The View from Above
On Monday, I received a text from a friend. Would I be interested in flying in a hot air balloon with her? Her friend, a hot air balloon pilot, was giving her this to her as a birthday gift. Now, just to be clear, I am not really one for heights, per se. While I can do it, I would mostly choose not to. So last year when she asked me to join her, I said no. This year, I said no again. Why take the chance? I had visions of balloons and electric wires dancing in my head.
And then–and I am not sure why–I had this thought: Is this who you are going to be for the rest of your life? Stuck in status quo, not willing to try anything new? And I realized that I had to do it, if for nothing more than overcoming my fear and trusting the Lord in this one thing. It is so easy as we grow older to just sink comfortably into what we know and be perfectly content in never stretching ourselves to learn something new or to take opportunities like this. (I know there are so many of you who have absolutely no idea what I am talking about but I also know there are some of you that can relate perfectly to what I just wrote.)
So I told her I would go.
And so on Wednesday, after a rough night with little sleep (I have to be honest and admit there was some anxiety for me surrounding this decision), I got in my car and drove to the address she gave me. It was close by and as we prepared the balloon, excitement began to mix with the nervousness I felt. The Balloon pilot and his crew were friendly, as well as very experienced, and this did much to calm my fears.
As we floated up and over the town I’d lived in for almost twenty-five years now, I took it all in. It was incredibly lovely, especially at this time of year with the fall colors. As I peeked over the basket, I saw tractors, trains, and cars that looked like toys. I saw well-manicured front yards as well as tidy backyards. I saw deer bounding through a field, along with two foxes separately running across the same fields. There was a miniature tractor beside tiny hay bales, waiting for the next harvest step in the farming routine. I saw a huge quarry filled with water that I didn’t even know was there (well, I knew there was a quarry but I had no idea how big it was nor that it was filled with water.) I saw the enormous graveyard of a local church. It was far more enormous than I realized. As my eyes soaked in all that I was seeing, I forgot to be anxious. It was an incredible experience. I loved every minute of it.
Well, almost every minute of it. There was a touch of anxiety as we prepared to land but our pilot knew exactly what he was doing and the weather was perfect. I had the perfect first balloon ride.
I couldn’t help but think about my view from up above my town, compared to my normal horizontal view. From up above, I could see things that I normally can’t see. I became aware of activity and areas that I didn’t even know about, even after living here for so many years. And I had to think about God and what He can see that we just can’t see.
He can see every little thing that is happening on the earth. He can see all that has gone on and all that will go on. He sees perfectly and in every infinitesimal detail what IS, what WAS, and what WILL BE. While my eyes were limited to the present goings-on of just one small area as I gazed at the world below me, His are not.
At one point, I glanced down at a school parking lot and saw someone drive in the “DO NOT ENTER” side of the lot and park their car. And I had to think–that is just like us. We will make a decision “against the law” and think we get away with it, but God, looking from heaven above, always sees. God sees even the hidden sins. He sees the “little” sins…the bad attitudes, the unkind words we speak at home, our prideful responses, the ungodly entertainment we feed our minds. He sees all of it all the time. It was a sobering reminder for me.
As I considered this idea of all that I just couldn’t see on ground level and all that God can see from His perspective, I had the thought that this is especially relevant to us in how we approach people. You see, God knows exactly why they are the way they are. He knows why they have made the choices they have made and why they have the opinions they do. He understands them perfectly, unlike us, who can only go off of our “ground level” experiences. It was a reminder to me of the tremendous grace we need to have with each other. We are so narrow-minded and self-centered in our dealings with others (myself included here…I am convicting myself here probably more than you, my reader!) I think this is why it is so important to obey God’s Word in how we treat others, where we read that we are to love, to forgive, and to have so much grace. This is why, as believers, we should look so different than the world in how we approach and treat others.
God sees what we can’t see and, based on that, He has written guidelines and commands for us for all of life. We obey God’s Word because He has a view from above that we don’t have (Isaiah 55:9). We obey God’s Word because He wants our best (Romans 8:28-29). We obey God’s Word because, at the end of the day, He is God (Psalm 46:10).
As the balloon drifted back down to the ground, I was so glad that God had given me the courage to go on the ride. Would my life be a lot different if I had not? Not really…not from anyone who was looking from the outside. But, inside, I was different. For I had taken a step of faith and God had met me there. Such a tiny, and perhaps even unnecessary, step of faith and yet so significant. For this will serve to remind me that I can do the things I am uncomfortable with. That I can step outside my comfortable routine and try something new. And, finally, that there is great joy in enjoying the world that God has given us. Just because we are older, doesn’t mean we need to get stuck in our ways. Physically OR spiritually. May we continue to grow and embrace life–always with our priority being the Bible and what is written within its pages–no matter how old we are.