What Does My Heart Treasure?

The events of the current day are bringing out interesting responses in all of us who would call ourselves “Christians”. We say we believe and trust God’s Word, but do we, really? What are our hearts really treasuring?

Some of us get caught up in the “news”. We see the inconsistencies, the lies, the web of deceit and we move our whole attention to what is going on in the world. Even if we are doing this in light of what scripture prophesies about the future, it is not a good or spiritually healthy idea at all to spend all of our time focused on this world.

Some of us are getting caught up in fixing and changing what is wrong. Whether it be to “make America great again” or some other temporal problem of this world; we are caught up in fixing this world. Also not good and very detrimental to our spiritual health.

In some, the current events reveal fear and anxiety that was hidden in the heart. In others, it reveals selfishness or self-centeredness. In some it brings on an obsession with the things of this life. And yet in others, it brings out the desire to escape and distract oneself from reality through all sorts of means.

No matter what is happening in our own hearts, I think it’s fair to say that we have all had our responses to the Current Events of the last few years. And, if you are like me, you have had to work through the things you see in your own heart that you didn’t even know were there.

And it really all comes down to this: What does my heart treasure? What really matters to me?

We can say we love God and that we are focused on the eternal. But until uncertainty and unsettledness hits us personally, we don’t really know if that’s true.

Honestly, while I don’t love all of the changes and uncertainty, I am thankful that the events of these past few years have revealed the state of my own heart and have caused me to really evaluate myself. And, while I certainly haven’t gotten to a place where I can say to you as Paul said to his readers “follow me as I follow Christ”, I have seen Christ work in me.

May God give us the desire to do what’s right.

May He help us in our unbelief.

May He give us the strength and fortitude to follow Christ and do what’s right, no matter the cost.

May He help us to discern what is TRUE.

And may He help us to set our affections on our treasure above, rather than on the things of the earth.

We just can’t fix what is wrong with our hearts, discern what is right and true, or remember where our treasure really lies without Him.

We just can’t do this alone.

Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth, where moth and rust doth corrupt, and where thieves break through and steal: But lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt, and where thieves do not break through nor steal: For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also. (Matthew 6:19-21)

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