2019 Bible Reading Challenge

Thanks to the encouragement of a friend, I read the Bible through for the first time in my whole life in 2014. It was life-changing in that it helped me to see and understand the cohesive and consistent theme that runs throughout God’s entire Word.

Knowing just how invaluable it was for me to do this, I decided to provide the same challenge for my readers back in 2015. We followed a chronological schedule and this gave both me and my participating readers a deeper understanding of God’s Word in its proper context. I have decided to repeat this same challenge for the Growing4Life 2019 Bible Reading Challenge.

I am going to once again use the Daily Chronological Bible for a couple of different reasons. First, if you read with me four years ago and would like to join this challenge, you won’t need to get a different Bible. Second, there is a matching PDF schedule for anyone who would like to use their own Bible, thus making this extremely affordable for anyone while also giving you the option to use a different version of the Bible (I recommend you use NASB, KJV, NKJV, or ESV. And I recommend you don’t use the corrupted Message version). And, third, there is a link with audio for each day with this particular chronological schedule, which is a wonderful help for busy days!

We will be using the Daily Chronological Bible. You can purchase yours at Amazon, Lifeway, or Barnes and Noble.

If you want to use your own Bible, here is a PDF schedule to print out: Chronological Bible Reading Plan

There are also audio recordings to go with these readings. They are a wonderful extra and sometimes are even a helpful replacement for those busy days when you don’t have time to sit down and read. Put this on in your car on the way to soccer practice or while you wash dishes. You can find the audio recording here at this link: Read the Bible for Life Daily Audio Bible

(UPDATE: 1/3/19: Apparently this audio recording is no longer available. I am working with the company to see if they will get it back up and running, although it does not sound promising. Meanwhile, a reader told me that this plan is also on the Bible.com app. You will find it here. It is also available as an app for your phone.)

And, like the past few years, I will have a Facebook group where I will post reminders, helpful articles, posts, and encouragement to keep us going. Find the Facebook group here and click on “Join Group”.

I also created a helpful chart that corresponds the weeks with the 2019 dates. That will help you keep track and figure out where you are if you get behind. You can find that chart here.

For those of you who would like an extra challenge, I am also adding an optional book to read along with me. Several years ago, I purchased a book called “The King In His Beauty”. It is a biblical theology that explores the main theme of scripture from beginning to end. I had determined that the next time I read through the Bible, I would read this book, too.

While I know not everyone will be interested in reading along in this book, I thought there might be a few of you who might be. And so I came up with a chapter schedule for this book that corresponds as closely as possible with what we will be reading in our chronological schedule.

You can find that schedule HERE.

This is not an inexpensive book. Whether you purchase it on Amazon or AbeBooks, it will cost between $30-40. However, if we think about it, we easily invest $35 on a new outfit or a dinner out. When we really think about our priorities, spending a little money on this book will be money well spent if it deepens our knowledge of God’s Word.

I look forward to reading God’s wonderful Word with you in 2019!



I have decided to give one copy of The King In His Beauty away to one of my regular readers. This is for subscribers only. I will hold a drawing on or around December 15, 2018. I will ship the book to you free of charge. I am doing this just for fun at my own expense.

If you are a subscriber and would like to be included in the drawing for this book, please email me at leslie {at} growing4life {dot} net with the word “DRAWING” in the subject line. If you aren’t a subscriber, please feel free to subscribe to the blog (click here to subscribe) and then, using the same e-mail address, send me an email at leslie {at} growing4life {dot} net to let me know you’d like to be entered in the drawing. I am sure there is a much more efficient way to do a giveaway, but, honestly, I don’t have time to figure it out right now, so this will have to do for this year!