Love is like the weather


Since it is Valentine’s Day , it seems only fitting to write about love. Specifically the love between a husband and wife. I have now been married 22+ years. That means I have been married approximately 8030 days. Or 192, 720 hours. And I would be lying to you if I said that I felt love for the guy I am married to all 192, 720 hours–or even all 8030 days. Marriage is a bit of a roller coaster ride, isn’t it? Or maybe it is more like the weather.

Winter has felt long this year. It snowed at the end of December and continued to snow. There has been snow on the ground for a long time. At least for this area of the country.  It has been cold, too. Not many, if any, warm, sunny days to remind us that spring is coming again. It felt like winter was going to last forever. But when I got up this morning, I looked out and it felt almost warm. There was a large patch of grass…not just the itty bitty ones I had been seeing.

Even when it felt like winter would last forever and spring would never come, I knew differently. I think perhaps marriage is a lot like that. Just because you don’t feel love doesn’t mean that there isn’t love.   We all have moments in our marriages that are like the weather–long, unending spells of indifference like the long winter months or sudden moments of impossible impasse like a summer storm. But, no matter what it feels like, if both parties choose to stay committed to the relationship, the feelings of love will come back around.

I remember when my husband and I were married around 7 years. We came to a sudden and, what seemed impossible, problem. It lasted for months. Our children were affected by it. My mother was worried about us. The funny thing is that I have no recollection of what the specific issue was. I can’t remember at all. I do know this, though: If there was ever a time in our marriage where there was a danger of one of us walking away, that was the time. It was that bad. But I think I can honestly say that neither of us ever even contemplated it. Not because we were so wise to know that things would get better. We were young. My focus was on the dark, gray present time, not some unseen likelihood of sunshine again in the future. We stuck it out because both of us were committed to the marriage.

You see, we had seen marvelous examples of marriage in the lives of our parents. We had seen them go through ups and downs. Both couples had been through some really tough times. But they had stuck it out. They had promised to the Lord and to each other to love and cherish in sickness and in health. In good times and bad. And they stuck by those vows, even when the going got tough.

We feel blessed to have parents who have such a commitment. But there are amazing examples of this everywhere. If you aren’t blessed to have parents who have stuck it out–and, let’s face it- that is probably true for many of you–take a look in your extended family. Or your church family. You will find couples celebrating their 30th, 40th, and 50th anniversaries. Sometimes even  more. That is true love. True love sticks around through all types of “weather”.  It does not disappear when the going get tough. It is commitment to the partnership above commitment to self.

And, so, while I thank God for the feelings of love–can you imagine life without feelings??–I also thank Him for the tough times that make us work beyond our feelings. The tough times are what yield the strong, sturdy love that can weather any storm and are a blessing and example to those around us.

Here are the typical marriage vows. I thought it might be a good reminder for all of us married people to remember that we said something similar to this one very special day in our past. And that the vows we made are no less true now, than they were then–

I _____, take you ______, to be my wedded husband/wife. To have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness or in health, to love and to cherish ’till death do us part. And hereto I pledge you my faithfulness.

Sermon on the Mount (in a nutshell)

a mount

I have always struggled to understand the beatitude verses in Matthew 5. What did they mean and how did they apply to me? My brother, a pastor, helped me understand that these verses are a beautiful and comprehensive description of a true believer.  I thought some of you may appreciate this, too:

1 And seeing the multitudes, He went up on a mountain, and when He was seated His disciples came to Him. 2 Then He opened His mouth and taught them, saying:

3 “ Blessed are the poor in spirit, For theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

**Those who know they are terrible sinners. They are well aware of the fact that they can never measure up to God’s standards by their own efforts or on their own merit.

4 Blessed are those who mourn, For they shall be comforted.

**Those who mourn deeply because they know they can never measure up…mourning because there is no possibility of reconciliation with God on their own merit.

5 Blessed are the meek, For they shall inherit the earth.

**Those who submit their lives to Christ. Who obey His commands and walk faithfully with Him.

6 Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, For they shall be filled.

**Those who continue to learn and grow in Christ. Who want to get to know Him more deeply.

7 Blessed are the merciful, For they shall obtain mercy.

**Those who love others. Who treat others the way they would want to be treated.

8 Blessed are the pure in heart, For they shall see God.

**Those who walk in purity. Work hard at keeping themselves as far away from sin as possible.

9 Blessed are the peacemakers, For they shall be called sons of God.

**Not the world’s peace, but bringing the peace of God to this world by sharing the gospel.

10 Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness’ sake, For theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

**Being persecuted for sharing the gospel and living a righteous life.

11 Blessed are you when they revile and persecute you, and say all kinds of evil against you falsely for My sake. 12 Rejoice and be exceedingly glad, for great is your reward in heaven, for so they persecuted the prophets who were before you.

I know that this really helped me understand this passage.  I hope that it helps you, too.

Is This Really Love?


Maybe I have grown a bit skeptical after so many years of being married. Perhaps my doubts have come with age and life experience. You learn things. Like about love, for instance. I like a good love song as well as the next person. There really is something special about someone crooning their love for their soul mate. But one of my kids had a song on the other day and as I listened to the lyrics–well, I pitied the poor girl that the song was being sung to because there is no way on earth that the song could be true. Here are a few of my (not so) favorite lines–

Oh her eyes, her eyes make the stars look like they’re not shining

Oh, really? Eyes that shine that bright would look…odd.

Her hair, her hair falls perfectly without her trying

Maybe I’m just jealous? My hair has never done that.

She’s so beautiful and I tell her every day

Every day?? Good for you!  Keep that up for 50+ years–even when that stuff above isn’t true anymore.

And when you smile, the whole world stops and stares for awhile

Wow! Maybe I AM jealous. I don’t think even one person has ever stopped and stared when I smile.

You know Id never ask you to change; if perfect is what you’re searching for then just stay the same

Perfect? Is anyone perfect? Can you live with someone even a few months and still believe they are perfect?

We can only conclude that the sweet guy who wrote this song has not been through real deep waters with this girl. It is probably a new relationship, just blossoming with infatuation.

I know, I know…I am being so skeptical.  And I definitely agree that there is a place for “sweet nothings” and romance. But for some reason this love song really got to me. I guess it’s because by now I am fully aware that love isn’t about how someone looks. Or about how they smile. And if my husband actually said I was perfect, I would know that he is either A) stupid or B) lying.

Is this what our kids are expecting when they fall in love? It’s not realistic. It’s not practical. While for an infinitesimal amount of time someone might feel like this about someone, those feelings do not last very long. Sooner, rather than later, the hair is sticking out all over the place and the eyes are burning with anger, not shining with love.  And I don’t think the whole world stops and stares when even the most beautiful movie star smiles.

True and abiding love comes when someone loves you in spite of your faults. Your lack of perfection.  Your angry eyes. Your gray hair. They love you because they have committed to love you. They stick by your side, even when they don’t feel like they love you. Because the feelings will come back around again. After all, love that lasts is more about commitment than feelings.

And, so, I will take a husband who knows my imperfections and loves me, anyway. A husband who is honest with me about my faults and wants to see me become a better person. A husband who will stick by me, even in the worst of times–even when I am the worst me.  And, I, in return, will do the same for him. Because that is what makes true love last.



Don’t Believe Everything You Hear

Eric and Leslie (6)

A long time ago, a young man and a young woman fell in love and decided to get married. Several months before their wedding day, they decided to attend some marriage counseling sessions, knowing that this would help them to identify any future problem areas on which they may have disagreements– such as how many kids, financial issues, and how to handle the in-laws.

The pastor with whom they were meeting  gave the engaged couple an “official” personality test, designed to determine any possible problem areas in their new life together. The young woman eagerly filled it out, wondering what wonderful things she would find out about her and her future husband’s relationship when the results came back. She was in for a big surprise!

When the next week’s marriage counseling session came around, the young couple sat before the pastor and were told that the test showed that the two of them should not even get married.  Should not get married!  The test showed that they were quite incompatible.  This was certainly not the report that either of them was expecting to hear.

Obviously, my husband and I did not listen to what a test had to say about us and we continued on our path to wedded bliss.  23 years later, here we are–still best friends, more in love now than we were then. Hopefully, we are a bright and shining testimony that, with God at the helm, any relationship can work.

But as I remembered this incident many years ago, I started thinking about we should never take anything at face value. We have to be very careful to not believe everything we hear. Just because it is on the 6pm news or your pastor said it does not mean it is true. There is only one place we can find the Truth and that is in God’s Word.  Any thought, philosophy, or science that disagrees with scripture is a lie.

Here are a few popular lies that we hear today:

-The world took billions of years to create/form.

The Bible says God created the world in 7 days (Genesis 1). If God didn’t create the world in seven literal days then death entered the world before sin. That changes everything.

-Listen to your heart.

The Bible says the heart is deceitful and desperately wicked (Jeremiah 17:9). Listening (and obeying) our hearts is the cause of a lot of heartache in this world.

Live your best life now!

Really? That is not what I read in the Bible (John 16:33, I Peter 1:6-7).  II Timothy says it best: “Yes, and all who desire to live godly in Christ Jesus will suffer persecution.”  It can’t be any more clear than that.  I wonder what a Christian facing great persecution would have to say about living his best life now?

Make your dreams come true at all costs.

Make your dreams come true. Your dreams. There is the problem. When we turn to God, we give up our dreams. When we choose to follow Jesus, we also choose to deny ourselves (Mark 8:34).  This is not a popular philosophy today, is it?  DENYING ourselves and laying our dreams at the foot of the cross, living to glorify our heavenly Father instead of ourselves. Even as I write that sentence, I almost cringe knowing that even most fellow Christians do not ascribe to this “sold out” Christianity.

When we received the discouraging results of the personality test, I admit I did really have to struggle through that, worrying about that “nugget” of man’s wisdom for a day or two. But I knew that my fiance loved me.  And I knew that I loved him.  And, most importantly, I knew that we both loved God and were headed the same direction in our goals for our faith, family, and finances. What more could you ask than that?

And so, I am glad I chose not to believe that particular lie. It is almost daunting to think of the life I would have missed, had I backed away in fear! Not everything we hear is true or has merit.

How important it is that we put everything through the grid of the Bible. Satan is like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour and, while the test we took as a young engaged couple didn’t really fly in the face of scripture, there are many things we are told today that do. Let’s pay attention so that we are not deceived.

Why I Still Dress Up for Church


Why have so many people missed that verse in Hagamuk? You know the one–

Hagamuk 2:10: “Thou Shalt Wear Thy Best Robes to Worship.”

Okay, so I tried. As you most likely already know,  there is no “official” verse on why one should dress up for church. And since the church has been busily throwing out traditions for the last 20 years, dressing up is now completely out of vogue. It is the exception–and certainly not the norm–to see people dressed in their best for Sunday mornings. And since there is nothing official in scripture stating why one should dress nicely–well, I don’t have much I can say, do I?

And, I would like to say right here–just so you are not confused–I am in no way judging you if you do not agree with me. Since there is not anything directly spoken to this issue in scripture, what you wear to church is between you and the Lord.

But just in case someone wonders why anyone would hold onto TRADITION so tightly like my family and me–well, I thought I would give some insight. Because it is a decision that our family has carefully thought through and not based on some thoughtless dedication to a long-held tradition that has now been completely tossed to the wind by most church-goers.

As I have mentioned already, within the past 20 years churches have gradually become a place where anything goes. Wear your jeans, your t-shirts, and your shorts. All people will be welcomed, no matter what you wear. And so they should be!! But dressing up doesn’t mean that we make people unwelcome. Do you feel unwelcome at a bank? Or when you go to see a lawyer or accountant’s office? It is so interesting that people still dress up to go to work. If you go into a bank or you work in a corporation, you still find “business attire”.  It has long been understood that if you are dressed nicely, you act differently–more respectful and more professional–than if you are dressed casually.

I have also noticed that people still dress up to do things like meet the President of the United States, attend a wedding or a funeral,  or to go to a symphony. Why do they bother to go to the work of dressing up? It is because they want to honor the person(s) in whose honor they are attending the function. It is a sign of respect and honor.

And so this is why our family has continued to wear our best on Sunday mornings, when the world around us has decided not to. Yes, we know that God looks on the heart (the argument we hear over and over again about why you don’t need to dress up for church). But let’s turn it around and instead of putting the focus on ourselves, let’s move it to God. What is the best way we can honor and respect God when we worship? One of the ways our family thinks this can be accomplished is by dressing up when we go to God’s House to worship.

And, by the way, just because some people wear nice clothing to church and then have hearts that are filled with legalistic garbage, doesn’t mean that all people who wear nice clothing are doing so because of legalism. This just isn’t the case.

I will close with a quote from Elisabeth Elliot’s book “Discipline”. She has encapsulated my thoughts perfectly.

“I know I am skating on very thin ice to bring up the question of dress, since it has, for several decades, been considered by most Christians as of very minor importance or of absolutely no importance since God looks on the heart.  But I believe it is worth reconsidering in terms of respect.  Is it not an indication of my regard for another person’s worth when I am willing to “dress up”- for a job interview, for example; for a special guest I am entertaining; for a social event to which I feel honored to have been invited?  Is it not a sign of a performer’s respect for his audience and of the audience’s for the performer, when they dress for the occasion?  It may be scorned as a form of pride (“who are you trying to impress”), but it may be genuine humility of the same sort that would prompt one to polish the silver, get out the beautiful tablecloth, and have candlelight and flowers for someone greatly loved.  The attitude of students, I have noticed, is strongly influenced by a professor’s dress, as well as his manner.”

The Watchman

The Watchman
by Scottish pastor, Horatius Bonar (1808-1889)

Thy way, not mine, O Lord, however dark it be;

Lead me by Thine own hand, choose out the path for me.

“…if the watchman sees the sword coming and does not blow the trumpet, and the people are not warned, and the sword comes and takes any person from among them, he is taken away in his iniquity; but his blood I will require at the watchman’s hand.’ … I have made you a watchman for the house of Israel; therefore you shall hear a word from My mouth and warn them for Me.” Ezekiel 33:6-7

“Some one, then, must undertake the ungracious task of probing and laying bare the evils of the age; for men must not be allowed to congratulate themselves that all is well. If others will not, he will.

If others shrink from the obloquy of such a work, he will not…. He loves his fellow-men too well. They may upbraid him; they may call him a misanthropist, or a prophet of evil; they may ascribe his warnings to the worst of motives, such as pride, or arrogance, or self-esteem, or malice, or envy; but he will give no heed to these unjust insinuations.

He will prefer being thus misunderstood and maligned, to allowing men to precipitate themselves upon a ruin which they see not. Rather than that they should perish, he will allow his own good name to be spoken against. He will risk every thing, even the hatred of brethren, rather than withhold the warning. If they give no heed to it, he has, at least, saved his own soul. If they do, he has saved both his own soul and theirs.

He would rather take up the glad tidings of peace, and tell men of Him who came the first time for shame and death, and who is coming the second time for glory and dominion; but he feels as one who has a special and personal message to deliver, which cannot be postponed.

He must remember that he is a watchman; and, having seen danger pressing on, he must not hesitate to make it known. He must speak his message of forewarning and rebuke, sparing no arrows, and neither smoothing down nor hiding any form of sin, but laying his finger upon every sore, and beseeching men to turn from their ungodliness. The evils around him press upon him sadly; the coming evils are foreshadowed upon his spirit, and, therefore, he lifts up his voice like a trumpet.

Satan has many snares which need to be detected; the world has many spells and lures which must be disenchanted; religion has many guises which must be unmasked, many devious paths of inconsistency which must be pointed out, many cherished errors which must be condemned, many carnal taints which must be abhorred and shunned. All these he must protest against without fear or favour.”

Smooth let it be or rough,

It will be still the best;

Winding or straight, it leads

Right onward to Thy rest.

I dare not choose my lot;

I would not, if I might;

Choose Thou for me, my God,

So I shall walk aright.


The Making of a Brick

Brick-making.  Who thinks about that?   And who cares?  And why in the world would I write about it?  Well, bear with me for a moment.  We all know that, in order for a brick to be useful, it must be rock hard.  It cannot have the slightest bit of flexibility or softness.  But it doesn’t start out that way.

A brick starts out as a soft, lumpy pile of clay, straw, and sometimes even manure, depending on which country you are in!  It is put in a mold and then set out to dry…in the hot sun…for a long time.

Maybe that is us, too?  Perhaps?  A mushy lump of clay, straw, and manure.  Nothing of value.  Impossible to be useful.  Until we are hardened by the sun.  Until we are tested and tried.  You see, it is only by the heat that we can be made into something valuable and useful for the Kingdom.

In James 1 we are told:  My brethren, count it all joy when you fall into various trials, 3 knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience. 4 But let patience have its perfect work, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing.

This is nothing new to your ears, I am sure.  I don’t know why I am even wasting my time writing it.  But maybe someone out there somewhere needs to be reminded that their time under the hot, burning sun right now–where they are completely uncomfortable and miserable–will turn them into something useful for God’s purposes.  If we have the right heart about it all.  If we don’t grow bitter and angry at God for allowing it.  If we turn our eyes on Jesus instead of our own suffering.  If we keep a proper perspective.

A brick has no choice but to become hardened in the sun.  But we humans actually have a choice.  We can become more self-centered and bitter and miserable when we are placed under the heat.  Or we can become stronger…more like Christ.  It’s up to you.

When is a baby actually a baby?

I don’t delve into politics much.  I have my opinions.  But I am not blogging about them.  Usually.  But I can’t help myself this morning.  Last night I caught a bit of the news.  A story came on in which the newscasters sounded just horrified as they discussed it.  The man reading the statement could hardly withhold his disgust.  Here is the gist of the story:

A “doctor” in Philadelphia had actually induced mothers with 6, 7, even 8 month old fetuses into labor, allowed the babies to be born, and then MURDERED them!

This IS horrible.   I feel sick inside when I hear of someone doing this.  Our minds can’t comprehend such evil.

But I was filled with such puzzlement.  Why is it so abhorrent when this tiny life is murdered outside the womb, but just a “late-term” abortion when it is inside the womb?  Why is the world appalled and shocked when the baby is delivered and then murdered…but not horrified when it is violently murdered inside it’s safe, warm environment?  I don’t get it.

It is quite a world that calls a living being a “human” when it is outside the womb, but a “non-human” when it is inside the womb.  It breaks my heart.  What have we come to in this country?  God have mercy on us.


Psalm 139: 13-16

For You formed my inward parts;
You covered me in my mother’s womb.
14 I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made;[b]
Marvelous are Your works,
And that my soul knows very well.
15 My frame was not hidden from You,
When I was made in secret,
And skillfully wrought in the lowest parts of the earth.
16 Your eyes saw my substance, being yet unformed.
And in Your book they all were written,
The days fashioned for me,
When as yet there were none of them.


I don’t think it is any secret how much I enjoyed Disney’s new animated fairytale “Tangled”.  I don’t really like animated films very much, so I was quite surprised that I enjoyed it so much.   It is the story of Rapunzel and her escape from the tower.  The story is, delightfully, an old-fashioned fairytale…with a prince, a princess,  a villain, and a few other unusual characters throw in.

But I got to thinking.  How many times have I looked at a situation in my life and felt like it was a tangled mess?  Have you ever tried to untangle a necklace?  I think it is one of the most frustrating tasks there is…especially if there is more than one necklace.  It often feels impossible.  Sometimes you have to walk away and return later to try again.   Sometimes my life feels like that.  Or at least a certain situation in my life.  I have one like that right now.  I look at it from all different angles.  I go in circles as I think about it.  I feel hopeless about it.  I see that there is no way possible for me to untangle the string.   It has been going on for months and does not seem to be getting better…I think it may even be getting worse.   What is God doing here?  And that is when I realize a couple of things.  1) I have absolutely no control whatsoever.    2)  God has complete and total control.  3)  I have a choice to make…not to trust and to spend my time worrying and fretting over something I can’t change or to trust and hand it over to the Lord (maybe over and over again…but still make the conscious decision to give it to the Lord).

I remember another time…many, many years ago…when I learned this lesson in an almost miraculous way.  We had an employee who we felt was almost irreplaceable.  He was a talented and honest guy who did an important and difficult job within the company.   One day he shared with us his decision to move in a different direction.  He felt the Lord moving him on to a different career.  We understood his desire to move on.  But I felt instant panic.  What were we going to do?!  Surely, we were going to have a difficult time replacing him.  I don’t remember many details, but I do remember that within a few short weeks, my husband ran into a former employee who was familiar with the job that need to be filled.  He was also very talented and gifted in this area.  AND he was looking for a job.   Coincidence?  I think not.  God knew we needed him.  And he provided this man at just the right time to fill a big hole within our company.  What looked like a problem that could not be solved…a maze that had no way out…a tangled mess…had suddenly become untangled.  And to no credit of ours.  It was all God.

You see, when we get ourselves out of a mess, then who gets the glory?  WE do.  Look how smart we are!  Look how amazing and gifted we are!  Look how clever we were to think of that solution!  But when it is so tangled that there is no way that we could untangle it ourselves…and then we see God work in amazing, unbelievable ways…well, at that point, we have no choice but to give God all of the glory.

Sure…I know what you are thinking…some things never seem to get resolved.  Some things never get untangled.  That is true.  But God still uses those things to change us.  And you will find that even though the situation hasn’t changed, YOU have changed.  Maybe you are experiencing a deeper faith.  A stronger trust in God’s plan.  Maybe you have released bitterness or an unforgiving heart.  Perhaps you have grown to love God’s Word in a way that wouldn’t have been possible without that tangled trial in your life.

I don’t know what you are facing today.  And you don’t know what I am facing today.  But we know Who holds the answers.  We know Who can choose to untangle the complicated confusion and hopelessness we find ourselves in…or choose to grow us and deepen our faith while enduring the tangled trial.

Let’s give God the glory for the Holy Spirit is at work in the lives of believers in remarkable ways.  Let’s not forget just how powerful and amazing our God is!  No tangled life is too much for Him.

Proverbs 3:5-6

Trust in the LORD with all your heart,
And lean not on your own understanding;
6 In all your ways acknowledge Him,
And He shall direct[a] your paths.



Stop Whining!

Have you complained yet today?  I mean…you know…been frustrated or discouraged about something and expressed that with your mouth?   You could have knocked me over with a feather when one of my kids described me as a “complainer” the other day.  I did not realize just how much I vocalized my feelings.  I mean, I already know that I talk a lot.   And that generally means sharing a lot of what I think.  I am not much of a mystery (as most of you readers probably figured out already!).   But, I was challenged.   Just because I think something negative about my circumstances does not mean I need to speak it.

Do you have any problems with that?  Or am I alone in this propensity?   Do you complain when an activity you were looking forward to is canceled due to weather?  Do you complain when your husband comes home late for dinner?  When your children leave their things on the floor right where you walk?  Or perhaps when you are doing your gazillionth load of laundry?

It is human nature, isn’t it?  I would go even further and say that it is of our flesh…our old nature.  It is not of the Spirit.  It is not a fruit of our new nature.  You see, I think complaining is one of those things that we often do without even thinking.  We don’t even realize the sinfulness of it because it is a habit.  And habits are hard to break.

But Paul tells us in Galatians that we are new creatures.  Old things have passed away.  There should be a battle going on when we sin.  Galatians 5:16&17 says  “I say then: Walk in the Spirit, and you shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh. 17 For the flesh lusts against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh; and these are contrary to one another, so that you do not do the things that you wish.”

As has happened so many times in the past…God has brought something to my attention that is sin. It is not just a bad habit that is annoying to my family.   It is not just something that I say that sounds ungrateful and unloving.  It not just a vocalization of a discontent heart.  It is sin.

The funny thing is…and I don’t know if you find this to be true in your own life…but I am not discontent.  I am not ungrateful.  I thank the Lord often for the many blessings in my life.  I find that I just have this tendency to speak my mind when something doesn’t suit me.   James 3 talks about just how powerful the tongue is.   Perhaps thinking before opening my mouth would be a good start to ridding myself of the habit of complaining!

If you don’t struggle with this, you can thank the Lord that you are not like me.  But if you do, I hope that I have helped you see that you are not alone and that I have given you cause to think before you speak today.  Because it is never appropriate to whine about our circumstances!

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