Reel Theology

Yesterday, a friend was disturbed by the content of a reel and asked me to watch it. So I did. After watching it, the word “disturbed” is probably too mild.

It began with a woman confidently telling me that what I always thought the Bible meant regarding the verse “turn the other cheek” (Matthew 5:39) was actually ALL wrong and that all Christians were, well, wrong in their understanding about this verse for the last two thousand years. Yes, the Church had gotten it all wrong all these years.

However, SHE knew and was going to tell me what it actually meant and went on to give some definition that included the word “oppression”. *eye roll*

This is not an isolated incident. Do you realize how many people are getting their theology from social media? Perhaps not you. But so many. Particularly the younger generation. And particularly women.

Someone once suggested to me that perhaps this is what Paul meant in 2 Timothy 3 when he says this—

For among them are those who enter into households and captivate weak women weighed down with sins, led on by various impulses, always learning and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth. (v. 7-8)

False teachers coming into our homes and teaching us but never leading us to the truth. Twisting, turning, botching Bible verses with confidence and charisma.

Are there a few people who are trying to use social media to speak the truths of God’s Word? Yes, there sure are. I hope I am one of them. But we aren’t popular. Because the way is narrow and the masses will not be drawn to the whole truth of God’s Word.

Let’s take a step back and really consider what is going on, shall we? Why is there this free-for-all theological atmosphere? Why are there never any cries of “heresy” or “false doctrine” anymore? What happened?

It didn’t happen instantly. And it didn’t happen without intention.

Long ago, God moved holy men to write down His words (2 Peter 1:21). In His Book, the Bible, we read of what the last days are going to look like. In fact, the verses from 2 Timothy, chapter 3 above are part of a longer description of these last days. We also read in Revelation of what is coming in earth’s final days, which includes a one world religion.

So just how do you go about getting “Christians”—by Christians I am not meaning genuine believers in Jesus Christ who truly love Him and live for Him but, rather, those who profess to love Him but live wholly for self—how do you go about getting these fake Christians to join a one world religion?

It must start by taking their eyes off the Word of God. It’s too exclusive. Its definitions too narrow. Its meaning too clear. If you can deceive the people into thinking it can be interpreted however they want and that it can mean many different things…or that the meaning they always thought was true isn’t “actually the real meaning” or that it holds no authority in their lives…well, then this changes everything, doesn’t it?

Do we even realize how different this is when compared to Christianity of yesteryear? It’s a totally different religion. I read this yesterday regarding this—

A common theme runs through much of the so-called Christian literature published over the past thirty years or so. Readers are generally addressed on the assumption that they want (a) personal, supernatural experiences, (b) evidence or demonstrations of divine power, and (c) the opportunity to fix the world in God’s name. This is the great screen onto which the various doctrines and teachings of contemporary ‘Christian’ literature are being projected.

Yet, if we went back a hundred years or so we would find that the vast majority of Christians did not think like this. They were content to live by faith, without experiences, and without supernatural proof. And their common goal was, not to fix the world, but to preach the gospel. They were not seeking to wield and demonstrate spiritual power, but to ensure that as many souls as possible heard the good news of salvation and received a solid grounding in Christian doctrine. ~Jeremy James

He’s right. If we went back a hundred years ago, we’d find that mysticism and the thirst for supernatural experiences would have been viewed as heretical; the goal to fix the world would have been viewed as unbiblical and quite liberal.

Amazing what Satan can accomplish in just a hundred years, isn’t it? But it has been way more than a hundred years. He’s been working towards the final years defined in Revelation and preparing for the antichrist for much longer than that. If we take the time to study history, we can see that he’s been feverishly working toward this final day for many millennia. And it would appear that the world is almost ready.

We must remember that the Tribulation will not happen in a vacuum. The world and the mainstream church (again, I am not talking about the genuine remnant) will have to be readied for what is going to take place.

Reel theology is helping this to happen. As are social justice causes and pastors and authors who twist scripture to appeal to our flesh. Divine encounters, “conversations” with God, trips to heaven and hell, dreams of “Isa”. All of these serve to move the eyes of the professing church from the Bible to their experiences, which is mysticism. This is not an accident.

The hearts and minds of the people must be moved from the Bible to their own vain imaginations.

It’s also important to note here that Satan is so happy to provide supernatural experiences and voices and dreams to help his cause along. Just because something is supernatural does not mean it came from God. Oh, how important to remember this in this age of rampant deception! The Bible tells us that Satan comes as an “angel of light” 2 Cor 11:14. I am quite sure he is even willing to lose a few to God in order to accomplish his greater purpose. People can be saved by false teachers and their encounters with “Jesus”. But that doesn’t mean these things are of God.

And so we must be so careful. And we must caution our children and our grandchildren to be so careful.

I feel like a broken record but, again, I just have to say: Our only protection is knowing the Bible. It is—and has been— the inerrant, inspired, and ONLY basis of the true Christian faith since its existence.

Godly men and women who have gone on before us have stayed faithful to the Word of God through many a challenge and trial and trouble. Many were persecuted and even martyred. May we follow on their footsteps in this all-out war against God’s Word.

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