then read their Bible and come to Salvation? Maybe. But that doesn’t make the show itself a good thing. God can use anything. Can mature Christians watch it, eating the meat and spitting out the bones? No. Unless you have every word of the Gospels memorized, you will never be able to determine where Scripture ends and their imagination begins.

I’m not condemning those of you who have watched it or are watching it. They are very subtle and include just enough Biblical truth to make it hard to see what they’re actually doing. But I am calling you away from it. I promise that you will walk away with a completely contorted view of the Gospels and of Jesus Christ. It will affect the way you read and understand the Bible, and not for the better. 

This show does not glorify God, does not honor or stay true to His Word, and is preparing the world for the uniting of all religions under the antichrist. They are portraying a false christ and we should have absolutely nothing to do with it. 

Evaluating Our Prayers

I always feel rather inadequate in writing here on the blog. I want to encourage you to stand on the Word alone and to live it out while knowing that, while I desire to live it out myself, there are so many times I just totally fail. There are few subjects I feel more inadequate in writing about than prayer. I wish I could tell you that I get up at 4am and pray for hours. Sometimes when I awake at 5:30, I think to myself “I should get up and pray,” but then I roll over and go back to sleep. Now, I don’t want you to think I never pray. For that wouldn’t be true, either. But I also know that my prayer life could be so much more powerful and it is an area I long to grow in.

I have been especially thinking about this over the past couple of weeks. Mostly because of our Sunday School teacher. I will be right up front and will begin by letting you know that much of what I am writing today comes from him. He has been focusing on prayer and some of the things he said and has had me thinking on have been so convicting. I wanted to share some of these things with you because I thought you, like me, might be convicted and encouraged.

Why don’t we pray like we should? Why don’t we make the time?

One of the things our teacher challenged us on was on how we spend our time. Was whatever we did (instead of praying) better than prayer? OUCH.

Bottom line: We all have time and we get to choose how we spend it. Oh, how often we get my priorities so mixed up or are just plain lazy. Or is that just me??!

Another thing that was really convicting were his questions regarding our actual prayers:

Is the aim of my prayers focused on pleasing God and submission to His will? Or do I focus most of my prayers on what will make me or someone else comfortable and happy in this world?

In other words, am I more concerned about the temporal things of this life or do I have an eternal perspective?

He took us to I John 3:22–

And whatsoever we ask, we receive of him, because we keep his commandments, and do those things that are pleasing in his sight.

Prayers are answered when we are living in right relationship with God. If we are living in right relationship with God– keeping His commandments and desiring to please Him then our prayers will be a reflection of these priorities.

Of course, there is absolutely nothing wrong with praying for healing or help in a certain area. God wants us to come to Him with our broken hearts and our desperate needs. I don’t think He even minds hearing our wants.

But we really need to consider two questions, as we share our hearts with God.

Will I willingly and joyfully submit if He says no?

Our teacher said this: God’s will is oppressive if you are rejecting it. But when we realize it’s good it becomes a blessing.

Only through faith and by God’s strength can we understand that God’s will is perfect. It reminds me of Romans 12:1-2–

I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service. And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.

Only through sacrifice of our wills and intentionally not conforming ourselves to this world, will we be transformed by the renewing of our mind. We can expect no peace or trust or faith without doing what Paul encourages us to do at the beginning of Romans 12. Our acceptance of God’s perfect will hinges on it.

And a second question: Do I pray for the spiritual fruit that could come from this trial?

For example, so often we pray for healing but it is in these deepest, darkest trials that so many find Christ. It is in these trials that exponential growth often takes place. If we are praying for a Christian friend who has health issues, do we pray for them to be given many opportunities to share the Gospel as they visit doctors and spend their time in the hospital? Or are our prayers focused solely on their health issues? Do we pray that they would grow stronger in faith through this trial?

I think it is just so easy for us to get caught up in focusing on simply the health issue or some other need and keep our prayers focused only on getting that need met. And yet, God is so often working and using these trials to spread the Gospel and to grow His people. Are we partnering with Him in this or are we only focused on the things of this world as we bring our requests before God?

Another thing he mentioned is how often we try to conquer sin on our own and how this is like putting the cart before the horse! I had never thought of it quite like that before. Only through Christ, can we truly conquer our sin and our love for the world. We can’t do it alone. Philippians 4:13, a favorite verse of so many, reminds us of this truth–

I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.

We can have victory through Christ and His strength, but how often do we go this route of conquering sin or turning away from the world all on our own strength?!? How often do we pray diligently and fervently for help in eradicating a specific sin or our love for the world?

Do you see why I was so convicted? But, as I told my husband, sometimes God has you hear something that you feel was just for you. Such was the case with these lessons on prayer. I think God knew I needed to hear them. Maybe some of you don’t. I know some of you have vibrant and powerful prayer lives. But perhaps there are some of you that needed to hear these words as much as I did. And so it is to you who I write today. I hope this was an encouragement as we endeavor to renew our minds and grow in our faith.

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