
Which Eagles?

If I were to write you a letter and include the sentence “I went to town with Jack to watch the Eagles,” you’d have to have the context to understand that sentence. What town? Which Jack?Which Eagles?

There’s a lot that could be construed to be something totally different than what I mean. I could call Philadelphia “town” and have gone with my friend, Jack, to watch an Eagles football game. I could have gone to a town across the way to see local Golden Eagles with my grandson, Jack.

But knowledge about me along with sentences above and below the original sentence—as well as the entire letter and even previous letters from me—will give you the knowledge and the context you need so that you will rightly comprehend that I went to my hometown with my bird-watcher nephew, Jack, to see the Bald Eagles that have been hanging around in the park.

This is what I meant when I wrote the sentence and this is what you will be able to understand if you take to the time to know me and to read all the letters that I send to you.

I know it’s a silly example, but we wouldn’t ever dream of interpreting anyone’s letter without considering the intent of what they mean. We would never just come up with something we “think it means” and call it a day.

I, as the author of the letter, intended a specific thing with the sentence that I wrote. No reader has the right to make an assumption about what they believe I meant. Instead, the right and very natural thing to do is to keep reading to understand my intent.

This is called authorial intent and it’s a really big deal when it comes to interpreting scripture.

You see, so many these days want to tell you that scripture can mean anything you want it to. Verses can be ripped out of context and turned into false doctrines (and we’ve talked about this before) but I think there is something far more dangerous to those of us who want to sincerely follow Christ.

While we wouldn’t think of falling for some errant doctrine that is clearly not biblical, many are starting to wonder if there is just one interpretation for any given Bible passage.

I remember a conversation I had with someone a while back and it surrounded a small group of friends who were talking about whether or not the Bible has just one interpretation. Most of the group believed that it does not; instead, they believed that there are various interpretations and that we can choose to interpret it as we would want. The group was made up of conservative, Bible-believing Christians. This wrong thinking is weaving its way into the church like a cancer.

Just as any letter or sentence that you write will have specific intent, so does the letter written to us by God.

Our job is not to just interpret it willy-nilly but to take time to understand the context; to grasp the meaning of the Author in its historical-grammatical-literal sense.

There are many attacks on scripture these days. Authority, inerrancy, and inspiration have been denied and ignored by many. But, for those of us who would still wholly claim to believe in these things, I believe the most dangerous attack is this idea that there is more than one interpretation and we can choose which one we want to believe.

I have been giving a great deal of thought to why this is happening and, more specifically, why this way to approach scripture appeals to people. I’ll probably write about that next week.

But, in the meantime, I hope this will help us all to remember that we have no right to decide what the Divine Author meant when He wrote the Bible through His Holy Spirit moving in men (2 Peter 1:21). I hope this will remind us of our life-long duty to go about reading the entire letter (Book of the Bible) and the rest of the letters (the Bible) to discern what the Author intended about any passage we may come across.

God gave us His Word as a gift. And that gift is inerrant and inspired and serves as our authority. But so much of understanding the Truth and having our lives changed by that Truth hinges on interpreting God’s letter correctly. May we be dedicated to understanding and dividing it rightly (2 Timothy 2:15).

The Temptation for the Writer (and for the rest of us, too)

There is a temptation to anyone who writes that is hard to put into words but it exists nonetheless. It is the temptation to write what people want to read. We want to write that viral post or that next great bestseller. Whether it be fiction or non-fiction, we all desire to be liked and to have lots of readers/followers. By default, we writers (and any other content creator or social media influencer) almost always fall to this temptation as it is the amount of readers and followers that [supposedly] gives us validity.

And so it is a very conscious decision when a Christian writer (or content creator/social media influencer) chooses to share some truth from scripture that they know will not be popular or very well received.

As I have blogged here over these past fourteen years, it has continued to be my desire, above all, to write what I believe scripture teaches. But, as the years have passed by, I can see that interest in this is growing less and less popular. The average Christian seems to gravitate toward only two types of content: 1) Content that brings encouragement and warm, fuzzy feelings and 2) content that is new or sensational.

And so, I have had to ask myself many times– over the recent years especially– am I doing the right thing? Should I be focused on only encouraging believers? Should I try to be more creative in what I write here?

In the end, I keep coming back to the same conclusion: I write for God and not for my readers. And, while, of course, I really do write for you as I write for God, my goal cannot be to make you happy, to gather the greatest number of readers, or to agonize over whether or not what I write will be popular.

But this can be discouraging in a world that seems to only give validity and the label “successful” to the one who is popular and well-liked. Every so often, I pour out my heart to the Lord and He always reminds me: Seek ye first the Kingdom of God... (Matthew 6:33)

The Bible isn’t all warm, fuzzy feelings and sensational. While those two things are nice and they are both part of scripture at some places, much of scripture is about knowing God and understanding what He desires of those He has redeemed…things like holiness, purity, and turning from sin and the world. Never popular topics.

But this is not only about the writer or content creator. This is about you, too. I’d rather guess that you also face the same temptation to not speak or share on certain topics with your family, friends, and co-workers because of the reaction you will get. Popularity is not generally going to characterize the life of the believer who speaks the whole counsel of God rather than just the pleasant or good stuff.

However, as believers, we are to be sharing the truth of scripture–the whole truth and not just the good parts–because partial truth leads to lies.

For example, the good news of Jesus dying on the cross is inoffensive and impotent unless we understand the unpleasant truth that we are without any good; that we are lost and hopeless sinners and that Jesus Christ died so that we can be reconciled to God. “Accepting Christ” so that we have a better life, to find purpose, or to have a fulfilled dreams is NOT salvation but, in fact, is a damning heresy. We must speak the whole truth.

Thankfully, we are not responsible for someone’s response. This was a real relief when I finally realized this. It means we can lay our written and spoken words on the altar before God and let Him do what He will with them.

And, while we should always be examining ourselves to make sure we are speaking truth in love, “being popular” can never be the measuring stick to determine this (John 15:18-19) and, in fact, this may be a sign that we aren’t speaking the whole truth, as we should be (James 4:4; I John 2:15-16).

It is so important that we believers take time once in a while to evaluate and examine our testimony among others as we live each day and encounter the many different people that God brings into each of our lives. Do we only speak what we know will be well-received? Do we try to avoid ridicule or antagonism? Does our desire to be well-liked supersede our desire to please the Lord?

We need to remind ourselves that, if we claim to love Christ, our priorities are no longer what they were. We are new creatures living a new life. Old things have passed away (2 Corinthians 5:17) Instead, our desire should be to seek God first and His righteousness. This will be a lifelong pursuit that will serve to keep our priorities in order, whatever the Lord has given us to do and wherever He has placed us. May we live for His honor and glory alone!

 But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you. (Matthew 6:33)

The Buzzy Bothersome Fly

The fly was one of those kinds of flies. You know the kind with the extremely loud buzz that seems extra agitated and can’t sit for more than a second?

This is what greeted me the other morning as I sat down for my quiet time in our sun room. I debated for a second. Should I get a fly swatter? But it was so very agitated that it would be impossible to find it, much less swat it.

I sat down to see what would happen. The buzzing could be heard from across the room. It was so loud and distracting. It would move closer and closer to my head and then off it would go again. At one point, I did grab the fly swatter but it moved way too fast and just wouldn’t land.

So I sat down again. And tried to focus on my Bible.

Eventually, it either landed somewhere or flew to a different room because I noticed that it was finally quiet. I have no idea what happened to it. I never saw it again.

Distractions that come at us on a daily basis are a little like that buzzy bothersome fly, aren’t they?

They buzz around us loudly, demanding our attention. You can almost hear them saying, “chase after me…”

They keep us from prayer, from meditating and studying scripture, and from doing the good works the Lord has planned for us, such as caring for our families as we should or acts of loving service to others. Always insisting that they are more important, these buzzing flies have our full attention for far too long before we even realize what happened.

These flies can come in the shape of emails, social media, and news. They are things like entertainment, hobbies, sports, or overcommitment. Sometimes the “flies” are not bad things but they keep us from the best things.

For me, personally, my greatest buzzy bothersome fly is my phone. This small device demands my attention even when I am with people I love. I see other people who may suffer from this same distraction, as well. They hold the device when they are with family or friends, staring intently at it.

I wonder why do I do this? Why do I care about anything on my phone when I am with someone I love? And why does it call my name when I am spending time with my Lord?

Be rest assured that I am writing this with myself in mind. I am not judging anyone else. You may have a good reason that your phone is demanding your attention that no one else knows. This is a really personal thing because, generally, no one knows why the screen we are staring at is so important to us at that moment. Only we can examine our phone usage (particularly during our Bible study/prayer times or in the presence of others) and determine if it is unnecessary or even rude. But I believe it’s a pretty important question for many of us. One that needs an honest answer.

I think there is a good explanation for this innate drive to stare at this powerful object (and an intentional, very evil purpose) behind it all but that is not the purpose of this post.

No, the purpose of this post is to encourage us all (myself included) to examine what is distracting us from our best, most God-honoring life? And then to intentionally go about changing it, with the help of the Holy Spirit.

Consider for a moment, if you will, a stick in a fast-flowing stream. What will keep that stick from flowing downstream? Nothing can or will unless someone intentionally picks it up from the stream and removes it.

We are like that stick in a stream that is quickly flowing away from growing in godliness and moving us towards a status quo, ineffective life. Our lives will not change unless we decide to intentionally change it. Yes, true and lasting change is impossible without the Holy Spirit, Who is there to give us the strength and help we need. But we need to remember that He’s not going to just swoop in and change us without any effort on our part (see verses below).

Effort is hard and some of us just feel…unmotivated. But may we not be so unmotivated that we stop living with intention. Even little changes can reap big benefits. What is one change we can make today that will start us moving in the right direction?

Our intentional efforts, through the help of the Holy Spirit, to be conformed to the image of Christ and to not be conformed to this world will shine the light of the Gospel into this dark, weary world. And it will encourage our brothers and sisters in Christ, reminding them that He does have the power to change those who want to be changed.

But ye, brethren, be not weary in well doing. (2 Thess. 3:13)

Wherefore, my beloved, as ye have always obeyed, not as in my presence only, but now much more in my absence, work out your own salvation with fear and trembling. For it is God which worketh in you both to will and to do of His good pleasure. (Philippians 2:12-13)

The Crunchy Grass (with a personal note at the end)

I walked across my yard the other day and heard the grass crunch beneath my feet. At the time, there was no rain in sight and we had missed what they were calling for the week before. The grass was brown and dry and, yes, crunchy. It desperately needed water.

Unlike thick green grass, which is plush and inviting, this grass looked ugly and felt very unpleasant to walk on or sit on.

As I took another step and heard another crunch, I had the thought that our spiritual walk is just like this when we are not consuming the water of the Word.

You see, the grass just needs some water. And, in fact, on Saturday night we had 3/4” of rain and it is amazing how quickly it is turning green and soft again.

We believers are no different. Have you noticed how quickly you are to be selfish, indulgent, angry, proud, or give in to the flesh in any other way when you aren’t in the Bible and meditating upon it?

I certainly have. It feels like fighting the flesh is so hard. And, in fact, if I am not in scripture, I may even forget to care! I become dry and dull and unpleasant. Oh, we may give the appearance of being lush and green, for that’s what hypocrites do. But, inside, we feel spiritually barren.

Grass needs the rain to thrive and Christians need the Word.

There is no other way. Going to church may be helpful, as may listening to sermons or reading a good book that points you to the truth. Spiritual discussions with friends can help as you practice “iron sharpening iron” as the book of Psalms says. But there is no replacement for reading and studying the Word on your own, in context.

I know I have mentioned this so often, but I learned this way too late in my life. The first forty plus years of my life were spent listening to “Christian” radio shows, reading devotionals (one verse and commentary about the verse), and trying to stay away from the “worst” in the world, while indulging in the things that weren’t “so bad”. This method of Christian living left me dry and dusty and I didn’t even realize it.

But when I began to very intentionally study the Bible and then, later on, began to memorize verses and passages, it all changed. God has provided a very simple way for us to be vibrant and growing believers and it took me far too long to find it.

And while I’d like to say I have achieved perfection in this area it’s obvious to those who know me that I certainly have not. Even green grass has its issues, doesn’t it? There can be insects or disease in even the most beautiful grass. Just as this green grass can struggle, so, too, can a vibrant growing Christian. Our problems and temptations do not disappear when we start reading the Word.

But I will testify that our ability to wage war against sin and to recognize lies changes. The length of time it takes to surrender to the Lord and His will shortens. Studying God’s Word and filling our mind with His promises and desires for us as believers sanctifies and grows us.

But we have to actually pick up the Word and read and study it. If you can read this, you can do this. I am nothing special. God, in His awesome grace and lovingkindness, led me to study His Word and to understand its importance. This has become my main focus here at Growing4Life…to encourage other believers to do the same. God has given me this platform and I believe this is why.

Of course, it is probably good to remind you here that I still have my “crunchy” days (and even weeks). Recognizing this truth doesn’t automatically mean you are eternally green, unfortunately. But recognizing this truth does help you know where to intentionally turn when you find yourself in that state again. Just as the water so quickly revives the grass, so, we, too, are quickly revived when we start watering our soul with the Word once again.

I don’t know where you are today. I don’t know if you are dry and crunchy both inside and out. I don’t know if you are pretending to be lush and green, all the while knowing, deep down inside, that you are faking it. What I do know, however, is how to fix the barren, discouraging state of your heart.

And that is to get in the Word and really spend time there. God has graciously provided His Word to exhort and encourage us. It is only through His Word that we can grow and thrive in our Christian walk. Oh, may we believers recognize the wonderful and never-ending treasure within the pages of scripture!

All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: That the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works. (2 Timothy 3:16-17)

A Personal Note: Over the course of studying Revelation and through various other means, I have been vividly reminded of the truth of what lies ahead, both temporally and eternally, for those who do not trust in Christ for their salvation. One day, perhaps very soon, we will not be here to tell our unsaved family and friends about the Gospel or help them understand what is coming on this world. They will be bewildered at our disappearance and will be susceptible to many lies at that point.

It is with this in mind, that I have created a “To Those Who Are Left Behind” page here at the blog. You can find it here and I have also included it in the menu above. I have no idea if it will be of use to anyone now or in the future, but, for some reason, I felt compelled to do this. The world waxes worse and worse in every way and I just don’t know how long we are going to be here. Jesus could come tomorrow or perhaps not for ten years but, whenever it is, I wanted to have something up on the blog for those who are left behind when it happens.

When Our Status Quo Is Shattered

You will notice that the tagline right below the title of this blog (above) is “never satisfied with status quo”.

My thought in adding that many years ago was to remind us all that we should never just be satisfied to be a “good enough” Christian but to always be striving to please Christ more, to be more holy, to grow in grace.

But the bottom line is we all struggle with status quo living. Including myself. It’s just so much easier, isn’t it?

Status quo: The state of things; the way things are, as opposed to the way they could be; the existing state of affairs. 

When we live to the status quo it eliminates work. And thinking. And effort. And so we often naturally fall into it.

For example, when we get together with family or friends, it’s status quo to talk about current events, weather, and other trivial things. In most families and friend circles, it takes effort and thinking (and not a little courage!) to bring up the things of God and His Word.

(Aren’t you so grateful for the relationships you have where talking about the Lord doesn’t take effort and courage but is rather a natural outpouring of your mutual love for God?? What a blessing and joy!)

Or how about when we know something is wrong according to scripture but we are unwilling to speak up? It’s just so much easier to stick with the status quo than to make waves, isn’t it?

Or another example: We have a personal habit that we know we should change. We think, yes, I need to change that but when push comes to shove, it’s just so much easier to continue on as we always have whether it’s in our lack of personal Bible Study, our bad spending or health habits, the unkind way we treat a spouse or our kids, or any number of other unhelpful life habits we find ourselves doing over and over again.

Status quo living is always easier but it’s never better.

I believe this is one of the reasons trials come. They shake us out of our status quo life. We are forced to come face to face with ourselves. Is what we say we believe actually what we believe?

One example that would seem to affect us all no matter where we live in this world (I say this because I’ve talked personally with or have heard testimonies of this in so many counties and not just the United States)… The political system of an entire nation has been upended and is in utter chaos. Our status quo has changed without our consent and it’s beyond our control. How do we respond?

It’s been interesting and faith-building (although also sometimes very disappointing) to watch the responses of people when they are shaken out of their status quo lives.

Some rise to the challenge and cling to God and His Word and provide us a vivid reminder and encouragement that His promises are true. Oh, this doesn’t mean they never struggle. Not in the least. But their overall attitude is one of submission to the Lord’s will as they traverse the rocky path of trial and they trust that God loves them with an everlasting love and that He is good.

Others do not. They cling to things of this life and find themselves disillusioned and disappointed as their expectations go unmet or are even obliterated. They grow bitter or angry or depressed. God has not fulfilled their desires or expectations and they can’t get past that disappointment. Some who profess Christ never do get past this and their lives become a bitter, sorry mess. Or sometimes these kind of people end up living a life of escape from the pain through travel or hobbies or pets or any number of other things.

And probably most of us who honestly love the Lord and desire to please Him with our lives start off clinging to this world and eventually recognize the need for surrender. Generally, the journey to surrender eventually begins to take less and less time as we recognize with each preceding trial that God’s grace truly is sufficient and His mercies truly are new every morning.

Of course, trials come in all shapes and sizes. Sometimes it is one great trial and other times it’s just a bunch of little things all in a row. Sometimes they are absolutely life-altering and other times they are simply inconvenient or uncomfortable. Sometimes they are faced by an entire town or even a nation and other times they are intensely personal. No matter what they are, trials of any shape or size tend to shatter our status quo life and make us stop and think.

But whenever and in whatever way our status quo is broken, we each are forced to make a choice:

Will our faith and hope in God grow stronger as we surrender to His sovereign will?


Will we turn to the things of this world to fulfill our hopes and to the wisdom of this world to find our answers?

I will leave you with this wonderful hymn that reminds us of where our hope truly lies if we have been saved by Christ alone. Our hope is “born of God’s own Word and nourished by His grace”. Oh, may we keep our hearts and minds stayed on God when our status quo is shattered (Isaiah 26:3).

(Charles Naylor, 1907)

I have a hope, serene and sure,
That anchors past the veil;
In all the storms it holds secure,
Nor will it ever fail.

My hope is born of God’s own word,
And nourished by His grace;
His promise true my soul hath heard,
And hope beholds His face.

I have a hope that looks away
From present woes and tears
To heaven’s bright eternal day,
Till sorrow disappears.

I have a hope that doth not fear
The silent grave to view,
Nay, doth not shrink though death appear,
For I shall live anew.

That Day Is Coming

There have been so many reminders for me this year that life is but a vapor. Anything can happen to snuff out life at any time. Sometimes people are spared and other times they aren’t. Our days are numbered and God alone knows how many there will be (Job 14:5-7). Indeed, His sovereignty rules over all.

We were given a vivid reminder of God’s sovereignty yet again last week. We had gone camping with family and I had taken the five oldest grandchildren to the playground. A few minutes after we got there, I saw my mom walking towards me. “Did you hear what happened?” she asked. She proceeded to tell me that the electric pole (that fed one whole half of our campground) had fallen on our camper when there was a gust of wind. We were told to remove ourselves from our camper and our campsite immediately.

As I stood back a ways staring at that pole, I couldn’t stop thinking about what could have happened or stop thanking the Lord. Most of the family had been sitting quite near to that pole when it had gone down. My husband had been inside the camper. Had it fallen in a different direction… Other scenes played out in my mind as I considered the “what-ifs”. Why had God spared us such terrible heartache on vacation when other families are not spared? Just recently, I read of the little girl of a Christian family who was killed by a splintering badminton racket while they were on vacation. We can’t know His reasons or His purposes. Sometimes, we don’t understand His timing. But we can be thankful for each day we are given. Each one is like a precious jewel; a gift that will eventually no longer be given.

It is such a vivid reminder that we are ALL going face Him at some point. We may get a terminal diagnosis and have a bit of time to contemplate where we are going to spend eternity. But we may not.

A few weeks ago, I was at the funeral of someone whose eternal state was undetermined. We had the opportunity to share the Gospel with this man whom my husband had been friends with for many years. At one point, we thought he understood. But our last visit with him in the hospital left us both discouraged. He seemed to be basing his salvation on his own goodness rather than on Christ’s righteousness. We were disheartened.

His was an extremely difficult funeral to sit through. The pastor didn’t know the deceased and he read scripture passages and readings from a book he held in his hand (not a Bible but some kind of book specifically for funerals, I assume).

As this pastor spoke, he claimed the promises from scripture for the man whose life had been snuffed out by cancer. As I thought about this, I thought of how many profess Christ and claim the promises of the Bible but never live for Him or follow His commands.

Are the promises of scripture for those who lived their entire lives living in sin and loving the world? Are they for the person whose entire focus for their entire life was on their own dreams, desires, and delights? Are they for the person who never repented of sin? Who never felt convicted of anything? Who lived just like the rest of the world? Who never even thought about following Christ’s commands?

They are not. The Bible’s promises are for the genuinely saved person who recognizes their sinfulness, turns from it and relies on Christ alone for salvation; who takes up their cross, denies self, and follows after Christ.

We can live for Christ for our entire lives or it may be for just the few minutes we have before we die. We know from the thief on the cross and from the parable of the field that salvation is available to all who are still breathing. But it does yield a true change of heart whenever it occurs.

The Bible gives us a clear description of those who can claim the promises of God. It shows us how their desires and priorities change after salvation. Some passages to study are Matthew 5, John 15, Colossians 3, Galatians 5, I John 2. There are so many more. But this can get you started. These passages describe the evidence found in a life that has truly been redeemed by Christ.

One day we will all come face to face with God.

We will either face God as a repentant sinner saved by grace through Christ alone; as one who has been given a heart of flesh along with changed desires. If we are God’s own redeemed child, then we will be welcomed by our loving Savior to the place He has prepared a place for us (John 14:1-4). The Bible says that the Lord views the death of His saints as precious (Psalm 116:15).

OR we will face God as an unrepentant sinner with a heart of stone, still clinging to sin and this world; trying, in vain, to claim that that our “good deeds” were enough to render us right with God and give us admittance into heaven on our own merit. Those who never turned to Christ will find out too late that they have no merit to offer and that salvation and eternal life are found in Christ alone.

I can’t make you or anyone else believe the Bible is true. I can’t convince you that God’s Word teaches that the evidence of a true believer, according to God’s Word, is a life lived for Christ that distances itself more and more from sin and from the things of this world (never perfectly, of course, but always growing and changing, be it ever so slowly or quickly…) It’s a life that submits to and obeys God’s Word.

God isn’t interested in our “decision for Christ”. Anyone can make a decision. What matters is how we have lived after we have made that decision. Do our lives give evidence that we really believe what we said we believed when we made that “decision”? Did we really repent of our sin or did we just simply “accept Christ”?

Many times, people aren’t even told the true Gospel. If you aren’t sure you understand or want to know more about what the Bible teaches about how you can be saved and made into a new creature, you can find out more information here.

I hope I never have to go to such a hopeless funeral ever again. But I am sure I will. Many are those who aren’t prepared to see Jesus.

When we were visiting with my husband’s friend in the hospital, he shared how he couldn’t believe that in just a few short months he was facing death. He had felt so good not that long ago. But life had changed…and it had changed quickly.

That day is coming for each one of us and there is simply nothing more important than being ready to face God when we are on the cusp of eternity.

Reel Theology

Yesterday, a friend was disturbed by the content of a reel and asked me to watch it. So I did. After watching it, the word “disturbed” is probably too mild.

It began with a woman confidently telling me that what I always thought the Bible meant regarding the verse “turn the other cheek” (Matthew 5:39) was actually ALL wrong and that all Christians were, well, wrong in their understanding about this verse for the last two thousand years. Yes, the Church had gotten it all wrong all these years.

However, SHE knew and was going to tell me what it actually meant and went on to give some definition that included the word “oppression”. *eye roll*

This is not an isolated incident. Do you realize how many people are getting their theology from social media? Perhaps not you. But so many. Particularly the younger generation. And particularly women.

Someone once suggested to me that perhaps this is what Paul meant in 2 Timothy 3 when he says this—

For among them are those who enter into households and captivate weak women weighed down with sins, led on by various impulses, always learning and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth. (v. 7-8)

False teachers coming into our homes and teaching us but never leading us to the truth. Twisting, turning, botching Bible verses with confidence and charisma.

Are there a few people who are trying to use social media to speak the truths of God’s Word? Yes, there sure are. I hope I am one of them. But we aren’t popular. Because the way is narrow and the masses will not be drawn to the whole truth of God’s Word.

Let’s take a step back and really consider what is going on, shall we? Why is there this free-for-all theological atmosphere? Why are there never any cries of “heresy” or “false doctrine” anymore? What happened?

It didn’t happen instantly. And it didn’t happen without intention.

Long ago, God moved holy men to write down His words (2 Peter 1:21). In His Book, the Bible, we read of what the last days are going to look like. In fact, the verses from 2 Timothy, chapter 3 above are part of a longer description of these last days. We also read in Revelation of what is coming in earth’s final days, which includes a one world religion.

So just how do you go about getting “Christians”—by Christians I am not meaning genuine believers in Jesus Christ who truly love Him and live for Him but, rather, those who profess to love Him but live wholly for self—how do you go about getting these fake Christians to join a one world religion?

It must start by taking their eyes off the Word of God. It’s too exclusive. Its definitions too narrow. Its meaning too clear. If you can deceive the people into thinking it can be interpreted however they want and that it can mean many different things…or that the meaning they always thought was true isn’t “actually the real meaning” or that it holds no authority in their lives…well, then this changes everything, doesn’t it?

Do we even realize how different this is when compared to Christianity of yesteryear? It’s a totally different religion. I read this yesterday regarding this—

A common theme runs through much of the so-called Christian literature published over the past thirty years or so. Readers are generally addressed on the assumption that they want (a) personal, supernatural experiences, (b) evidence or demonstrations of divine power, and (c) the opportunity to fix the world in God’s name. This is the great screen onto which the various doctrines and teachings of contemporary ‘Christian’ literature are being projected.

Yet, if we went back a hundred years or so we would find that the vast majority of Christians did not think like this. They were content to live by faith, without experiences, and without supernatural proof. And their common goal was, not to fix the world, but to preach the gospel. They were not seeking to wield and demonstrate spiritual power, but to ensure that as many souls as possible heard the good news of salvation and received a solid grounding in Christian doctrine. ~Jeremy James

He’s right. If we went back a hundred years ago, we’d find that mysticism and the thirst for supernatural experiences would have been viewed as heretical; the goal to fix the world would have been viewed as unbiblical and quite liberal.

Amazing what Satan can accomplish in just a hundred years, isn’t it? But it has been way more than a hundred years. He’s been working towards the final years defined in Revelation and preparing for the antichrist for much longer than that. If we take the time to study history, we can see that he’s been feverishly working toward this final day for many millennia. And it would appear that the world is almost ready.

We must remember that the Tribulation will not happen in a vacuum. The world and the mainstream church (again, I am not talking about the genuine remnant) will have to be readied for what is going to take place.

Reel theology is helping this to happen. As are social justice causes and pastors and authors who twist scripture to appeal to our flesh. Divine encounters, “conversations” with God, trips to heaven and hell, dreams of “Isa”. All of these serve to move the eyes of the professing church from the Bible to their experiences, which is mysticism. This is not an accident.

The hearts and minds of the people must be moved from the Bible to their own vain imaginations.

It’s also important to note here that Satan is so happy to provide supernatural experiences and voices and dreams to help his cause along. Just because something is supernatural does not mean it came from God. Oh, how important to remember this in this age of rampant deception! The Bible tells us that Satan comes as an “angel of light” 2 Cor 11:14. I am quite sure he is even willing to lose a few to God in order to accomplish his greater purpose. People can be saved by false teachers and their encounters with “Jesus”. But that doesn’t mean these things are of God.

And so we must be so careful. And we must caution our children and our grandchildren to be so careful.

I feel like a broken record but, again, I just have to say: Our only protection is knowing the Bible. It is—and has been— the inerrant, inspired, and ONLY basis of the true Christian faith since its existence.

Godly men and women who have gone on before us have stayed faithful to the Word of God through many a challenge and trial and trouble. Many were persecuted and even martyred. May we follow on their footsteps in this all-out war against God’s Word.

The Tangled Mess

I was crocheting a blanket and the time had come to use a new color. I grabbed the end from the center of the bright yellow ball of yarn. Things went fine…for awhile. But soon I found that every time I’d try to pull the yarn it would inevitably get tangled with the other end. Somehow the two ends were both coming from inside the skein (usually one is wrapped around the outside) and it was taking a lot of the joy out of my relaxing hobby.

I finally cut the yarn end from the project and decided to roll the skein into a ball. That should make it much easier to work with. But rolling it into a ball was no easy task. It was the strangest thing. While I would occasionally be able to roll up a long piece of the yellow yarn, I would soon find myself foiled by that aggravating end over and over again. The two ends were so entwined with one another that even rolling it into a ball was a difficult task that took much time. I did contemplate just buying another skein but here was this perfectly fine yarn in front of me. How silly to purchase more! At this point, it was the principle! I worked on it for several hours but finally, late last night, I groaned with frustration.

“What’s wrong?” asked my husband. I held up my yarn and told him how frustrating this task was. Never one to back down from a challenge, he told me to let him try. I most gladly handed the whole tangled mess over to him.

In a few minutes, he, too, agreed that it was an impossible task. The yarn was so snarled that it hardly seemed worth it. He did work on it for a while, making the ball of yarn a bit bigger. But, finally, he gave it to me and asked if I thought this was good enough. You can see from the photo above that there is quite a bit of yarn left but…well, life is just too short for some things!

As I sat there rolling that yarn, I did a lot of thinking. The whole situation reminded me an awful lot of life and our attempts at creating something useful and beautiful from an unorganized, sinful mess. The end that kept getting in my way and causing all of the problem was like my sin. Just always there, tripping me up, making life harder. Once in awhile, I would grab one of my needles to help me with an especially difficult knot. This reminded me of the living Word of God that pierces between joint and marrow and is a discerner of the heart (Hebrews 4:12). What my own fingers found as an impossible task, the needle not only made possible but even rather easy.

After I had given up, I realized that the tangled skein of yarn is like my life without Christ. I can work and work and work at it on my own and, perhaps, even have a time of smooth sailing and even be able to make some positive life changes. But without Christ, it is all in naught and I will eventually be beaten by my sin. If not in life, then in death. Sin will win, if Christ isn’t called upon.

The yarn also reminded me of how lost I would be without the Bible, which was given as a gift by God to us, His people. For where else do we learn of Who Christ is? Of what sin is? Where do we find true comfort? Just as my fingers couldn’t undo many of those knots in the yarn, so, too, our human vain philosophies and theories can’t provide any help in the midst of the temptations and trials we face. I needed that needle and we need the Word of God.

Lastly, I was reminded of how much sin gets in my way. Oh, how those sins we wrongly call “minor” knot up our lives. Sins like complaining; self-pity; being offended; loving the world and the things of this world; striving for popularity or wealth or health more than we are striving to grow in Christ; and so many others. They all keep us from being who we have been called to be by God. Denying self and its lusts, we must take up our cross and follow Jesus (Luke 9:23) All too often, we want to indulge self rather than deny it and this has its consequences in our lives.

I can walk away from that bright yellow ball of yarn. But I can’t walk away from my life. Because I am human, I will always struggle with sin, with wanting to love the world, and with a life that is messy and tangled, at some level. But intentionally confessing my sin, turning from the world, and working, through the help of the Holy Spirit, to be more Christlike and holy each and every day will yield much fruit in my spiritual life.

The other day I was talking with someone about how hard it is to follow the truth of God’s Word–all of it, not just the easy, comforting parts. The Bible tells us things our flesh doesn’t like–such as asking us to not be a friend of the world, denying self, and calling us to be holy and separated as a people. It reminds us to expect suffering for our choice to live for Christ. And while submitting and obeying God’s Word may lead to a more difficult outward life (the ridicule and persecution is real)–our ball of yarn (our inward life) unwinds so much more smoothly and easily. God really does keep His promises and those who follow His truth–all of it and no matter the cost–will find that the blessings that come from that are worth the ridicule, the suffering, and the persecution. God truly does bless those who seek Him.

Who knew unraveling a ball of yarn could be so thought-provoking?

Strength for What? (Life Lessons from Philippians)

I remember years ago seeing a photo on Instagram that showed someone working out at the gym with a verse from Philippians 4 written below it. I also remember being vaguely affronted about this. I didn’t think this was quite what that verse meant. But I never really went to the Bible to study the context and life continued on.

But this week, I find myself in Philippians, chapter four (and you do, too, if you are participating in the Growing4Life 2024 Bible Reading Challenge) and I am finding out that this specific verse does have some context we should consider.

The verse was Philippians 4:13. Let’s be reminded of what this says–

 I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.

Before writing this specific verse, Paul fills us in a bit on what has happened in his life and how He has been learning to be content, no matter what state he is in. He is able to be content in difficult circumstances because Christ gives him what he needs. And he is able to be content in wonderful circumstances because Christ gives him what he needs. Whether the need be material or it be an attitude–such as patience or humility–Christ supplies it. This is why Paul concludes this section with “I can do all things through Christ“. It is Christ who enables us to be content and to do the good works He has planned for us (Ephesians 2:10), no matter our circumstances.

Lehman Strauss, in his commentary on Philippians, puts it like this–

This is no idle boast nor is it the voice of one telling us that he always gets his own way. Rather it is the testimony of a godly man to the power of the indwelling Christ.

This verse is not a self-centered life verse that will enable us to do what we want. This seems to be where so many end up when they pull this verse out of its context. Instead, we must realize that this is about being able to do all that Christ has for us to do.

Again, Lehman Strauss, puts it so well–

But what does Paul mean by “all things”? Not all things we might like to do, but all the things we ought to do. If you have never taken lessons in flying an airplane, do not get into the cockpit and take off. I doubt very much if you would have a right to expect the Lord to give you a happy landing. I refuse to jump into water that is over my head, simply because I cannot swim. But in those things we know are required of us, we must learn to tackle them in Christ’s strength. Whatever we need, we must turn to Christ for its supply, and He will be in us the Power to do and be. To the weak He is Strength; to the ignorant He is Wisdom; to those lacking courage He is their courage; to the proud He is their Humility. Paul could be wanting for food and shelter without bitterness or complaint, but only through Christ. On the other hand he could be abounding in an oversupply of this world’s goods and not be conceited or proud, but only through Christ. The ability of Christ knows no inability; why not trust Him?

I’ve been thinking quite a bit about this self-centered “Christianity” that makes everything about US. No matter what subject we are discussing or what good work we are doing, we somehow almost always end up with “How will this affect me”? (Make me feel valued, give me self esteem, fulfill my dream, bring me glory or popularity).

One of the best things we can do for our Christian walk is to move from that kind of thinking and, instead, ask ourselves “How will this affect God”? (Will this bring Him praise and glory? Will it show His value? Will it esteem Him? Is this His will?)

God makes some really special promises to those who desire to live a life that is God-centered rather than self-centered. Philippians 4:13 is one of these promises. He will enable us to do what He desires us to do. He will enable us to live the way He wants us to live.

But this promise is not for the one who lives a self-centered life who treats God like a genie in the sky, believing He can be manipulated to give them their own way. This kind of life will only lead to heartache.

And, therein lies the beauty and uniqueness of the true and dedicated Christian life. When God is placed at the center, we are our happiest and most joyful selves. Serving God is what we were created to do. And, as Paul shows us in this chapter, this fills us with a contentment as no other thing can do. God has abundant promises and blessings for the one who seeks Him. These promises are throughout scripture and they are amazing and TRUE.

But these promises are only for those who want to live out the Christian life as God has laid down clearly in His Word. He desires we live a life of submission to His will and obedience to His commands. And, if we long to do this (although we will never do this perfectly), then we can be confident that God will give us the strength from day to day through Christ for all He has for us to do. It’s a beautiful promise and it will not go unfulfilled, for those that seek the Lord.

Who Is Jesus According to…? A Study of Religions (Before We Begin)

I’ve spent the last few weeks really studying who Jesus is in God’s Word and comparing this to a specific false religion that uses His name. As I’ve been studying, I realized that there are two key points that need to be shared before we can really get started on this series. The first one will be extremely helpful in ascertaining whether or not a religion using the name of “Jesus” is true or false. And the second point is beyond important as we continue on. Please don’t miss it.


It is critical to remember that, to God, there are only two religions: True Religion and False Religion. God has given us all we need to know to worship Him as He desires in His Holy Word. It is there we find true religion. Any religion that doesn’t submit to or abide by His Word is a false religion.

Now, I recognize that some may ask how is the Bible different from any other “Holy Book” and why is Christianity so special? Why is THIS the only (and exclusive) religion? While it is not the point of this post to delve too deeply into this question (which can be clearly answered, by the way), I would like to share the one thing that was rather an “Ah-Ha” moment for me personally regarding this specific question.

Did you know that Christianity is the ONLY religion where you don’t have to DO anything? There is nothing YOU can do to merit salvation. Heaven is a free gift, given by God because He loves us (John 3:16). It has nothing to do with works in any way (Ephesians 2:8-9).

All false religions, whether they use the name of Jesus or not, rely on good works at some level to merit eternal life. THIS is HOW Christianity is different. And THIS is why it’s the only true way.

God, in His amazing grace, reached down to sinful man and offered the free gift of salvation to those who seek Him. It’s an awe-inspiring and critical difference.

So this is how you know if a religion is true or false.

NOW, I would like to add here that there is a false religion that relies on a “decision to accept Christ” that has a heretical view of God’s Grace and true biblical faith. This, too, is a FALSE religion. To declare that one is saved simply because of a sentence that was said when moved emotionally and then yet to go on living the same sinful, worldly life is NOT true Christianity. We know this because the Bible tells us that such a change is wrought in the true child of God that they can’t help but be transformed in some way! We become a “new creature” as Paul puts it (2 Corinthians 5:17) As we are changed into the image of Christ, we all change at different rates and we must have grace for one another. But the Bible clearly shows us that if we aren’t changed at some level, then we aren’t saved. The difference is this: Our holy lives and good works aren’t the means of our salvation, they are the evidence of it.

I may actually feature this false religion that people view as “Christianity” later on in this series, as it seems that so many people have been deceived by this false teaching which has eternal consequences.


As I have been praying and thinking more about this upcoming series, I was struck by something rather profound. As we take some time to take a look at these religions that are using the name of our precious Savior in erroneous ways, it may be tempting for us to grow angry at those who are deceiving others or to be frustrated with family members or friends who just can’t see the truth.

It is critical to realize that it is the system that is false and, yes, even satanic. The people—no matter their role, whether leader or follower—well, they are, to put it simply, deceived.

They are our mission field. They are not our enemy.

According to scripture, our enemy is not flesh and blood. Our enemy is the devil. (Ephesians 6:11-12) He may use, manipulate, and deceive people. But the people are not our real enemy. They are simply deceived tools in the hands of our enemy.

How essential to keep this in mind as we continue on in this study. Our hearts should rightly be filled with righteous anger as we contemplate the deception that has robbed these lost souls of joy and peace and hope and we should weep for them.

It is my prayer that this series will be of great help to you in your conversations with those caught up in these false systems but find themselves seeking the Truth. And that, through the Holy Scriptures, you will be better equipped to reveal the errors that they have believed and point them to the light and life and freedom that can only be found in the true Jesus, the Jesus of the Bible.

Next week, we will lay the foundation for the rest of the series and answer the question: Who is Jesus, according to the Bible?

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