There’s a Supplement for That

Pills and supplements are a way of life in our culture. There is a pill for this and a supplement for that. Sometimes they work. Sometimes it is our head telling us they work (placebo effect) and sometimes they just don’t work at all.

When someone takes a bunch of pills and/or supplements and then complains and complains about their ailment or not feeling well and then tries to talk you into taking the supplement or pill they are taking because you have the same complaint or ailment, what is your first thought?

Yeah, me, too. Why would I try something that is clearly not working for them?

It is when we are ailing or faced with health challenges that we search out pills or supplements to help. And it is when we are discouraged or disappointed and faced with heart challenges that we seek a spiritual solution.

And, yet, so often we are like that complaining person taking the supplements. We encourage others to follow Christ but we complain and moan and act like the rest of the world. We tell them they will experience peace and joy in the midst of any circumstance but we don’t exhibit that ourselves, so is it any wonder that they aren’t interested?

If we are bound up and consumed by anxiety or anger or bitterness or disappointment or laziness or unmet expectations (or any other number of things that consume us), we are not going to be very convincing when we say that Christ is the answer. If we are easily frustrated or irritated; if we live in fear or we complain about everything, we won’t be a very good example for what life with Christ can be like. If we aren’t living a joyful life that is characterized by God’s love and peace, we may as well say out loud, “try Christ but He actually doesn’t work.”

Now, of course, we all have our moments. This isn’t about perfection but about direction. We all need to work through fear or disappointment or one of the other things listed above. This doesn’t mean that we aren’t transparent about our struggles. But if we are known by these things; if we naturally react like this without even recognizing the pattern of sin; if these things are what people think of when they think of us, we just aren’t going to be very effective for Christ.

I think Satan knows this. I really do. I think he knows full well that, while he can’t take away our salvation, he can most certainly make sure we aren’t actively helping to save anyone else.

So often these actions and reactions are extra hard to recognize or remove because they have become deeply ingrained habits. We complain out of habit. We grow easily irritated because we always grow irritated. We grow anxious before we even know we are doing it.

So how do we actually become what we say we are in Christ?

There’s a long word that sums it up perfectly: Sanctification.

Sanctification is the process of becoming like Christ. It is the lifelong process of becoming pure and holy. We will never do this perfectly on this side of heaven, of course. But, through the Holy Spirit, we can grow and change in amazing ways. We can conquer those sins that so easily beset us.

Most professing Christians these days do not give this a thought. They don’t consider becoming like Christ to be any goal worth attaining. They are more wrapped up in the world. But for those of us that are serious about our walk with God, this is something to reflect upon, isn’t it? If I am telling others about what Christ can do for them, am I showing this truth in my own life? What sins are habitual in my life? What am I doing that is hurting my testimony?

Oh, it is such a fundamental thing in biblical Christianity to be aware of and confess our sins to Christ, washing daily at the cross. And, yet, have most of us been taught this? Have you even considered this over the past few weeks? If we aren’t doing this, then we easily just accept the sins that so easily beset us rather than fiercely battling them. How important that we remember that victory can be ours by God’s Holy Word and through the power of the Holy Spirit. Scripture assures us that we aren’t without hope for change.

I’ve been really thinking recently about the status quo Christianity most of us are stuck in. We just live the way we have always lived because we feel hopeless to change. I wrote about that last week, as well. (You can find that post here.) I think we need to understand the possible eternal ramifications of resigning ourselves to besetting sins and wrong attitudes. They do not only affect us and those we love but they can potentially affect our witness for Christ.

May we study the Word and turn away from sin; may we walk in the Spirit as we live for Jesus every single day; And, in so doing, we will brightly reflect the light of Christ and bring hope to the lost who are searching so desperately.


Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new. (2 Corinthians 5:17)

Knowing this, that our old man is crucified with him, that the body of sin might be destroyed, that henceforth we should not serve sin. (Romans 6:6)

Being confident of this very thing, that he which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ (Philippians 1:6)

Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word is truth. (John 17:17)


Flying Free

It is that special time of year when the dusky summer nights light up with fireflies here in Pennsylvania. My grandkids have been having a wonderful time running through the green grass, arms stretched out as they try to catch them.

The other night one of them asked if we could get a jar. After poking holes in the lid, this became our residence for the unfortunate lightning bugs caught by the little hands. The jar soon became full of little bugs with golden light shining forth from each one every few seconds.

Somehow the effect of the creeping bugs lighting up in the jar wasn’t nearly so enchanting as the fireflies flying freely in the yard and surrounding fields, lighting up the night.

I’ve been thinking a lot about sin lately. Oh, not the sin that we Christians gladly call sin and have no problem staying away from. I’m talking about the sins that we’ve come to accept as just part of us, rather than sins against God that need to be eradicated from our lives.

Things like self-indulgence, anxiety, grudges, anger, pride, gluttony, selfishness, fear, self-gratification, wasting time, ungodly entertainment, laziness, arrogance. The list goes on. We have deceived ourselves in believing these aren’t as big as those “other sins”. Or maybe that they aren’t sins at all.

But they are sin. And they do come with consequences.

These sins, loved and cherished by us, keep us imprisoned in ineffectiveness, severely dimming our lights for Christ.

Like the fireflies, we are in a jar. But it is of our own making. We bleakly shine our weak light, but few can see because they struggle to see beyond the sin that is so obvious to them and so accepted by us.

We all struggle. We all battle. But we can’t—we won’t—fight until we actually recognize that it IS sin. And that’s the key, isn’t it?

I am right there with you. I struggle with many things on that list and I am beginning to understand the offense they are to a Holy God. Our flesh wants to excuse them but if we want to walk in victory, we can’t make excuses. There is no place for rationalization of sin in the life of a vibrant Christian.

When I opened the front door this morning to let out my dogs, the jar was on the porch. Inside was one lone firefly. Apparently, when we took the lid off for a few minutes to return freedom to the little insects, this one missed the window of opportunity. We put the lid back on and put it on the porch for another night, never noticing the little bug still imprisoned in the jar.

I can’t help but think of how many of us are like that little bug. We have been caught and placed in the jar through our own lusts. We are imprisoned there without hope. But God opened the lid of the jar, through the sacrifice of His Son on the cross. He provided us a way to freedom. He provided us a way to shine His light before the world.

And, yet, so many of us keep going back into the jar. We get ensnared by these sins that we don’t like to call sins and back into the jar we go.

If we are a believer, the lid of the jar is open. Why are we staying in the jar? Why are we not confessing our sin and battling our flesh, in order to live in victory?

I believe it’s because we’ve been deceived into believing we must live in the jar. That there is nothing wrong with the jar and we can’t expect a better place to live in this fallen world than the jar.

But I’m beginning to understand that this just isn’t true. We Christians don’t need to live in a jar imprisoned by fear and anxiety. Or grudges and unforgiveness. We don’t need to be imprisoned by our lust for material goods, ungodly entertainment, or food. We can be free of the pride that keeps us from living a Christian life filled with joy and peace.

God has removed the lid and we are free to live in victory. But the first step is humbly admitting it is actually sin.

I am reminded of these verses in Galatians—

And those who are Christ’s have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires. If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit. Galatians 5:24-25

Have I crucified my flesh with its passions and desires?

While this seems like an absurd way to obtain freedom, it is actually the only way we can find the freedom we long for so desperately.

Will you join me in asking the Lord to show us how we aren’t pleasing Him? Shall we pray that He will help us to admit that our dearly held sin(s) must be admitted and then eradicated? Shall we fly out of the jar and be on our way to freedom, where we can make the most impact for Christ and shine brightest?




The Power of Social Media

I was following a woman on Instagram who filled her stories with interesting information. Most of it I already knew. Some of it was new. And I was skeptical of quite a bit of it, as well. But she talked about Jesus and the Bible and the return of Christ and, so it seemed, even if a bit misguided, that she was fairly solid.

Until the day she had her followers ask her questions.

Oh, my, what a mess! She was encouraging mysticism while warning against mysticism. It would have been comical if it wasn’t so sad. She was speaking of Christ and His coming, while turning the attention of her followers to the books that “didn’t make it into the Bible” along with scripture. Oh, the danger of this! She is clearly so confused and I can’t help but think of the many women she is leading into confusion right along with her by answering those questions with authority and as if she knows.

For God is not the author of confusion but of peace, as in all the churches of the saints.

(I Corinthians 14:33)

And then, recently, we have been watching many in the reformed crowd, who have been historical amillennialists (believe we are in the millennium right now) turn post-millennial (believe we need to prepare the earth for Christ’s return before the millennium can start). What does this mean? Well, simply put, it means that these powerful presences on social media are encouraging their followers to change the culture and fix the world in preparation for Christ’s return.

For example, Dale Partridge, well-known and trusted by many believers, recently said this (emphasis mine):

“Sadly, the “Left Behind” series has shaped America’s eschatology more than scripture has. As a result, the church has become chronically pessimistic, disengaged, and now embraces a culture where we wait for decay rather than work toward dominion. Do not retreat, revive!”

Wait…what?? There are Christians who actually believe this? Yes, many. Maybe most of them now.

He is accusing the eschatology (the doctrine of last, or final, matters) of Left Behind as being unbiblical. While I don’t necessarily condone the movies; the ideas of the rapture, tribulation, and thousand-year reign are clearly in scripture.

If Partridge doesn’t believe this, then what does he believe IS scriptural? From that quote, we must assume it is the false doctrine of Dominionism. This is the false teaching that we must prepare the earth and build God’s Kingdom before Christ can return. (I probably should write about this false teaching of Post-Millennialism/Dominionism so you can see that this is clearly not in scripture, no matter how many people say it is.)

But know this, that in the last days perilous times will come:

(2 Timothy 3:1)


But here’s my point of this post: Christians are being swayed and confused by those they follow on social media. I gave two examples but there are thousands more like them. Christians have followed these people and have found them to be biblical. They have grown to trust them for truth. They view their opinions as authoritative without ever going to the Bible to check if what they say is true. And I understand. It is a lot easier to scroll through social media than it is to get out your Bible and study it. It just is.

But if we have little knowledge of the Bible, then we will be unable to judge if what we are hearing is actually true. Most of us have also never been taught church history so it is easy to imbibe the lies that we read on social media or hear from our favorite authors and speakers.

One such example is the lie that the pre-trib rapture/pre-millennial eschatology is a “new” theory. It’s actually not. There are examples of many from the early church who believed in both the rapture and a literal millennium (It was called Chiliasm back then). It wasn’t until Augustine spiritualized the Old Testament that the eschatology of the church went impossibly askew. But most people don’t know this. I didn’t know this myself until only recently when I finally took the time to delve into the subject because the confusion around it is growing exponentially.

So, my caution for today is that we take great care in who we follow. If someone is talking about fixing the culture or building God’s Kingdom, be wary. If someone is talking about kooky, extra-biblical stuff and taking the focus off of scripture, be wary. If someone says something “new” from scripture that you’ve never heard before, don’t only be wary but research it.

This phenomenon of social media is scary. People can become “famous” overnight. They can go viral just because they put up a cute or compelling video. Just because someone can make a reel or gives interesting information does not mean that they can be trusted. Just because someone has an immense following on social media does not mean they can be trusted.

We’ve been conditioned to believe that where there is popularity there is truth. But I have personally found the opposite to be true: Run the opposite direction of the crowd if you want to find the truth.

So be careful. Be oh, so careful, who you follow. And do your own Bible Study. Do your own study of Christian history. I know, for many of you, your immediate response is probably “but that’s not my ‘thing’ “. I know it is not everyone’s “thing”. But, quite honestly, I am not sure, in this current age, that we can afford to say that anymore. The deception is growing exponentially and the bottom line is this: LIES can only be overcome with TRUTH.

Many of us have viewed eschatology as a “secondary issue” and thought it didn’t matter all that much. But we are finding out that it matters a great deal. For Satan is using wrong eschatology to prepare the world for the antichrist system.

May we be diligent and persevere in our study of God’s Word. May we be dedicated to interpreting it literally, grammatically, historically. May we be willing to do the work to test EVERYTHING by the Bible. May we be willing to research historical statements when necessary. May we be willing to stand strong, no matter the ridicule we get.

And may we gladly join the unpopular remnant in believing what the Bible clearly teaches: The rapture is close and the Tribulation is just around the corner.

It may be a negative message for the world, but for those who are redeemed, it’s the most positive message we could ask for at this juncture!


For the grace of God that brings salvation has appeared to all men, teaching us that, denying ungodliness and worldly lusts, we should live soberly, righteously, and godly in the present age,  looking for the blessed hope and glorious appearing of our great God and Savior Jesus Christ, who gave Himself for us, that He might redeem us from every lawless deed and purify for Himself His own special people, zealous for good works.

(Titus 2:11-14)


Some Thoughts About the Roe vs. Wade Reversal

The Christian world is full of joy and gladness at the reversal of Roe vs. Wade. And, understandably so. This will hopefully mean lives will be saved. But…

And, yes, I will use the word “but” because there is a huge “but” to consider.

Before I get into that, I want to give a bit of the big picture to what’s going on in America currently. There are two sides– the black and the white; the left and the right; the liberal and the conservative. There is a fight– what most would believe is a fight between the “good” and the “evil”.

But I would submit to you that those two sides are actually two wings of the same bird. They are not separate and opposite but actually working together to aid in bringing in the reign of the Antichrist. (Keep reading to understand what I mean…)

So what does the Bible say about the “culture war”?

It makes it pretty clear that believers are not here to change the culture. We are here to share the Gospel. Our purpose is not to make the world moral (for how would that even be possible without Christ??) but to win the lost. We are not here to change the politics of our nation but to make an impact for Christ. We are not here to build God’s physical Kingdom (do we really think He needs our help for this??) but we are given the privilege to help build God’s spiritual Kingdom (because we know He doesn’t really need us for this either but clearly desires to use us in this way).

Since Matthew 7:13-14 make it abundantly clear that the way is narrow and few are they that find it, we know that the typical response to our sharing of the Gospel will be rejection. We know that relatively few will repent of their sins and turn to Christ. While there have been occasional pockets of revival, it is clear from scripture that we should not expect this.

Now, with this in mind, let’s consider what is currently happening in our culture. You may have heard of the terms “Post-millenialism”, “Kingdom Now”, “Dominionism”, “Optimistic Amillenialism” and “Seven Mountains Mandate”. Basically (in a simplified nutshell), all of these teach that Christians are mandated to build God’s physical Kingdom on this earth right now. That we are to work together to make the world a better place, in order to prepare it for Christ’s return. Some of these say the Gospel will be what changes and prepares this world for Christ (which flies in the face of Matthew 7) and others don’t care a bit about the Gospel. But they all have the same focus: Preparing the World for Christ’s Second Coming.

This goes against all that is in scripture regarding the end of the age and the last days (Matthew 24; 2 Timothy 3). But, beyond that, we can see how it will play into the hands of the coming Antichrist. Why? you may ask. Simply because he will give the impression–at least at the beginning–that he is the Messiah, come to bring in His Kingdom in response to their efforts.

There will be a short-lived hope in the “peace” that he will bring at first (See Revelation 6). But that will last for only a short time before the real truth of the situation sets in for those who are entering the Tribulation.

With this in mind, I want to share something a friend of mine wrote about the Roe vs. Wade decision and its part in this battle between “good and evil” that is really just a theatrical play designed to prepare the world for the Antichrist.

Here is what she wrote–

It is leading more people to follow the post-millenial narrative which is completely unbiblical and dangerous. Even the so called pre-tribbers are joining the “cause.” Instead of looking to God’s Word, everyone is now fighting the “culture,” fighting the government. As if we are going to turn the tide of apostasy back towards God.

This decision has not changed hearts. Yes, praise God for saving babies!

But I even saw a post that said God is gaining ground in America!!? God has always been able to do as He pleases. And, yes, God hates abortion, but people are completely missing the point: A “moral” society does not equal a saved society. We are not to be transforming the culture, but instead sharing the Gospel!

Certainly getting rid of abortion is wonderful, but it is not our focus. In the end the majority of people are still headed to hell.

And the worst part is that the so-called church is in a frenzy to rebel and to fight the culture, but they are not concerned with hearts. Post-millenialists think they need to fix the world so Jesus can return. They actually believe that they literally need to transform society so Jesus can come back! And this will all lead to the Antichrist because as they see society getting better….

Obviously the true Church will be taken in the rapture (on God’s timeline, of course). But as society improves and the Antichrist rises up touting peace and likely morals, he will show them great signs and wonders. They will believe he is Jesus, and they will worship the beast.

This is just another step towards the end, and it has actually led more people into deception. It is all part of the false light agenda. Satan is very clever, and he has shown people the evil in the world on purpose. The tyrannical government has pushed people to rebel. People are completely focused on the world, and they are fighting to fix it. And now the abortion law is overturned, and they think they are making progress. They have completely forgotten the great commission.

This is all part of the set up to pull more people into deception. God has brought judgment on our nation for our wickedness certainly. God sets up rulers to judge wicked nations, but the true wickedness is in the Church which is quickly moving into apostasy. And God has promised to send a strong delusion, and we can already see such blindness in the Church.

Let us stay humble and look to Him and stay in the Word. Let us share the gospel! God will keep His remnant!

I think she has summed up what is happening perfectly. We need to pray that God would show us the truth. That He would keep us from deception and give us wisdom and keep our eyes focused on Him rather than on the culture. To trust only Him rather than those humans who would mislead us into error.

I have been stunned and disappointed at the amount of “prophecy watchers” who are preaching rebellion and “culture-changing”. Something is not right. I have been stunned and disappointed at the amount of “Discernment bloggers” who will call out the obvious but still hob-knob with and promote those in their circles who have clearly fallen away.

Don’t. Trust. Anyone. Don’t trust you favorite author, preacher, speaker. Don’t trust your favorite discernment blogger or prophecy updater. Don’t even trust me.

Trust no one but God and His Word.

Yes, I know this sounds like a very negative way to live. I know many of you will be put off by such a message. But I believe with my whole heart that we are in an age of unprecedented deception that is leading to the Tribulation that we read about in Revelation. We don’t have the luxury to let down our guards. And so we must all put on our armor (Ephesians 6:10f) and view all with a healthy skepticism, just as the Bereans did in Acts 17:11. It is truly our only hope to understand what’s really going on and keep us from getting swept away into apostasy.



The Ingredient That Is in Everything…

A friend of a friend was diagnosed with cancer. The doctor he was seeing suggested that he stay away from a certain preservative that appears to either cause or exacerbate cancer. That friend told me what this doctor said.

I had never noticed this preservative before. In fact, I hadn’t even heard of it.

Before I go on, I must warn you. You may not want to know this. For if you believe what the doctor said (and I am still doing some research on this, although so far my findings would say, yes, it is true), it will eliminate many “good things” from your life. You will see it crop up in literally everything.

It’s in salad dressing. And lemon juice. It’s in every shampoo on a retail store shelf. It’s in fruit drinks and Turkey Hill unsweet tea (that one really surprised me!) It’s in kool-pops and popsicles. And a million other things. I’ve listed only a fraction of the places I’ve found this ingredient. It’s in economical store brand items as well as in expensive organic items.

So, I am just being honest, if you want your life to be easier and you’d rather just not know, just stop reading right now.

But I will continue for those of you who want to know the truth.

It is an ingredient called sodium benzoate. It is just plain old salt, according to one organic shampoo bottle. But is that what it is? Is that bottle being honest?

This preservative is not naturally occurring in any whole food. It is a lab-created ingredient created to extend the shelf life of certain items.

This should be of concern, given no one really knows its long-term affects. From what I can tell, it was only created in 2005 (I might be wrong on that, as it was hard to find the details of its history.)

So should humans be consuming so much sodium benzoate? Even if just a bit is added to a product, doesn’t our consumption of this additive add up quickly if we consume so many of those products?

I’m no chemist, so at this point I am just asking the questions. I think it’s a valid concern. I’ve started doing the work of reading ingredient labels and trying to avoid this preservative as much as I can. It seems nigh upon impossible to avoid it totally.

So are you seeing the comparisons of this ingredient to what we are seeing in Christianity these days?

The new Christianity (the mystic, self-centered, ecumenical version) is literally in everything. Once we are aware and start looking for it, we find it everywhere. While there are still a few pure churches, they are few and far between (as many of you can probably attest to). It’s an additive that comes in just bits and pieces at first. Although, unlike sodium benzoate, it is more like a terrible yeast that grows uncontrollably until it’s taken over the once-sound church or ministry.

But it begins as a bit. Just a tiny promotion of a false teacher here. A joining with a false church there. An almost invisible twist on the Gospel here. A book or movie recommendation there. Little things that look minuscule to the average church goer. But these little compromises spell disaster to the one who has taken the time to compare what is happening in this new Christianity to God’s Holy Word.

You see, you have to know what you are looking for and that it actually exists before you can understand what is taking place.

I had no idea what sodium benzoate was or even of its existence, before that one conversation. Unknowingly, I have been feeding and applying that to my body for years. And, of course, I must trust God’s protection.

But what is my duty now? Do I just ignore the truth and live life as normal? Or do I have a responsibility to share the truth and make some changes in my life? Changes that might mean giving up favorite products that I’ve used for years?

I am guessing you can see the clear parallel here. When we begin to see the truth of this new (i.e. false) Christianity, it requires something of us. And it isn’t a fun process. The truth rarely is. One by one, we start eliminating things that contain it. Books, music, movies, and other forms of compromised “Christian” entertainment. We start evaluating our churches and what they are preaching from the pulpits, teaching in their Sunday Schools, and using as books for their small groups and Bible Studies.

Whether we are discussing an unproven additive or a wave of unbiblical teachings, there will always be scores of people to tell you to relax. Trust the narrative. Stop witch-hunting. Stop being so negative. Stop doing your own research. Just. Stop.

But we can’t stop. Because it is the truth that sets us free. It truly is. It may be an easier road to not know it in the short term. But, in the long-term, knowing the truth is always best. Knowing the truth is what keeps you spiritually and physically healthy. It protects you from the harm and danger of the world. It keeps you from being deceived. Spiritual truth is what keeps Satan from devouring you.

So how in the world do we find this spiritually life-saving Truth?

It is in God’s Word. If we are in the Word and reading it and studying it with a humble heart and a readiness to obey, no matter the cost, God will show us the truth. We don’t need to study the ways of false teachers or make a long list of who has compromised. We can simply compare them to scripture and see, fairly quickly, if someone has compromised.

So what keeps people using sodium benzoate after they know the truth? What keeps people in the midst of false Christianity when they see the truth?

A few things probably.

Maybe laziness? It’s so much work to be diligent in keeping our lives healthy –both physically and spiritually.

Perhaps the cost? We often have to give up some of our very favorite things when God opens our eyes.

It could be the ridicule? The path of the truth is rarely popular and whether you are talking about a lab-created additive or a false teacher, you will deal with eye-rolling and disdain.

It is important we check our hearts for these reasons ourselves. When it comes to our physical bodies, we do have a certain responsibility to keep it healthy. But there is nothing more important than keeping ourselves spiritually pure and 100% committed to God and His Word. What keeps us from doing so? Is it one of the three reasons above? Or maybe something else?

This life is hard, isn’t it? I wish I could say I have this down, but I definitely struggle with the first reason, particularly. I can grow exhausted and in my exhaustion, I grow lazy. My flesh whispers “what does it matter, anyway?” and I give in. (That is one of the things I am looking most forward to in heaven– no whispering flesh!!)

But we must endure to the end. We may cave to laziness or an unwillingness to give something up or to the ridicule that is sure to come, but when God helps us to see it, we must acknowledge it, confess it, and then move on. Thankfully, we have a wonderfully forgiving God and He loves us dearly.

So let’s keep searching for the truth together in a world that hates it. And, I may add, even in a visible church that hates it. Because, whether or not we see it, it is always there and it changes everything.



Life and Legos

Have you ever had assumptions made about you? People are really great at assuming. They assume they know your motives, your reasons, your “whys”. They make assumptions about choices and decisions. These assumptions are often fueled by rumors. Rumors that we are all too quick to listen to and pass along.

These rumors and assumptions can really get us down for we are rarely given an opportunity to defend ourselves.

Have you ever been faced with a terrifying bit of news? Of course you have. Whether it’s an unwelcome diagnosis from a doctor or a piece of news that comes to our ears through a news anchor, we have all had those moments.

These terrifying moments can bring on major fear and anxiety for they make us realize that we have zero control over what happens.

Have you ever been accused wrongly or unfairly treated? Whether it is through favoritism, a misunderstanding, or because of standing for what is right, these moments come to us all.

These unfair accusations can make us really angry, because, well…it’s just not fair!

Have you ever been broken-hearted or hopeless? Perhaps through the loss of a loved one, the betrayal of a friend, or the realization that you will have chronic pain for the rest of your life?

These moments of despair can make us depressed and zap all the joy from our lives because we just don’t feel like going on.


I just finished reading the *biography of John Bunyan. He dealt with all of these things and more. As a young man, assumptions were made about him because he had been quite the wicked young man. The Lord got a hold of him and radically changed him but people just couldn’t forget the old man. He faced more trouble when his young wife died and left him with four young children to care for. Later on, he received the news of a prison sentence for a crime that wasn’t even a crime by the law of the land. It was totally and utterly wrongful imprisonment. While imprisoned, his precious Mary, his oldest (and blind) daughter passed away. When he was finally released from prison, his rabid opponents tried to stop his ministry through rumors and wrong accusations.

John found himself in a prison cell for twelve years. The religious wars in England at the time were ferocious and the tides turned every which way at any time. But, no matter which way it turned, his young wife (his second wife) found herself up against a brick wall in any effort to get him released.

Now, he could have grown depressed or angry. He could have ended up languishing in bitter disillusionment and unabated fury. But he didn’t.

Instead, he picked up quill and paper and started writing. And kept writing. And then wrote some more. His best known work is called Pilgrim’s Progress and is still a best seller among Christians today!

What was his key? Why could he continue on, despite the ill treatment and the heartbreak in his life?

There’s a small quote of his that shows us how he managed to do this. I have been mulling it over and over in my mind since I have first read it. I believe it is the key for us all–

“If ever I would suffer rightly I must first pass a sentence of death upon everything that can properly be called a thing of this life, even to reckon myself, my wife, my children, my health, my enjoyments, and all as dead to me and myself as dead to them. The second was to live upon God that is invisible.”

You see, he was putting scripture into practice. Paul basically told us this same thing in Philippians 3:8–

Yet indeed I also count all things loss for the excellence of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord, for whom I have suffered the loss of all things, and count them as rubbish, that I may gain Christ.

And so we must realize that it’s only in releasing our grip on the things of this world that we can experience the peace and joy that God has promised. It’s only in surrendering our sense of fairness, our reputations, our family members, our health, our finances, our futures to God and His Sovereign will that we can conquer our fears, worries, anger, and despondency.

This brings to mind an example of this I saw just a few years ago lived out right in front of my eyes. How well I remember the calm acceptance of my brother and his wife as they faced the fact that her journey on this earth was winding down to an end. It is because they were learning to release the things of this life to grasp instead the bright shining eternal gift of Christ.

As believers, the more we die to self and gain Christ, the more we are victorious in our Christian lives.

This isn’t exactly what most want to hear. In our self-obsessed culture, we want God to fulfill our dreams and pour down blessings.

But the actual blessings we receive from God aren’t all that appealing to the carnal soul.


The other week, my son came into the house and said, “We have lots of legos!” I was confused and followed him out the door. What I saw sitting in the bed of his truck were 5-6 boxes of varying sizes filled with legos! A customer’s children had grown tired of legos and she didn’t want to bother selling them, so she asked if we wanted them. My son loaded them up and brought them home. Thousands of dollars worth of legos.

When our grandchildren laid eyes on those boxes they grew wide with excitement. As we pulled one off the truck and they saw all of the pieces and parts and potential, they were thrilled. Particularly the oldest, who at six years old, could really appreciate them.

Now, to an adult or a small baby, eh… who cares. Legos are not really their thing, right? Not really considered that big of a blessing. And maybe even a nuisance.

But to a child? Wow.

I think God’s blessings are a bit like that. They don’t look all that attractive to the unbeliever. Forgiveness of sins and peace with the God of the Universe? Eh. Not all that important, as they yearn after the worthless “fool’s gold” of this world. Peace and joy in the midst of trial? But they want promises of NO trials.

It isn’t until we are saved that God’s blessings fill us with awe and appreciation. Because they are specifically for those who have placed their faith and trust in Jesus Christ alone for salvation and eternal life.

And so victory and blessing in the Christian life isn’t going to look all that appealing to the unbeliever or perhaps even to the immature believer.

It isn’t until we give up the temporal for the eternal that we begin to understand.


I wish I could say I am able to live out the truth of John Bunyan’s statement above. I wish I could say that God’s blessings are always enough for me. But, unfortunately, in my battle with my flesh and my {ever-loosening but still tight} grip on this world, I cannot. I can only write about it in hopes to encourage us all towards this ideal, knowing that God will faithfully continue His work in those of us who are His as we journey together towards the eternal city.


for it is God who works in you both to will and to do for His good pleasure.
Philippians 2:13



*A Pilgrim Path: John Bunyan’s Journey by Faith Cook. Highly recommend!


Sometimes a Look Back Is Invaluable

The past is a tricky thing. Look back too often and you may end up in the quick sands of pride or bitterness. Never look back and you might repeat your mistakes. But there is always much to be gained by looking back at the lives of those who have gone before us. Unfortunately, this is generally neglected and viewed as “boring”.

I am deeply saddened by this because it is from these godly men and women of the past that we find examples of God-fearing, stand-firm-no-matter-what, holy Christian lives. God has always had His remnant–the true Church– woven throughout history. It has never been a group of great size or much popularity and it was often persecuted mercilessly. But it was always there.

If you have never heard of the Covenanters, the Huguenots, the Anabaptists, the Reformers, or the Dissenters then you may be unfamiliar with the persecution of the past. These are some of the more well-known persecuted groups. There are countless others.

Parenthetically, the true Church has been most persecuted by the followers of the false religion that goes by the name of Catholicism. It never fails to astound me to see the efforts to join with this church when I know the history of it. Only recently, I saw a video of Matt Redman and Chris Tomlin worshiping at the feet of the pope. These two popular artists are known by all. If not by name then by their songs, which are sung in churches around the world. Their apostasy in this way should alarm us beyond measure!

Protestants (named thus because they protested the false doctrines and abuses of the Catholic church) fought long and hard to divide from Catholicism. Many, many lost their lives pulling away from this false church to join Christ’s true Church. They lost their lives in horrible, unconscionable ways. Should we now join it in the name of unity and ecumenism? May it never be!

Some of the stories of these martyrs are recorded in a book called Foxe’s Book of Martyrs. Which I read just a little at a time. It’s taking me years. Literally.

It’s actually a little overwhelming. So why would I even want to read a book like this?

There are a few reasons. I want to tell you what they are and then share a profound excerpt from the book itself.

First, one of the main reasons I like to read this book is to remind myself that God’s promises are true. He really will never forsake us. Even when we are overwhelmed by evil and wickedness in this life. Even when we are attacked, ridiculed, or betrayed. Prison, death sentences, or banishment can’t remove God’s grace and blessing from His children.

The accounts of these martyrs, recorded in this book written in the mid-1500s, are filled with amazing stories of God’s all-sufficient grace. Firmly standing on God’s Word, these men and women refused to recant in front of councils and in trials. There are many records of a martyr singing as he or she burns on the pyre. This can only be strength that comes from God.

So let me tell you… this is a LOT easier to write than to actually contemplate. We can tremble with apprehension when we consider what might lie ahead. But the testimonies of these faithful ones are a much needed reminder that God’s grace will be sufficient for whatever lies ahead.

Second, this book is a reminder of the price that has been paid by the true Church throughout the ages. Satan hates the Bride the Christ. He will do anything he can to shut it down. He has tried to snuff it out (persecution) and he has tried to join it (false religions that use the Bible). But God’s true Church lives on. Yes, it is small and unimpressive, by the world’s standards. But the Holy Spirit has moved and worked throughout the ages and continues to do so. The true Church will live on until she is raptured and taken home where Christ has prepared a place for her (John 14:1-4).

Third, a book like this (along with so many others that tell of the sufferings of believers in other times and lands) reminds us that suffering for speaking the truth should be expected. The Truth of the Word is never welcome to the world. Yes, the Holy Spirit continues His work of convicting and drawing individuals but it will never be the majority. The Word of God will never be appealing to the world at large, which loves its sin and wants no accountability. Wherever someone stands for Christ and His Word, there will be hatred and hostility. Some will give up their years in a prison or give their lives. Others will pay with their reputations or by losing precious relationships. Ridicule, attacks, and suffering should be expected. There is always a cost involved in following Christ whole-heartedly. Always.

And, finally, fourth, it is a great reminder that we need to fear only God. Matthew 10:28 says this–

And do not fear those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. But rather fear Him who is able to destroy both soul and body in hell. 

It is easy to get caught up in protecting our physical selves, isn’t it? I think many of us were surprised at how precious our lives were to us a couple of years ago in the midst of the 2020 craziness. We Christians thought we had our eyes on eternity but, all of a sudden, we had to actually ask ourselves that question. Do I have an eternal perspective? Or am I loving this world? That time made me really consider the hope that I had within me. Was it based on things above or was it based in this world?

These are questions we believers need to answer now. We need to build our healthy fear of God, which will naturally diminish our sinful fears. We need to strengthen our hearts and minds through our memorization and study of the Bible. We need to redeem the time in these evil days and stop squandering it on frivolous, worthless things. We need to pray that God would strengthen and prepare us for whatever lies ahead. And reading a few biographies of Christians who refused to waver wouldn’t hurt, either.

Since I know not all of you will pick up a book and start reading, I wanted to share this small excerpt from Foxe’s Book of Martyrs. It profoundly impacted me. I thought it may also do the same for you–

*A merchant of Prague, going to Breslaw, in Silesia, happened to lodge in the same inn with several priests. Entering into conversation upon the subject of religious controversy, he passed many encomiums upon the martyred John Huss, and his doctrines. The priests taking umbrage at this, laid an information against him the next morning, and he was committed to prison as a heretic. Many endeavours were used to persuade him to embrace the Roman catholic faith, but he remained steadfast to the pure doctrines of the reformed church. Soon after his imprisonment, a student of the university was committed to the same jail; when, being permitted to converse with the merchant, they mutually comforted each other. On the day appointed for execution, when the jailer began to fasten ropes to their feet, by which they were to be dragged through the streets, the student appeared quite terrified, and offered to abjure his faith, and turn Roman catholic if he might be saved. The offer was accepted, his abjuration was taken by a priest, and he was set at liberty. A priest applying to the merchant to follow the example of the student, he nobly said, “Lose no time in hopes of my recantation, your expectations will be vain; I sincerely pity that poor wretch, who has miserably sacrificed his soul for a few more uncertain years of a troublesome life; and, so far from having the least idea of following his example, I glory in the very thoughts of dying for the sake of Christ.” On hearing these words, the priest ordered the executioner to proceed, and the merchant being drawn through the city was brought to the place of execution, and there burnt.

Read what the merchant “nobly said” once more.

This is the bottom line, is it not? May we never “sacrifice our soul for a few more uncertain years”. May we never sacrifice our soul for a bit of popularity or in our desire to be admired by the world. May we never sacrifice our soul to keep the peace. May we never sacrifice our soul to be spared a moment of ridicule or embarrassment.

By God’s grace, may we never sacrifice our souls.

Oh, these are evil days as the world grows more and more hostile to biblical truth. But God still reigns and nothing can touch us until He says so. May we soldier on in full armor as His ambassadors in this world until He calls us home.





*Foxe, John. Fox’s Book of Martyrs (Or A History of the Lives, Sufferings, and TriumphantDeaths of the Primitive Protestant Martyrs). Public Domain Books. Kindle Edition.

What Does the Bible Say About… (Patriotism)?

Today I want to ask the question: What Does the Bible Say About Patriotism? And then turn to the scriptures to see if we can find the answer. In the recent years, Patriotism has seemed to be rising in a great wave across some lands. So what does the Bible have to say about this? Or does it say anything at all?

We certainly tend to feel patriotic when our country is at war or our nation is threatened. It is understandable to feel a bond with our fellow countrymen during difficult or troubling times. It is even understandable to want to unify with our fellow man to make our country a better place to live.

I have been watching many Christians join with people of all faiths to “make America great again”. I, like you, are watching the waves of “Great Awakening” Tours crisscross this land. We are being told that we will make the world wonderful if we just come together to make certain changes and perform specified social actions. And if we do not want to help, then we are guilty of not loving our country or our fellow man.

For some of you, I’d imagine there is some pressure to join this trend, for many churches have joined this growing movement.

So how should we feel about patriotism? Shouldn’t we love our country? What place should patriotism actually have in a Christian’s life?

While I haven’t (thus far) found anything in scripture declaring it is inherently wrong to love one’s country or even to fight for it, I do believe it is so important to keep it all in perspective by seeing what scripture has to say about who we are in Christ. (This is not an exhaustive look at this subject. If you have something to add that I have missed, please comment below). But, from my own personal study of this subject, I have come to this conclusion–


We are pilgrims and sojourners. This world is not my home.

These all died in faith, not having received the promises, but having seen them afar off were assured of them, embraced them and confessed that they were strangers and pilgrims on the earth. (Hebrews 11:13)

 Beloved, I beg you as sojourners and pilgrims, abstain from fleshly lusts which war against the soul, (I Peter 2:11)

For our citizenship is in heaven, from which we also eagerly wait for the Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ, (Philippians 3:20)


From these verses, we learn that, as believers, we are to consider ourselves sojourners on this earth. We are just passing through on our journey to get home–our real home which is heaven. Jesus is preparing a place for us that will be glorious beyond anything we can think or imagine–

Let not your heart be troubled; you believe in God, believe also in Me. In My Father’s house are many mansions; if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you to Myself; that where I am, there you may be also. And where I go you know, and the way you know.” (John 14:1-4)

But as it is written:

“Eye has not seen, nor ear heard,
Nor have entered into the heart of man
The things which God has prepared for those who love Him.” (I Corinthians 2:9)


Now, you may be thinking– are these two things mutually exclusive? Can’t I be passionately patriotic while still understanding that this world is not my home? Perhaps.

But what I have noticed is that, oftentimes, patriotism edges out passion for Christ. When we get caught up in the temporal happenings of this world we get distracted from our true purpose and calling as followers of Christ.

Patriotism, at least in this current age, is also being used to unify people in order to make this world a better place. On the surface, this sounds amazing. Who wouldn’t agree with this?

But, again, as we search the scriptures and evaluate the world around us, we know that man will never have their utopia here on earth. Since the beginning of time, this has been the goal. And ungodly men who have no thought for God believe they can attain it. In fact, they think they are so close now that they can almost taste it.

But will the world get better and better?

Scripture tells us, oh so plainly, that it will not.

But as the days of Noah were, so also will the coming of the Son of Man be. (Matthew 24:37)

But know this, that in the last days perilous times will come: For men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, unloving, b]”>[b]”>bb]”>]unforgiving, slanderers, without self-control, brutal, despisers of good, traitors, headstrong, haughty, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, having a form of godliness but denying its power. And from such people turn away! (2 Timothy 3:1-5)

I have only given two of many scripture passages that refer to the “end of the age”, “the last days”, or the second coming of Christ. It is abundantly clear that the world will worsen and worsen until God’s wrath pours down upon it in those horrible tribulation years.

Except for one brief moment. For one fraction of a moment, it will seem that all is peaceful and perfectly unified. (see Revelation 6:1-2)

So is it wrong for me to be patriotic?

No, there is nothing in scripture that would lead us to believe it is wrong to love our country. In fact, we are told to obey our leaders and submit to them (Romans 13:1). But, just as a visitor to another country loves that country and respects its leaders, so we, too, as pilgrims, love and respect the countries that aren’t our true homes.

I think the passage that has had the most influence over me over the past few years is Colossians 3:1-4. I had memorized it for no reason (at least not any reason I knew) except that it seemed like a good core chapter to know. And, while I have a good bit of the whole chapter memorized, it’s those first four verses that have weaved their way through my brain and heart, constantly reminding me that this world is not my home. As I have meditated on these verses I have come to realize that my passion and efforts should be spent mostly on the things that are above and not on things of the earth–such as fixing this temporal world, being popular, making our country “great again”.

Of course, we must give great attention to this life. We must work in order to have money to live, we need to care for our families, and, yes, we are called to be good citizens. But all of this should be done always with an eternal perspective in mind and a heart that is willing to submit to God’s sovereignty and to obey His Word.

As believers, we must first and foremost submit our dreams and desires to God’s will. His will may not be to take any of our nations (I know many of you do not live in America) back to the “good old days” or on to a “brighter and better future”. But, rather, I suspect, it is the coming end of the age, where the nations are now being prepared for that final evil kingdom before Christ returns to reign which is foretold in Revelation.

And, so while we can and should love our countries and do what we can to make them a better place to live, the fervor given to this should pale in comparison to our passion for Christ. Our hearts and minds should be focused on Christ and living for Him rather than on fixing what is wrong in this temporal and dying world. Our efforts, time, energy, and gifts should be used for increasing God’s Kingdom rather than any earthly kingdom. For we are His alone! We belong to God’s Kingdom now and we are just “a-passing through” this old world.


This world is not my home, I’m just a-passing through,
My treasures are laid up somewhere beyond the blue;
The angels beckon me from heaven’s open door,
And I can’t feel at home in this world anymore.

This World is Not My Home, first verse (anonymous)





A Few Thoughts on the Uvalde Shooting

I wanted to share today what my daughter wrote on her Anchor for the Soul social media sites this past week. I think it’s important because it goes to the root of what we see taking place in culture. But it’s not a popular perspective. It’s much easier to dig our heads in the sand and pretend that this “just happened”. It’s much easier to ignore–or even deny– the really good reasons behind what we see taking place in the current culture.

And, I might add, what happened in Texas is the extreme of what we see taking place. The world is made up of so many hurting and broken people who only care about themselves and their dreams and their desires. Society has changed dramatically and much of it is because of what Jess writes below.

This is a hard read but it is true. If we believe the Bible and that what God says is best for us both personally and societally than we know this must be true.

Scripture makes it abundantly clear that we won’t change the culture. But we can change ourselves. And that’s all the Lord asks of us. Submit, obey, be transformed by the renewing of our minds. And, in this process, He will use us to help change and encourage others.

Here’s what Jess had to say over on Anchor for the Soul


So, let me get this straight.

We take moms out of the home, leaving their children to be raised by daycares, schools, coaches, and the television. We cheer for them as they sacrifice their children on the altar of their career dreams.

Divorce rates skyrocket. Kids are shuffled back and forth. Children are increasingly born to single moms or unmarried parents. It’s rare to see fathers actively involved in their children’s lives for a full 18 years. The stability and security that the family was intended to give children crumbles.

We schedule their sports and their camps and their after-school activities. We force them to study to get those straight A’s. We medicate them when they can’t sit still for 6 hours in a row. We skip church because we’ve got sports tournaments to go to. We want them to be the smartest, the most athletic, the most liked. Meanwhile we steal away their very childhood.

We tell kids to follow their heart and that truth is whatever they want it to be. Don’t tell them no. Gentle parenting, remember? Just redirect. They don’t need to obey. When they misbehave, we label them with some disorder instead of calling it sin. We take away God, discipline, values, and morality and then we’re somehow surprised when we see the consequences of that.

Our boys play video games in isolation for hours upon hours while they use guns to shoot real or cartoon characters. Kids spend hours watching things that glorify evil and darkness. Then we pretend it won’t affect them.

Parents don’t care enough (or “don’t have the time”) to instill value and worth in their children at home. So they’re faced with an identity crisis. They join whatever group gives them attention or helps them fit in. We tell them it’s normal to switch genders or be both genders or whatever it is their heart desires. Then we applaud them and pay for their life-altering surgeries while we ignore the statistics that show most plummet into regret, depression, and suicide.

As they grow, they give into peer pressure or the allure of a new experience and try smoking and drugs. They don’t have parents who have time to check up on them. It’s easy to hide. They don’t have a family at home who is providing them with acceptance and fun times together so they have to find them somewhere else. Then they face a lifetime of addiction. We shrug it off and call to decriminalize it. It’s no big deal. Just a coping mechanism.

We cry about these 10 year old children while simultaneously fighting for their deaths if it was 2012 and they were tucked away in the “safety” of their mommy’s wombs. We shout about how banning abortions will only ban safe abortions while claiming gun laws will somehow stop these people from obtaining a weapon.

We throw out morality and turn our backs on God’s rules, His design, and His way and then somehow act surprised when one of these children walks into a school intent on killing 4th graders. It’s horrible. It’s heartbreaking. But it’s not surprising. And we should expect it. This is the result of unrestrained, evil hearts. Access to guns did not create this problem. We’ve created this problem. Our God-hating, self-worshipping, reprobate culture.

And the Bible told us these evil days were coming. Days like the days of Noah. We won’t change the culture or the world as a whole. So what can we do?

Pray that the Gospel might shine a light in Texas through this tragedy. Hold on and fight against these cultural norms in your families. Christians are just as guilty of many of these things. Stand firm on the Word of God and do not waver. Be ready to be used by God to change individual hearts with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Pass on your faith to another generation. And do your best to snatch any children God puts in your path (in your church, your family, your classroom, your home, your team) out of the fire of this culture.


Something to Think About

This past weekend, I was sitting at the airport when a woman a few years younger than me sat down next to me. She was friendly and we struck up a conversation. I soon realized that she was someone who believed in God and traditional values. We chatted about her kids for awhile. As is often the case, she was happy to talk and I was happy to listen. What I wasn’t expecting were the interesting –and rather disturbing–things she was going to tell me.

Keep in mind that I was not directing this conversation in any way. I didn’t ask leading questions or, honestly, any questions at all. She started talking and I simply listened, adding an “Oh, my goodness!” here and there. She had no idea that I blog or have any public platform whatsoever. She was just sharing what was on her heart. But I felt I needed to share it here with you.

She started telling me about her sons and their decisions, individually, to go to a Christian university after their experiences in a secular university.

She first shared that there was a required ethics class at the secular university. Only the students were never allowed to make an ethical choice. It should have been called “unethics.” If they were given a multiple choice option, it never included any good or right choice. It was always something that flew in the face of traditional, biblical values. And, to any normal human being, some of these options were simply horrifying. I won’t even bother to repeat what she told me. It was disturbing beyond measure.

While some kids, perhaps like her boys, can see this for what it is, far more are mightily influenced by these kinds of classes. And this is just one example. I know there are more because I’ve run into them multiple times. Some of you may be able to share examples from the experiences of your own children. They are plentiful and on every secular campus across this country.

The second thing she shared (and she had to wrap this up quickly because we had to go get in line for our flight so I wasn’t able to ask any questions or get more details) was that one of her sons has a gift for speaking and had risen pretty high within the college debate team. This afforded him many opportunities, including giving a speech at the UN. What he soon realized (and I was NOT expecting her to say this) is just how ORCHESTRATED the happenings in our world are. For example, she said, in this world he found himself in, he was given the job to help set up protests for lefist causes. He quickly realized that most protesters are paid actors who are told where to stand and what to do. In fact, he either recorded this happening or saw something that someone recorded. I was listening to flight information about this time, so I missed exactly what she said here. What I did take away is that what we see on the news is not what actually happens. I think we all suspected this already but it was interesting to hear it confirmed.

So, in essence, these kids are learning that morality is pointless and unnecessary. That people should do whatever it takes to reach their goal, dream, or desire. Or what the political party they are following desires. It’s all completely opposite of what the Bible teaches.

A few days before this conversation at the airport, a couple had shared that they had recently moved to Texas from Seattle because of what the schools were planning to teach their kindergartner about sexuality.

Someone also recently told me that their child’s history book had been re-written. That they had removed what were facts and are re-writing what is being taught to our kids. Think about the ramifications of that for a moment.

Ironically, as I was getting ready to post this someone sent me an editorial that was almost rabid in its disdain and hatred of traditional values and historical America. In fact, this person blamed those who held to and appreciated these things as the root of all kinds of evil and the cause of the issues America faces. And guess who this person was? A retired long-time professor at one of our local (nominally Christian) colleges.

Folks, these people are your professors. These are your teachers. It is what they were taught and it is what they are teaching. Are there some exceptions to this? Yes, of course, there are and praise God for them! But they are growing fewer and fewer.

And while some states may be miles ahead of your own in what they are pushing and changing in elementary, middle school, high school, and university classrooms, I think we are kidding ourselves if we do not recognize the serious danger that public education on all levels poses to our kids.

And I don’t say this as simply an observer of this particular type of education. While I have some very pleasant memories and some great friends from my years spent in public education, I have to admit that as I consider my education in small-town America (which took place over 35 years ago), I have to admit that I had my share of teachers teaching against traditional, biblical values already back then–

◆ A teacher promoting Romans 1 living (abandoning what is natural for what is unnatural).

◆ A teacher promoting evolution/atheism

◆ A teacher who was into witchcraft (and talked about it with her students)

◆ A teacher who declared that all roads lead to heaven

◆ And the “hip” P.O.D. (Problems of Democracy) teacher who stood against most everything my parents stood for

Now while two of these were not the kindest to me when I stood up and challenged what they were saying (because I was just that kind of kid), the other three were very tolerant of me and seemed to enjoy debating with me. But the core issue remains the same, does it not? Even back then there was an agenda. And most teachers were following it.

It is no different today. There is an agenda. And it is plainer to see now than ever. No matter which school in which state in which town. All of them are following orders to some extent. They have to…or they lose their funding.

And problems aren’t limited to secular schools and universities, are they? I had the privilege (insert dripping sarcasm) of recently attending the graduation of a small Christian college. In the opening the president quoted from and talked about a book that wasn’t even a Christian book! For twenty minutes he told us what this book had to say about changing society with nary a word of scripture or biblical counsel. I was dumbfounded, quite honestly. But it explained to me some other concerns I had had about that school as my child attended there. It was easy to see the direction he was planning to take the school. And this, a small Bible college in a conservative area of the country.

And even in the Christian school we sent our kids to there was an occasional teacher who told them something that wasn’t biblical. Christian schools are not “safe zones” where you can remove your radar and relax, which is what we hope to do. What we want to do. We are tired. We are weary. We want to rest.

But there isn’t any rest for the diligent, discerning believer. As I Thessalonians 5:21 says:  Test all things; hold fast what is good. This takes effort and intention. And it’s hard. And definitely not popular.

I believe the very best thing we can do for our kids is teach them from the Word ourselves. Talk about what matters. Don’t leave it up to church to do that. We need to stop focusing on the the grades and the games and the shallow stuff of life and turn our attention to the stuff that is going to protect and strengthen our kids for what they are going to face– no matter what school they go to.

Teach them what God has to say in His Word about Creation, about Israel, about love, about courage, about the future, about this world, about Satan. Show them that what the world is teaching them –and even much of the visible church–is just plain wrong, according to scripture. Teach them how to do their own comparing of things to scripture so that they are prepared.

And then be that parent that your student can come to with questions. Be open and honest and real. We don’t have it all together or have all the answers, so we might as well not act like we do. But we can help them find them and we can learn and grow together. The problem is that most people seem not to care about the stuff of life that really matters.

I am not telling you what education to choose. I am simply asking you to think about it. You are sending your kids to a place where they spend most of their waking hours. Be aware of what’s going on and teach your kids to be aware, as well. 

For this modern thing called “education” may be the greatest danger to our next generation.



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