
2 thoughts on “A-christmas-carol1”

  1. Amen! Big Amen! Leslie, it is TODAY that I have to make a big decision, for my family life. I prayed before reading your post exactly how I pray before I read my Bible! God used your post to show me exactly what I have to do, IF I am in the Lord: “not to go somewhere”. Satan is trying to convince me to go there, he is giving me plenty of carnal/material reasons, he is putting in my mind that I have to go for so many reasons. Thank you, Leslie, for all the verses that you put in your post. So helpful! God is saying to me this morning: “Just don t go and I promise that I will watch over you and your family. I am in control of everything and I now exactly what I have to do. Even if it s painful, it will help you and your kids to grow spiritually. Just trust me and continue to pray for this person.” I am so thankful for your post! Merry Christmas, Leslie! May God richly bless you and your big family! Hugs! Love in Christ, Cristina.

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