I am not sure how long ago I met my dear friend, Lisa. I remember hearing about this recovering drug addict that was attending my church but I never really had opportunity to talk with her. And then one year, she began to attend the Bible Study I held in my home. She came with another friend from our church. And thus began a wonderful friendship.
It seems quite fitting that I share Lisa’s story this week, as on Saturday it will be ten years since she repented of her sins and turned to Christ as her Savior. It has been awesome to watch her grow and change. Her thirst for biblical truth is a wonderful example for any believer who comes in contact with her. She loves the Word and wants to live by it.
We come from two totally different backgrounds and, yet, in the Lord, we have become the dearest of friends. She reminds me of the reality of all that I write and talk about in regards to scripture. She brings a fresh joy and vibrancy to our Bible Study, especially for those of us who grew up in Christian homes and never experienced a radical life change. God really DOES change lives. And, sometimes, in a radical way!
I know that there are some of you out there who have children who are caught up in drug addiction. You feel so hopeless, like things will never change. I hope that this shines just a bit of light into the darkness you are experiencing. Truly, with God, nothing is impossible. As Lisa shows so clearly with her testimony. SO without further ado, here is Lisa’s testimony, a testimony she has had the opportunity to share with recovering addicts on many occasions. May God be praised!
I was born in Williamsport, PA, held by my birth mother, then my birth father, and immediately taken away to be put into the system of adoption. I wasn’t adopted until I was almost two because I was born with a rash all over my body and poor motor skills which was a concern for those searching for their perfect baby. But God knew and He gave me a very loving, caring parents who thought I could do no wrong. Something I realize now was not so good. Although their unconditional love did show me what it felt like to be loved so very very deeply. This now, in turn, helps me understand God’s love for me.
Growing up as a child was happy. Playing outside with my brother and the five boys next door until supper time and going to the pool every beautiful summer day with my mom all seemed perfect. But as far as church, I only recall Easter bonnets and candle lighting at Christmas. My parents never really talked about God or explained anything about Him. My dad was a Mason and my mom involved in the Easter Star, so only now do I realize why.
In junior high I met a friend and every day after school we went to her house where her parents smoked. We, thinking we were cool, went into their ashtrays and lighted the leftover cigarettes, which gave me a little buzz. This was the beginning of my interest for a bigger high leading to my path into drug use.
I was a drug addict for 38 long years. I started with weed and hash which led me to cocaine, then meth, and any pills I could find. I drank to get drunk for years, I smoked crack for some of the later years. At one point my gas stove was my source of heat during the cold winter months. With drug use comes the total dishonoring of my body. The choice of men left me used and abused often. My nose has been broken, my wrist fractured, I’ve been spit on, and shoved, and used way too many times for me to even want to remember. It was so dark and I was so sad that I hung by head so low that I needed a back brace to hold my shoulders back to try to pull my head up.
I remember actually praying to God to change me–help me! How long was this going to continue? But if this was God reaching for me, I was too deep into addiction to recognize it. I turned my back and fell even deeper. On two occasions, I mixed two lethal drugs together, almost dying. I was found naked in a fetal position in the corner of my house. Once driving, I was fading in and out. I opened my eyes in the middle of a 360, veering off the road, and stopping within inches of a tree. God had plans for me.
I’ve been in handcuffs countless times and finally sentenced to six months in jail for “intent to deliver”, which makes me a felon forever. I went to church in there, promising if I got through this, I was done. I feel it was God reaching for me, never giving up, trying again and again. Yet within one week of my release, I turned away from His open arms and back into my wayward wants into the dark world of addiction yet again.
Just when I thought it couldn’t get any worse, I held my dad as he took his last breath of life. For the next year, I slipped further and further into addiction and depression. I continued with many pills and found my way to other unspeakable methods of getting high, staying up for days on end until finally, I overdosed! My nephew found me with no other option than to call 911. I do not remember the paramedics slicing up through my clothing to paddle me to bring be back, nor do I remember the ride to the hospital. The first thing I do remember is coming to and the nurses asking me my birth date and name. I had no answer because I had no idea who I was. This was it: I had hit bottom. Yet God was not done with me, He had plans for me!!
I went home and knew I wanted no more of this life. I had called for rehab but the upfront costs of $42,000 just wasn’t doable for me because I wasted $40,000 of the money my father had left me. I thought to myself, I cannot do this on my own. I am going to ask God, the only One I somehow knew could help me.
I had a friend who I worked with who attended a local Bible church. About a year earlier, I let him talk me into attending, but at that point, I wasn’t ready. I went back to him and told him I’m ready to change my path in life. I said I would try this church thing. So one particular Sunday I went and let me tell you, I cried and cried, feeling as if the pastor was talking directly to me. The songs, as well, were relating directly to my life and I was like, wow, what is happening??
The next two weeks my friend would text me, checking on me, asking if I was saved. Oh yes, I believe in God, for sure! He said, no, are you saved? Oh, yes, I was baptized as a baby, I have a picture if you’d like to see it! No, he said again, are you SAVED? I said, well, then no, because I have no idea what you are talking about!
The very next Sunday, at the end of the sermon, the pastor asked for anyone who wanted to accept Jesus as their Savior to come up to the front of the sanctuary, but I was too afraid. So afterwards, I went to him and said I wasn’t saved and needed to talk to him. That very same day, January 25, 2015, I went to his office along with his wife and accepted Christ as my Savior. The following Sunday the pastor said if anyone is sure and confident of their choice, they should come up front and I’m thinking, “hmmmm?” Since he preached about hell that day, I just about ran up front and proved to myself and the public that I meant business.
It hasn’t been easy, I relapsed twice during the next four months but I continued to come to church and plug myself into any Bible study and prayer meetings available. The congregation caught wind of my story and began embracing and encouraging me, as well. God was not going to let go of me this time because now the Holy Spirit was living in me. I didn’t completely understand what that meant, but I knew I was different. I quit swearing and smoking, something I never thought possible.
But with God ALL things are possible (Matthew 19:26).
I have since been baptized, telling my story to over 300 people. It has been, and continues to be, almost unreal at times. God has pulled back my shoulders and lifted my head up as I continue to seek Him. I no longer need that back brace anymore. He continues to perform miracles in my life. I trust the Lord with all my heart. I do not lean on my own understanding. I acknowledge Him in all I do. And He has made straight my paths. (Proverbs 3:4-6).

(Find the rest of the inspiring Changed Lives series here.)
Praise the LORD 🙌
What an amazing story of redemption! Praise the Lord!