Don’t Let it Go


Oh my goodness. I was looking up the lyrics to the popular song “Let It Go” for a different blog post (which will still be coming one of these days) and found something so worrisome, I just have to share it.

You see, little girls (and even quite a few little boys) are singing this song at the top of their lungs across this nation. As Christians, most of us tend to view Disney as fairly innocuous. And before you think I am on some vendetta against Disney, let me assure you that is not the case. I love stories with princesses and happy endings as much as the next guy.

But reading these lyrics made me realize that they are not neutral when it comes to what is being pushed on all of us in this nation. And what is that? It is that there are no absolutes. We are all free to decide in our own mind what is right and what is wrong.

Here are the lyrics I found–

It’s time to see what I can do
To test the limits and break through
No right, no wrong, no rules for me
I’m free

I know that many of you will think I am –as the cliche goes–making a mountain out of a mole hill. Others of you will shrug your shoulders and not care. But please keep reading.

Am I suggesting that we ban Disney movies from our homes? No, that is not my point. That is between you and God.

What I do want to talk about is teaching our kids discernment.

If you see something on any kids’ movie that is completely opposite of biblical truth, do you speak to them about it? Do you discuss it and share with them why this does not agree with God’s Word? Even two year olds can understand that mommy and daddy want to honor God and this song or phrase doesn’t do that.

But are we even having the conversations?

These conversations are pretty easy and productive when your children are small. They are like little sponges and it is a wonderful time to fill them with the resources they need to live a life that pleases God. However, as they grow older, it takes a little more courage, because you will get ridiculed and teased by teenagers and they will think you are very annoying and maybe even a little crazy.

Just keep going back to the Word of God.

You see, it’s not my opinion or your opinion that matters. The only opinion we should care about is God’s. If we can teach our kids that from the time they are little, we will be well on our way to raising young people who put their faith in God.

Now to go on a little rabbit trail–

I know that some of you are probably thinking that it is hard to even know what God’s Word says with all of the interpretations out there. And I agree with you. I have seen, in the last few decades, the flood of scriptural “interpretations” and confusing commentaries on scripture that have been let loose on the church so that even we Christians can get confused about what God’s Word says exactly. This is when I go back to history– what has the true church taught for thousands of years? Because, let’s be honest, God’s Word didn’t change 50 years ago to give a carte blanche on man’s sinful desires (2 Thessalonians 2:15).

So, instead of using the “Bible is confusing” as an excuse to avoid good discussions, why  don’t we commit right now–today– to study the Bible ourselves and see what the Holy Spirit has to teach us? If you don’t know where to begin, then click here for a great website to get you started on studying God’s Word.

It is only by doing this that we will have the knowledge necessary to combat the attacks against scripture that are coming from all sides– even in the form of an “innocuous” Disney movie.



8 thoughts on “Don’t Let it Go”

  1. Wow! I haven’t seen the movie or heard the lyrics to the song yet. It is so easy to forget about looking at something from a biblical standpoint when you’re not paying attention! Satan knows just how to sneak things in and make them look so harmless!

  2. Hello. I found you over at Woman Living Well with Courtney Joseph and read this post about song lyrics. I found it fantastic because I just did one about a Sophia the First song and a Planes song on my blog…today. *big smile* There are some good children’s movies out there and some not so good movies out there for kids and adults. Thank you for sharing this post. Have a great day growing in His ways as you remember to pray always. Sincerely, Mommy of two growing blessings & so much more!

  3. Somtimes I fear that my children will get frustrated with us for pausing the DVD so often while watching these movies. We are continually stopping the movie to discuss something. The Frozen movie is a very cute movie, but it also provided some great discussion.

  4. I read this post soon after you posted and I have had some thought in my head ever since but really debated about sharing them.
    I totally believe in the premise of your post – the incredible need to have a continuing conversation with our kids about what they watch and what they see. Discernment IS something that is not practiced in our world these days – and not just our kids’ generation!!
    I also very strongly believe in CONTEXT. Just as we cannot interpret scripture accurately without knowing the context of the verse/chapter and then we compare it to the rest of scripture, we cannot interpret ANYTHING or ANYONE if we don’t understand the context they come from. This not to say that truth is relative according to your situation. Truth is absolute and Truth is a person, not an idea. Just as we do not want to be interpreted based on one exchange or one day in our lives, we cannot come to a conclusion about another person or a movie based on one song or one line.
    An example I remember so clearly from high school was my English teacher – who was no Christian. He had a verse posted on his desk from the beginning of Revelation. Revelation 1:3 if I recall correctly. The poster said ‘Blessed is he who reads’. Wow. Cool. Then I went and looked up the actual verse and it continues and says that the person who reads aloud and listens to and obeys the words of this prophesy. Whoa. That really changes the who meaning.
    If we look at the whole context of the movie, Frozen, yes Elsa is singing about making her own decision – throwing away the restraints that have held her back for years. But if we look at the whole context, we see that she learns by the end of the movie that she really CAN”T throw away her past and her rules and do things her own way. Our decisions DO affect others. We can’t live in isolation.
    I love the movie Frozen because I think it portrays very well what happens when we try to live up to the expectations of someone else or even what we think we are supposed to do. Trying to be the perfectionist. Trying to control. Stuffing our emotions and then when we can’t handle it anymore, we throw it all away and do our own thing. Else was controlled by her fear – and so tried to control everything in herself. She tried to hide. We all do this in our everyday lives. How well does Satan know how to push our buttons and put the things in our lives or our minds that cause us to react out of our ‘knee jerk’ reaction of fear.
    Had Elsa learned from the time that she discovered her magical gift – not how to hide it or stuff it – but how to use it and not fear it, she would never have reached the point where she feels like she has to let it all go.
    If we look at the beginning of the song, we see

    A kingdom of isolation,
    And it looks like I’m the queen.

    The wind is howling like this swirling storm inside
    Couldn’t keep it in, heaven knows I tried!

    Don’t let them in, don’t let them see
    Be the good girl you always have to be
    Conceal, don’t feel, don’t let them know
    Well, now they know!

    Before Elsa sings the above song, she and her sister sing a duet called ‘For the First Time in Forever’, we see Elsa’s frame of mind as she begins her Coronation Day – the fear that is filling her and what she thinks she needs to do:

    Don’t let them in, don’t let them see
    Be the good girl you always have to be
    Conceal, don’t feel, put on a show
    Make one wrong move and everyone will know
    But it’s only for today

    Elsa is completely terrified as she beings this day that is supposed to be so special in her life. She is eaten up by the fear that people might see that she’s not what they think she is. That she is broken. That she is less than what she ‘should’ be.
    I think this happens many times in Christianity – we learn the lie that we have to live up to some standard and be this image of what we think God wants of us – and we stuff and we control and we perform and we live behind a mask and when we can’t handle it anymore – we choose to walk away or we choose to live in depression because we can’t live up to the perceived expectations we think God has of us and yet we can’t walk away from Him and reject Him. And so we live in the depression that comes from our inner world living in conflict.
    Yes, God calls us to holiness. Yet he knows that we can’t live up to that expectation and so he has come to do it FOR us. This is the Good News – forgiveness, acceptance, love and transformation!
    I am not sure if you have watched the movie yet – it sounds like you hadn’t when you wrote the blog. I am sure that Disney did not intend to give such a dramatic story of redemption!! But I think it’s also important to be discerning and see the stories of redemption and restoration that are in the world around us – even Disney!! I come from a family that has vilified Disney, by the way. :-)
    Anyway, for what it’s worth, this is what has been swirling around in my mind when I think of Frozen. Thanks for listening!!

    1. Hmmm…I think you may have misunderstood my post. Not only have I watched it (several times), we also own it. I think you make some great points about the movie, with which I agree. What I had hoped to convey is that we have an absolute obligation to discern for ourselves and our children and to be having these conversations. Talking to our kids about the themes and things you mentioned above is important. Most families do not do this. The line of that song is not right and, if taken out of the context of the movie, can be very misleading to young minds. And while I actually really like many Disney movies, I do see them pushing on this culture the “no absolutes, follow your heart” message. It’s a conversation we’ve had in our home on many occasions. We have made the choice to have the conversation and not ban them categorically. Other people make different decisions, which I respect. I just really wanted to encourage people to at least think about what their kids watch and have the discussions. I do appreciate your thoughts and, quite honestly, hadn’t even thought that deeply about the movie’s plot so thanks for sharing your insights! :)

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