To Those Who Are Left Behind

One day there will be a group of people who disappear from the earth. Perhaps it has already happened and you somehow ended up here as you search for answers.

I want you to know that you are probably going to be given all kinds of theories as to where we went and who took us. Perhaps they will tell you that we have been taken by aliens for research. Or that we weren’t ready for the coming Golden Age and we were taken to another dimension for preparation. Whatever they tell you, I am certain of one thing: It will not be true.

I want you to know that the Bible gives you the answer that you are searching for. The Bible is God’s Book. It was His gift to mankind, teaching us the truth. His Truth. It tells us how sin came into the world and how we are all sinners. It shares the wonderful good news of God’s grace, telling how He gave His only begotten Son, Jesus, as a sacrifice for our sin so that we can be reconciled to Him. We only need repent of our sin and believe in Jesus Christ (Mark 1:15; John 3:16; Romans 3:23; 10:13; Ephesians 2:8-9).

But the Bible is also a Book of the present, telling us how to live our new life for God. And it’s a Book of the future, telling us what is to come in the last days. What it says about the future is what the rest of this post will focus on.

I was raised to believe the Bible was the true Word of God. But as any thoughtful person must do eventually, I had to know if this was true for myself. And so several years ago now, I began to study the Bible. Instead of just reading a verse or passage here and there, as had been my habit previously, I really took the time to study books of the Bible in context. As I studied, I began to see and understand that the Bible is truly a never-ending treasure of TRUTH for the past, the present, and the future.

Interestingly enough, as I began to become more familiar with what the Bible actually teaches (instead of what someone says it teaches), the happenings in the world began to confirm just what will happen in the future. Everything we are seeing in our world today is so clearly setting up for the Tribulation years and for the horrendous things that God tells us will happen in the final days of earth. If the Christians have disappeared, then those years are just ahead of you now. They will be the worst years ever seen on the earth.

So where did the genuine Christians go? And why are so many who profess to be Christians still here on earth? Let’s answer those questions.

First, where did we go?

The Bible tells us that those who belong to Christ are not appointed to wrath (I Thessalonians 5:9). Since the Tribulation is the time that God’s wrath is poured down on the earth (Colossians 3:6; Revelation 14:10), genuine Christians will not have to endure the seven years of the Tribulation. And so we have escaped God’s wrath through the blood of Jesus (and certainly not because of anything good that we have done—see Ephesians 2:8-9). And so Jesus has come to take us home before those horribly terrifying years begin, just as He promised (John 14:3).

If we are no longer here that it means that suddenly—in the twinkling of an eye—we were changed and are with Christ forever (I Corinthians 15:51-52)! Christ descended with a shout at the last trump and we were caught up into the clouds to be forever be with Him (I Thessalonians 4:15-18)! And so I want you to know that we are with Jesus. We are eternally and forever joyfully with Jesus! Don’t let anyone tell you different. If they do, they are lying.

Second, why are so many who claimed to be Christians still on earth?

The Bible tells us in the last days, people would have a “form of godliness” but would deny its power; always learning but never coming to the Truth (2 Timothy 3:5-7). It also says that people would not endure sound doctrine and would turn their ears away from the Truth (2 Timothy 4:3-4).

I began to recognize a few years ago that there were two religions that go by the name “Christianity”.

One was the true biblical faith that is God-centered and life-transforming. It’s based on the Bible alone and its true followers love and study this precious Book. True faith yields a changed life. God takes a selfish, worldly sinner and redeems Him into a beloved child, holy and set apart for Himself.

The second “Christianity” is clearly a counterfeit that uses all of the same names and terms but is anything BUT true Christianity. It disregards the Bible and places the basis of faith on what can be felt and seen and experienced. In other words, it is mystical. And it is self-centered and focused on fulfilling personal purposes, dreams, and desires. It teaches the lie that you can keep the world and your sin, too, and that all is well for Jesus is only love.

Those caught up in the second form of Christianity are either deceived or they are not saved at all. If they are still here after we have disappeared, then they were not saved but were deceived by this counterfeit religion.

And so, yes, there will be many who have claimed to love Christ but instead were loving self and now find themselves here to face the Tribulation years. Perhaps you were one of those but now have come to realize the sad truth that you have been fooled by this deadly deception.

BUT there is GREAT NEWS!

It is NOT TOO LATE to turn to Christ. Yes, it will be harder for you. You will probably lose your life if you follow Christ. But what are a few years of hardship, or even a few moments of terror, when compared to eternity?

Christ died for you. You can be right with God today if you will repent of your sins and turn to Him today. Terrible times are ahead for you. A one-world government is coming that will demand you take a mark to buy and sell. You will be able to do nothing without that mark. No food. No medical care. No gas. No nothing.

If you even survive until that time comes, as many woes are coming on the world before the mark is demanded of all world citizens. The world will be in complete and utter chaos and upheaval for the next seven years.

Oh, at first it will seem like someone has come to save the world. And you will hear promises of peace for the whole world that will seem to be real. But don’t you believe it. The leader is not here to save the world but to destroy it.

If you want to learn more, find a Bible and read Daniel and Revelation. It is there that you will find the timeline of what is ahead for you. But first, read the book of John. Find out about Jesus and what He has done for you. Ask the Lord to open your eyes and show you the truth.

You do not have to face what is ahead alone. Repent and place your faith and trust in Christ alone today. Then whatever lies ahead of you in the next few years you can face with Him. And, after a short time of persecution and great difficulty, you will spend eternity with Christ. Forever and ever and ever!

If you don’t place your faith in Christ alone, the Bible says you will be under God’s wrath and, after the horror of seven years, you will end up in a place of torment for ever and ever (Revelation 14:10-11).

Oh, won’t you trust Christ today? Right now?

~Leslie (September, 2024)

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