For awhile now, my daughter, Jess, has been researching some of the popular teachers and movements that are under the umbrella of “Christianity” and comparing what she finds to what scripture teaches. She will then write about what she finds on her personal social media accounts. I have asked for her permission to re-post some of these and she has graciously agreed.
I am sharing them because: First, I want you, my reader, who may not be on social media to also have access to this important information. And, second, a blog post link is easier to find, share, print, and reference than a social media post. This can sometimes be helpful as you do your own research or as you seek to talk about these important topics with your family and friends.
I wanted to compile all of these on one page so you can come here to easily find them. So that is the purpose of this page. This will continue to be added to, so check back once in awhile to make sure you didn’t miss any!
You will also find here posts on popular teachers and movements that are written by myself or by someone else who has agreed to let me share their research with you here on the blog. I hope this page is helpful. Below is what is available so far.
Click to find just how these people and movements line up with what scripture teaches–