Baptism Does Not Save

Many years ago, while in high school, I was with two friends and we were talking about what it meant to be saved. One of us was living a very worldly life, devoid of any spiritual fruit or desire to walk with God. I had been trying to share the Gospel with him. As we talked, he mentioned that he had been baptized as an infant. Upon that statement, my other friend suddenly piped up with passion that he was definitely saved then!

I can still remember the bewilderment I felt when my Christian friend (or so I thought) made this declaration. Our other friend went on to live his life (I have no idea where he is now) with the belief that baptism had saved him and he could live his life however he wanted, assured he had his “golden ticket” to heaven.

Octavius Winslow (1808-1878) does not mince words when it comes to this lie from our enemy—

We do not hesitate to pronounce the doctrine of “baptismal regeneration” to be the paramount lie of Satan–the most subtle and fatal weapon which this arch foe of our race ever forged for the destruction of men’s souls in eternal perdition!

Do not build your hope of glory, upon your baptism.
You are lost to all eternity if you do.
You must be born again if ever you enter the kingdom of Heaven.

If you plunge into eternity clutching the airy fiction, the fatal notion that you passed from spiritual death into spiritual life in your baptism; that in baptism you were regenerated, adopted, justified, made holy and saved–then you have staked your eternal happiness upon the most fatal lie!

In many instances, the unhappy victim of this delusion passes away, undeceived until the deception is too late to rectify!

Any time that we are told we can have salvation without transformation, we can be sure it’s of the devil. You see, Satan caters to our fleshly demands. We want our cake and to eat it, too and so he has cleverly provided a way that deceives us into thinking we can have both a love for self and a love for God.

Those who are deceived by this lie are deceived because they aren’t really interested in Jesus (other than as perhaps an example and a buddy) but they are interested in going to heaven when they die (because we all know down deep inside that there is an afterlife). And so baptismal regeneration assures us that we can live for self and still get that ticket to heaven.

Through this lie, they are assured that they can continue living the life they want to live; to watch and listen to and read what they want to without concern for anyone but self. They believe they can choose their own path and chase after their own dreams, without concern for the will of God. In fact, some take this to a whole other level, calling for the blessing and miraculous intervention of God in their selfish pursuits, praying and treating Him like their personal genie in the sky whom they can manipulate to do their will (such sacrilege!)

But the very nature of true, biblical salvation is that all of this just naturally changes after we are saved. God takes our selfish hard heart of stone and turns it into a heart that beats for Him. Oh, we aren’t instantly living for God without regard for self. But we become aware that we must decrease and God must increase (John 3:30). We become spiritually alive and begin a journey of sanctification that continues our whole lives. Our conviction of sin changes and stems from our love for our Lord rather than from an outward moral code.

We don’t change in this way in order to be saved, we change because we are saved.

No work —including baptism—will ever be able to accomplish that supernatural change of the heart that only God, through the Holy Spirit, accomplishes in the one who seeks Him and turns to Christ alone for salvation.

So, yes, we must conclude that baptism does not save. This is a lie that has led many to believe they are headed for glory when they, according to scripture, clearly are not. Oh, the terrible deception!

For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life. For God sent not His Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through Him might be saved.

He that believeth on Him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God. And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil.

(John 3:16-19)

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